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Daniele - Week 7 - Replacement Nominee


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she better hope porsche can pulled out this win :animated_bouncy:

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The FREE RIDE QUEEN rides again! She's no Judas, just a snotty brat who got there because of daddy. Hope her days are

numbered in the BB House.

Yeah, I would really like to see daniele and kalia NOT be in the HOH this week!

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win pov or go home

the votes arent going to be there to save her

she will see who her real friends are this week since it will be tough times for her :animated_bouncy:

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win pov or go home

the votes arent going to be there to save her

she will see who her real friends are this week since it will be tough times for her :animated_bouncy:

This is true because she really thinks there are a few people who are nuetral who are definitely with J/J

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I would do my best to get Daniele out of that house and off to keep Brendon company, PRONTO! Forget deals and supposed deals and maybe deals. Nominate her and work to keep her from winning POV.


I so hope y'all are right and she is the target this week.

Her best bet would have been to work with Brendon and Rachel. Oops, too late now.

Yup. Sad to say but someone said it first.......Brendon would have been Jeff's real competition tonight.

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Dani keeps saying it was a comp for men to win and you had to have longer legs. I have heard her say it about 3 times.

ummm that is the way the comps go. Back and forth.

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Dani keeps saying it was a comp for men to win and you had to have longer legs. I have heard her say it about 3 times.

ummm that is the way the comps go. Back and forth.

Exactly! What about the balance one she won!? Brenda and Jeff's big feet were sticking out then! :animated_bouncy:

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I've been reading the posts but have not had much time to post this season but am so happy Dani and co. are not on hoh this week.

Wasn't Dani and Kalia talking about Rachel being catty and talking about people. All Dani, Kalia and Porsche do is act like high school girls talking about Rachel and the others. I think they are so stupid and don't even realize they are the ones doing the most talking. I really wanted to like Dani but she screwed up early in the game and once she sided with Kalia that was it.

I hope Dani or Kalia is gone this week and the other one next week. I love how their attitude has changed now they are not in the hoh this week. Now they will see that their alliance is just the 3 of them and they don't have the numbers. I just hope Rachel doesn't do anything stupid this week to cause problems with J/J.

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The FREE RIDE QUEEN rides again! She's no Judas, just a snotty brat who got there because of daddy. Hope her days are

numbered in the BB House.

Daddy was gone the first week the show aired. She's still there and wins when she needs to. I suspect she'll win veto again. This girl is hella determined. I love it!

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Her only chance of staying this week IS to win POV.........IF she does, then she'll also have to win next HOH...... IF she does that, then she'd have to depend on K or P, whichever one stays, to win the 2nd. HOH in double eviction. Not that it couldn't happen but that's a lot of IF's.

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Everything turns so quickly on BB. It is not a good time for Daniele to be out of favor. Especially so, after all that hard work. She is a top contender and I would never count her out until uvp brings out the big lady singing. She has some enemies. Not good.

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The Veto ticket doesn't guarantee her a win. It only guarantees that she can play in the next veto comp (this week). Since she is guaranteed to play, Jeff should nom Kalia and Porche so that all 3 of the Free Ride Witches are forced to play and play hard. Kalia and Porche will be playing harder than ever because they know its one of their back sides if Dani wins. This makes it so that Dani has more competition against her. Nominating Dani and K or P does not guarantee that K or P (whoever is not nominated) will get to play Veto. Dani winning will end in the same result, no matter who is nominated. If K or P win, one of them will remove themselves and Jeff can put up Dani.

BUT, I dare say this wont happen. Its all about drama and the fakeness of the show will keep Dani around in the house because she and the Vets create friction. Sadly, I see Dani making the finals.

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that's my girl...go Dani she has played her heart out (not always smart) but the last 2-3 weeks it's been with her having most of the control. She's managed to put doubt in everyone. No one knows who is with who anymore. The only pairs you can bank on is Kalie/Dani and even that partnership would be sold out in a flash if it meant either were offered safety this week...then of course J&J the only true solid partnership.

the house has been turned upside down, Dani work you magic.

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