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Kathy - Week 1


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I'm starting to think its her too. She's a s**t stirer and keeps going on and on about things people talk to her about.

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Even though she totally sucked at the comp I really like her but I do hope she doesn't suck at all the comps. Then I will start wondering about cops. I remember the 2 on TAR and how stupid I initially (and sorta still do) thought they were and now here she is.

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I think she might be the saboteur also. A cop would be perfect for the job.

A cop who can read people would be the perfect person for the job. I hope she was faking it when she couldn't hold onto that hot dog. The fact that she told them right from the start that she was a deputy sheriff is another reason to think she might be the saboteur.

As a person, I like her so far and she seems to be fitting in fine with the younger crowd.

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I believe she is the sabateour - there were 10 people in the couches when the lights went out and 3 missing... the three missing were Andrew, Brendan and Kathy - We saw brendan and andrew and what they were doing... then lights came back on and She was on the couch... I have rewatched it several times... I believe it is her....

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I like her. I would hate for her to be the saboteur and be gone too soon but she should have been better at that wiener thing. Doesn't she have to jump fences and stuff? She never jumped up she just grabbed onto the others and fell into the wiener

I thought the same thing when I saw how bad she did in the challenge. I like her, but hope she doesn't isolate herself by spending too much time with Monet in the backyard.

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I like her a lot so far. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders, and she waits for people to come to her and listens to them and then adds stuff in that fits in with what they are saying. It's smart. She's one of the few not playing super hard right out of the gate, but she's playing ... quietly, in her own little way.

The bruises are apparently from the food/havenot comp - something about popcorn and caramel??? Guess we'll see on Sunday.

As far as not doing well in the comp - to me it makes perfect sense to not put your all into the first comp. It's never good to be the first HoH, and it's never good to win a big prize right away. So maybe she was holding back a little.

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I was surprised to see her on the live feeds smoking!

me too! but I like her.

It makes sense that BB would make her the sabateur, with her Cop skills. But I can't reconcile her not doing better in the comp, maybe she tried to look not so good. I've always assumed Police men and women, had to have some strength to battle the bad guys. :flags_unitedstates:

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Even though I like Kathy, I have to say that I'm a little disappointed in her lack of game play so far. Maybe it is a little early, but all I've seen of her is laying around isolating herself from the others. They seem to come to her, but I don't really see her out there "reading people" like you'd expect her to since she is a cop.

I was also very shocked to see her smoking. As a woman who says she battled ovarian cancer, it is beyond my comprehension that she would be smoking. We all know the dangers of smoking, and that may have even contributed to her illness. She also admitted today that she drinks a lot of soda (root beer). I would think that she'd be taking better care of herself over all.

As someone mentioned previously she stated that she was on some kind of medication that either made her tired, or limited her activity. Why would a person go on this type of reality show if they are taking medications that would limit their game play? Why would the producers pick her?

I don't think that she's the saboteur. She doesn't seem devious enough to me.

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I read that she was on an IV the other day.

Also when mentionthat she talk to Hayden about the possibility of her going up in place of Brendan, she said that she wasn't going to him. He would have to come and talk to her. Excuse me?

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I was thinking the same thing about Kathy just lying around but then today she was talking with the group and she said it was the lack of food making her weak. She is one of the have-nots this week and they were saying it just drains you. They don't want to go near the kitchen because the other guys are all such good cooks. I don't believe she is on any type of medication like Chemo stuff but she was sick at the hotel before they went to the house and due to her weak immune system they gave her fluids in an IV to help her get well before the show started.

Sick or not if she wants to stay in the game she needs to get it together!

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