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Dan - Winner BB10


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I really got a kick out of the Q&A session because Dan did throw Memphis under the bus several times. After each one of them he'd just look at Memphis and wink. That was wickedly funny! I laughed my arse off!! :smilielol:

Congrats to Dan on a fun BB season!

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very pleased that Dan won, but I must say - especially Memphis said last show that he wouldn't say things against Dan in the final Q and A and he stuck to that - it made me feel a bit bad that he didn't get a single vote.

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Very glad Dan won.....thought it was so funny that Memphis got 0 votes. I'm a little surprised that it went 7-0, but as long as Dan is the winner thats what is important!!!!!

Thanks BB for a better season!!!!! BB9 about did it in for me.

jmho :pixiedust:

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Just saw CBS local affiliate interviews...Dan is saying he's going to put a big investment in Memphis's business...MONICA????WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!

Jerry said post show he called dan Judas to take religion. "That's not my religion..." Meaning he's not Catholic. Hello, Jerry...Catholic is the latin word for Christian...DUH!!!


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Cannot believe everything went exactly the way I hoped last night. Dan won $500,000 and Keisha won America's choice. This kind of stuff never happens in my world.

And Brian and Steven's remarks to the jury should be a lesson to all future houseguests of BB. Your emotions, outbursts and cattiness will be your undoing.

Congrats again to Dan. Love this guy!

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I think they all say a bunch of stuff while in the house. The jury did well. It was an obvious vote.

IMO, Dan seems comfortable in front of the camera. Despite him saying that he would spend the rest of his life in at the school in Michigan, I would not be surprised to see him in California working in the biz. I think he could. I think he will.

People inherently like Dan. You cannot put a price on that.

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So Dan's taking every one of his fans to MARDI GRAS!!!!!!

BTW...Does Ollie live in Houston? I can't remember.

And re. post interviews I avoided most...couldn't watch Cryptkeeper April, Ollie no, Michelle, will save that one for Hallowheen, Jesse no way, Keesha yes, Dan yes, Renny not yet but will,

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