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Daniele - Week 7 - Replacement Nominee


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What a birthday - she's a have not, she is about to start her period, and just think, if she doesn't win POV, it will be a trifecta, because she will know she is going on the block.

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I would never rule Dani out of this game. I don't want her to win but she is a competitor for sure. I will be interested to see if she will take Kalia off if she does win. Not so sure that will happen after Kalia asked Dani to leave while she was talking to Jeff.

Last night she and Porsche stole all the towels in the house to make their beds more comfortable. Did BB make them put them back? Just curious :animated_scratchchin:

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She has been whining all day. She has cramps she needs Midol. She went to lay down with Porsche and production told them not to obstruct their mics... so Dani says lets sing. She starts singing and we get WBRB.

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She has been whining all day. She has cramps she needs Midol. She went to lay down with Porsche and production told them not to obstruct their mics... so Dani says lets sing. She starts singing and we get WBRB.

I hate when she acts that whiney. It reminds me of her first season. I've enjoyed Dani this season though. She's been fun to watch for the most part. Her sidekicks though?...eh...not so much. If it weren't for J/J, I'd almost hope one of the sidekicks go this week instead of Dani. I'd hate to see Porsche or Kalia skate through to the end. Dani, I wouldn't mind so much. She's a gameplayer. If she digs herself out of the whole she dug early on and makes it to the end, she'll deserve to be there. Whether or not she'll deserve the win is to be determined (totally dependant upon whether she'd be up against J/J or not, I admit.) :)

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What was she doing?

She was saying, "What's wrong with you, Danielle? You seem depressed." and "Do you hate me? Are you mad because I'm eating all your chocolate? I'll stop." ...and things like that She was basically trying to pick a fight by being a fecetious witch.

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She was saying, "What's wrong with you, Danielle? You seem depressed." and "Do you hate me? Are you mad because I'm eating all your chocolate? I'll stop." ...and things like that She was basically trying to pick a fight by being a fecetious witch.

Do you know the approximate time?

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Do you know the approximate time?

11:26 pm so 2:26 BBAD . Rachel was trying to get her irritated for tomorrow to throw off her game :animated_rotfl:

Rachel: Daniele like hates life right now. Why are you so mad?

Dani: I'm fine. I'm not mad at all, actually. I'm perfectly fine.

Rachel: You seem pretty upset.

Dani: I'm fine. Thanks though.

Rachel: Are you upset because it's your birthday and you have to eat slop? Because it's your birthday and you're turning 25? Listen, 25 is just the beginning of life.

Dani: (to Porsche) My back's killing me. I think I'm about to start my period.

Rachel: 25 is like the beginning of life, Daniele.

Dani: I'm not at all sad that I'm turning 25.

Rachel: 25 is not old... As a matter of fact.. One time, when I turned 25, like last year, it was really depressing, but I got over it real quick.

Porsche and Dani talk for a moment about a belt.

Rachel: Daniele, why are you being so crusty?

Dani: I'm not trying to be.

Rachel: What's wrong with you? Do you hate me?

Dani: I.. I... I know you think I hate you, Rachel, but I don't hate you.

Rachel: It's just not necessary. Is it because I eat all your chocolate? Cuz I'll stop.

Dani: I don't hate you, Rachel. I told you I don't hate you.

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do or die time

no looking back at this point

win live to fight another day

lose go to jury :animated_bouncy:

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11:26 pm so 2:26 BBAD . Rachel was trying to get her irritated for tomorrow to throw off her game :animated_rotfl:

Rachel: Daniele like hates life right now. Why are you so mad?

Dani: I'm fine. I'm not mad at all, actually. I'm perfectly fine.

Rachel: You seem pretty upset.

Dani: I'm fine. Thanks though.

Rachel: Are you upset because it's your birthday and you have to eat slop? Because it's your birthday and you're turning 25? Listen, 25 is just the beginning of life.

Dani: (to Porsche) My back's killing me. I think I'm about to start my period.

Rachel: 25 is like the beginning of life, Daniele.

Dani: I'm not at all sad that I'm turning 25.

Rachel: 25 is not old... As a matter of fact.. One time, when I turned 25, like last year, it was really depressing, but I got over it real quick.

Porsche and Dani talk for a moment about a belt.

Rachel: Daniele, why are you being so crusty?

Dani: I'm not trying to be.

Rachel: What's wrong with you? Do you hate me?

Dani: I.. I... I know you think I hate you, Rachel, but I don't hate you.

Rachel: It's just not necessary. Is it because I eat all your chocolate? Cuz I'll stop.

Dani: I don't hate you, Rachel. I told you I don't hate you.

:animated_rotfl: Dani got a bit of her own medicine, and I loved it. One good pre-comp rattling deserves another.

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tick tick :animated_bouncy:

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I gotta go to work, but Jeff is a damn fool if he does not put up Dani

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