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Thursday, August 13th


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12:21 BBT Jordan asks about HOH in the past that used tarps....Jeff says that you can't see that on TV.."its really more for Friday" Jeff says about the tarps

Jordan "i hope I have some good dreams tonight" and Jeff "me too and i hope I remember them' as Michele hopes her nightly outbursts won't bother them...

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You know, this could still end up being the worst season ever.

Just think about it. What if Jeff DOESN'T use the Coup? What if Russel goes home and then Jessie wins HoH? What if Jessie and his coven continue to win every HoH and slowly pick off Jeff, Jordan, Michelle, Lydia then Kevin? What if it's Jessie, Natalie and Chima in the final three?

This season could still completely fail in an epic fashion and it ALL hinges on Jeff using that Coup. I really hope the producers realize that.

The worst part is I have a feeling it will be Jordan and her stupidity that is going to end up talking Jeff out of using the Coup because Jordan doesn't like Russel and keeps listening to those cretins up in the HoH room. To me, the fact that Jordan continues to hang out with Jessie, Natalie and Chima up in the HoH room is, in a sense, being a traitor to Jeff and common sense.

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I think it's already obvious Jeff has told production he is using the coup..........they wouldn't be going through all of this trouble of getting the audience there early, changing from live show, etc., if it WASN'T being used.........they've had Jeff in the DR hundreds of times this week.........they know EXACTLY what he is going to do.

Also, I too was a little worried about Jordan..........but, it's over, it's Thursday, Jeff made it and Jordan didn't "ruin" anything.

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Also, I too was a little worried about Jordan..........but, it's over, it's Thursday, Jeff made it and Jordan didn't "ruin" anything.

Even if she had, what could anyone say about sweet little Jordan except, "bless her little heart." (it's a southern thing.)

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They have to do something to get this crew moving........it's only 8:30 here, usually they aren't even up yet.

These people are so stupid they think it's something OUTSIDE the house that caused the taping :animated_rotfl:

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Real player has gone to Chelsia and (don't know other girl)

The feeds are gone for the day and not back till after the show!

this happens every Thrusday... It's right on time...

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Just a thought. I could never understand how my friends got SO involved in their sports, games, and teams. An Ah Hah Moment!! I'm just as crazy nuts about the BB game. Especially this year. Now I understand. I'm sitting here waiting for any little tidbit of news about what is happening in the BB house.

I'm glad I didn't get the live feeds. By Sept. I'd be a mere shadow of my former self, lol. Already I haven't gotten a good nites sleep because I have BBAD.

Okay, just filling in time here. Hope all is well with everyone, all you posters are greeeeeeat! :2thumbsup::2thumbsup:

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i have my feeds on for first time in 2 weeks

i am curious of the gameplay this week

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Been watching LF while catching up on threads and all they have showed is the bY with Russ/Jordan/Michele/J/J talking...where are the other 3 hiding???

They're probably having a memorial for Jesse outside of the hoh door. Chima is screaming profanities, Shatalie is walking around in little circles and Lydia is crouched in corner with a plastic knife sawing away at her legs.

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WHY WHY WHY do we have 2 camera angles on 4 feeds, all of Jeff/Russell playing pool? Where are the others???? I can understand blocking the feeds all afternoon and doing the show early because of concerns/etc/blah/blah/blah... but this is rediculous...

When I produce Big Brother... lol

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They're probably having a memorial for Jesse outside of the hoh door. Chima is screaming profanities, Shatalie is walking around in little circles and Lydia is crouched in corner with a plastic knife sawing away at her legs.

:animated_rotfl: I wouldn't doubt it...........you described each of them to a "T"

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OMG Now Kevin is telling Chima how to act with Lydia to insure she takes their side... Chima now saying she can't wait for Russell to screw Jeff up the @ss and that she knows he's going to do it...

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