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Lawon - Week 5


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safe this week :animated_bouncy:

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And Lawon is the only one that is on to Shelly. He just tried to convince Dani that Shelly is working with the other side and Dani told him he was wrong.


yep he did

he was spots on :animated_bouncy:

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Lawon just admited that he ate M&Ms last week while on slop and they told him in the DR to just not let it happen again. Jeff tells him that he drank Gatorade by mistake in his season and got a whole additional day of slop added to his time.

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I hope they don't give him an extra day of slop, it might hurt him in the competitions.

:animated_rotfl: a comp beast :animated_bouncy:

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The guy is on holiday. From what I have read he doesn't cook or clean. It would seem that he rarely talks game and when he does he just agrees with whoever is talking. When I have watched the feeds, he is not on them much and when he is he is usually just sitting there like a lump. Haven't seen him be funny. A paid holiday for him. Meals cooked, Mom cleans up after him and he justs floats along.

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Put up Lawon. He's just the pawn anyway. He'll be pissed but so what. Everyone wants Rachael out. But, hmmmm, what about the twist? :animated_scratchchin:

For some reason Dani keeps trying to put it in Kalia's head that she doesn't think anyone is coming back. She has convinced everyone that none of the evicted HG will come back. (even though it has been done before)

In Dani's mind she is thinking ...... Dom Dom Dom Dom

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