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Willie, Week 1


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I'm not convinced that Frank made up lies. I didn't hear Willie mock Wil but I can so see him doing something like that. He's a redneck who's had it in for Wil since the first day for no apparent reason. I'd love to see the conversation and determine for myself. I did hear Willie use the N word without hesitation. I don't hate Willie because of Russell either. I was a huge Russell fan and still believe he deserved to win Survivor...twice, because he played the best game. Willie is a paranoid schizo and apparently it's contagious. Brit's as bad as he is with the paranoia. They both screwed up their strong alliance for no good reason. It was very obvious that Willie had a secret alliance with Frank while constantly accusing Janelle of aligning with Dan/Kara/Danielle when she wasn't. He thought everybody else was doing what he did.

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I'm not convinced that Frank made up lies. I didn't hear Willie mock Wil but I can so see him doing something like that. He's a redneck who's had it in for Wil since the first day for no apparent reason. I'd love to see the conversation and determine for myself. I did hear Willie use the N word without hesitation. I don't hate Willie because of Russell either. I was a huge Russell fan and still believe he deserved to win Survivor...twice, because he played the best game. Willie is a paranoid schizo and apparently it's contagious. Brit's as bad as he is with the paranoia. They both screwed up their strong alliance for no good reason. It was very obvious that Willie had a secret alliance with Frank while constantly accusing Janelle of aligning with Dan/Kara/Danielle when she wasn't. He thought everybody else was doing what he did.

I saw the part where Willie suposidly mocked Will (gay slur) and that didn't happen. He did throw up his arms and say what happened with the 25 hour no campainging? Frank 100% made up the lie about the gay slur. Frank is a real slimeball. I have noticed that Willie is a bad liar and has trouble but Frank can just let his lies flow out of his mouth.

I am not saying the racial remark didn't happen but all the places I have searched for a link to the remark I have not found anyone that posted it. I think if he did then that is stupid of him. I have to hear my 4 nephews and their friends use the word nigga all the time and I tell them I am affended by the word. Half their friends are black and they all use that language together. I don't care what color of person says the word it is offensive.

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Britt was witness to this Willie/Frank conversation and told Willie she knew he was not slurring Wil. Also Willie is an animated conversationalist. He uses his hands to emphasize his words.

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Not one person here said they "hate" Willie. Not only has he kept up a lot of drama but he made this year better than the last two combined so far. What has been said is the homosexual "incident" was an exaggeration, it was wrong of him to use the half racial slur with the "a" that the kids think is cool (but people who were alive during Jim Crow do not) and that it was very inarticulate of him to not be able to defend himself better with Frank. He should have spoken up but he froze and said "I can't talk " disappointing but not hate worthy.

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Here's a clip: [media=]

Maybe it seemed "slurrish" to Frank but I think he definitely exaggerated it.

As for the N word, I know it was close to the time of the big fight and after Willie said it, he said he didn't care if he got kicked out for saying it.

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Frank will do anything to stay. If this exaggeration didn't ensure stupid Wil's vote, Frank would find other ways to convince Wil. By doing this, Frank is playing on Wil's insecurity.

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Well what a grand gesture by Willie this morning....Layin on one of the couches all by himself, while other HG's are still sleeping decided with both hands to flip us off....Hope your gone sooner then later Dude!

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Away from Willie, Wil was whining to Janelle about how "hurt" he is by being targeted.

IMO, this is political correctness gone amuck.

agree agree

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Not one person here said they "hate" Willie. Not only has he kept up a lot of drama but he made this year better than the last two combined so far. What has been said is the homosexual "incident" was an exaggeration, it was wrong of him to use the half racial slur with the "a" that the kids think is cool (but people who were alive during Jim Crow do not) and that it was very inarticulate of him to not be able to defend himself better with Frank. He should have spoken up but he froze and said "I can't talk " disappointing but not hate worthy.

I was not refering to the posters as hating Willie I am talking about the house guests. Frank did make up the lie, and as far as Willie saying or not saying the N word he has to deal with what he said. I want him to stick around because I think he will make it a good season and if he is a slime ball time will tell but what I don't like and what I meant by people being judgmental is that house. Janelle last night sticking to Ashley like glue when she has ignored her for the last week and Janelle, Booger and Dan all slaming Willie because he dare to tell people not to listen to them. Booger called Willie a homophobic jerk yesterday when talking to Wil and Wil said no I just think he is a dick. I guess I should better express myself when posting. Everyone is entitled to like or hate whomever they want and its not place to tell you who to like.
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I do not care about Wil. He is a mess and imo has bigger problems than how someone like Willie treats him. I do not care about Willie nor do I care whether Willie exists in a PC world or not. Means nothing to me. I will form an opinion from what people say and how they act. I suspect that Willie could not care less. That's his right. Same applies to Wil.

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The way the houseguests act you would have thought that Willie commited a crime and got away with it or something. I am very surprised that they are getting that upset about him yelling at Frank. I would have yelled too. The way they changed his words around sucks too. But what I am most upset about is the I have to look at Janelle's smug face and Booger too when Frank stays. I can only hope that one of Britanys team wins the hoh I may not be able to watch for the next week!

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Willie was fun for awhile, but he's become tiresome in the last day or so....

His biggest mistake so far was when he screwed the pooch by blowing up his own powerhouse 6 person alliance after Brit told him that Janelle had figured out that he & Frank had a 'secret' alliance... That was, without a doubt, fun TV, but his constant ranting about how everybody else is a lying fool has worn thin...

Poor Willie's overplaying makes for good TV but unfortunately he seems unable to keep himself from overplaying to the point of foolishness.

It's time for this entertaining nutcase to settle down and get his paranoid evil twin Skippy under control... fade into the wall paper Willie... Let that target you put on your own back fade a bit before your next insane move...


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Willie was fun for awhile, but he's become tiresome in the last day or so....

His biggest mistake so far was when he screwed the pooch by blowing up his own powerhouse 6 person alliance after Brit told him that Janelle had figured out that he & Frank had a 'secret' alliance... That was, without a doubt, fun TV, but his constant ranting about how everybody else is a lying fool has worn thin...

Poor Willie's overplaying makes for good TV but unfortunately he seems unable to keep himself from overplaying to the point of foolishness.

It's time for this entertaining nutcase to settle down and get his paranoid evil twin Skippy under control... fade into the wall paper Willie... Let that target you put on your own back fade a bit before your next insane move...


Thank you! and amen. :)
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Me too. I'm so over his repetitive talk with houseguest. I'm fastwording thru BBAD This is another reason why HG are tired of him


Well that link explains it. :D I'm pretty much over his mouth.

He gets so angry if he doesn't get his way. Jojo too. They act childish, which could still stir up some good fights, I hope. He'll stay long enough to cause some major drama but it's unlikely I'll be rooting for him or his team mates to stay. He is a bully who needs to take a lesson or two from the other coaches (coz Brit's lost complete control of her team). Willie's not smart enough to control anyone but Jojo and Shane, who constantly sit around his feet, pumping him up and cheering him on.

In the first week, Willie made a 'true' alliance with his own/Brit's team and Janelle's team, then he made a really true alliance with Frank, then he made a really, really true one with Ashley/Jojo. Now he goes around swearing he didn't do a thing wrong and can't understand why people don't trust him. If you come out playing that hard, expect to get caught up in your deceit. There's nothing to do in that house but talk and people will spill their guts most of the time. He's played dumb so far. I'm sure I'll enjoy the show until he's gone and he may yet turn his gameplay around and survive somehow.

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I don't think Janelle ever intended to truly ally with Brit's team. She just kissed Willie's but until the POV ceremony. I would never trust her again after this, if I were another coach.

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When I saw a Hantz in the game I thought, not going to like him. But, I gave him a one week chance. Know what? I don't like him. He's a bully and a liar (they all lie by the way). He plays BB game like his brother Russell played Survivor. Surrounding himself with a 2 -3 girl alliance. And, I don't think he likes women. Probably not the men either. He just likes Willie. And Willie is a dumb first week player.

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