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Willie, Week 1


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the good and bad about being hoh

the good his decision on who to nominate will probably be look upon as a group decision so he wont take all the heat

the bad he is the hoh :animated_bouncy:

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like brother, like brother... thought I was looking at Russell leap over them mattresses..

he is a competitor for sure..

I really thought they wouldnt see the resemblance off the bat.. haha

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They were onto him in a heartbeat! Why in the world if he wanted to hide being a Hantz didn't he make up a story about what he did and where he came from that wasn't a dead giveaway?

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They were onto him in a heartbeat! Why in the world if he wanted to hide being a Hantz didn't he make up a story about what he did and where he came from that wasn't a dead giveaway?

I seriously thought it would take them a while to make the connection.. all I had to hear was "I'm a huge Survivor fan..." and I said UHOH!

and when he said he was a drillman or whatever he said, the same thing Russell said his first season of Survivor, I'm like welp the jig is up! on day 1!!

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ideal strategy is to nominate two from same team so you dont piss off 2 teams

better to piss off one team then two and make a deal with others not on the block

pissing off two teams may force them to team up :animated_bouncy:

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ideal strategy is to nominate two from same team so you dont piss off 2 teams

better to piss off one team then two and make a deal with others not on the block

pissing off two teams may force them to team up :animated_bouncy:

I was thinking of that! However, I believe Mike and Janelle are going to team up! Remember they are playing for money too! His best bet is to go for another team but brits because he might need brit's team.

Now all Willie need is a hidden idol to save him from any evictions! LOL! Just go look around the house for something odd!

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Yeah I think that's going to cause some conflict because Idon't think who the coach's want to team up with with necessarily mesh with the players ideas.

Yep! But as history does repeat, the players get star struck and listen to them. Except for Willie, I believe he will play his own game. But the rest! PS and the rest on Brits team because she doesnt have a clue :lol: If Dan and Brit were smart, they would stick together. If you were paying attention, Janelle and Mike were already scheming in the kitchen who they were not going to pick (Willie) Boogie "Let Dan pick him" LOL!

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I have a feeling Willie might be playing his own game and doesn't really care about the coaches at all. I'd like to see him get 1 person from each of the groups to work with him ... If you could pull that off they could protect each other. Willie is the guy that might actually have to guts to try something like that! Play your game Willie not the coaches!

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willie arguing with britney in hoh room trying to persuade her that getting kara out is smart move and to saving frank is beneficial

#1 rule of hoh dont put someone on the block you dont want out :animated_bouncy:

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starting to be a trainwreck of an hoh for ole willie :animated_bouncy:

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I had hopes for Willie, but he is not thinking smart! Frank is going to gun for him! Boogie definitely sees Willie as a threat! Oh well! Very disappointed! Hope Frank doesnt win veto! I know Russell is like :wacko: " Can one of my relatives play the game" Willie should no better! Has he even watch the seasons! Mike Boogie is the Russell Hantz of Big Brother! Dont trust him!!!

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