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Dan - Winner BB10


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Loved reading everyone's take on the whole season, its the first time I ever watched AD and read about the feeds so it was a totally different trip for me this season, in that regard it has been my favorite. I've loved Dan since day 1, and I'm so happy to see he won! I had hope that the jury would reward game play as much as I hated many of them! My FAVORITE parts when Brian and Steven called them all out! AWESOME! Though Jerry STILL doesnt GET IT! UGH!

I'm sad its all over...but I'll be around for the next round! WOOHOO!!!

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she did the early show with both him and Memphis, just go to CBS and click on early show.

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Cannot believe everything went exactly the way I hoped last night. Dan won $500,000 and Keisha won America's choice. This kind of stuff never happens in my world.

And Brian and Steven's remarks to the jury should be a lesson to all future houseguests of BB. Your emotions, outbursts and cattiness will be your undoing.

Congrats again to Dan. Love this guy!

I know! Every season my favorites always managed to get axed and then my least hated/ most liked left gradually will be axed.

When I heard catholic school teacher i thought i'd like Dan, but he came accross terribly in his pre-show interviews... it's been fun cheering for a winner and then seeing the jury fav go to Keesha over Jerry. Keesha was probably my second favorite of those that lasted for a while when Renny started grinding on my nerves

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just watching the gretchen interviews

it seem dan wanted to take keesha to the end

as he felt she was more easy to beat from the convo he had with michelle


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BTW - While on the subject of the Gretchen interviews, something during Dan's I felt spoke volumes about his character. While talking about teaching at St. Mary's, he made the comment to Gretchen that he loved teaching there, and with winning the $500K, he felt that would allow him to stay there always!


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preseason i picked brian or michelle to win

michelle was in the running until she threw her game away for april


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With all the discussions this week heating up this board, as well as most every BB discussion board, about who is the best player in BB history, principally focused on Dan vs. Dr. Will, I sincerely hope that everyone got a chance to see Dan & Memphis on House Calls today!

Dan was very modest about it and certainly paid homage to Will. He even mentioned a couple of times that to even be mentioned in conjunction with Will/Chilltown was an honor! He made reference to watching Will while he was still a teenager and being inspired by Will. He even made reference to the fact that there was little else that could be invented in how to play the game. He sounded like a major student of the game.

For the benefit of any Dan haters out there, he did get arrogant/cocky (insert your preferred adjective) when he did say that; "the Renegades had accomplished what Chill Town could not . . . . and Chill Town had two shots at it!"

So something for everyone! :)

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I didn't take it as cocky. The fact of the matter is, he is right. Both of the alliance got to the final and won. Will and Boogie didn't get it done together x2, but they each won their prespective years in the F2. So, its really a toss up on that one.

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True they both admitted that the condition for Will to go on All Stars is they had to let Boogie play. Boogie was not voted in he was selected by producers because to get Will they had to take Boogie.

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I don't particularly like Dan but I think I DID like Dan in the beginning. Then I liked Memphis then I didn't like either of them all that much but it was pretty clear that Dan would take it since Memphis barely speaks the language - any language - well enough to win much of anything. For all I know they are both great guys in person. I doubt I will meet either.

I am not a Will fan. GASP!!!! Boogie was just irritating and unattractive to me. Will looked ok sometimes. I will say that in the beginning I thought Dan was kinda cute and said so here, I believe, but as I saw more and more of him, I thought not.

Anyway, get the fork.

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I didn't take it as cocky. The fact of the matter is, he is right. Both of the alliance got to the final and won. Will and Boogie didn't get it done together x2, but they each won their prespective years in the F2. So, its really a toss up on that one.

Knew that Vesper! And I wasn't asserting that I thought Dan was Cocky or Arrogant. Those are just adjectives that have been used frequently by people who didn't board the Dan train.. :)

I laughed while sitting there listening to Dan, he used the same voice when he was talking into the camera today as he did in his DR sessions! It cracked me up because of the comments I'm sure that will be written about that as well.

I must say, it was hilarious to watch these two outside the house together. I did believe that they forged a friendship! They were comfortable with each other.

Another thing that killed me was when Gretchen started naming off some things to Memphis that Dan had done game wise that Memphis had not been aware of, America's Player, Michelle on trip, etc. Memphis just laughed that it made him respect Dan's gameplay even more! :)

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just watching the gretchen interviews

it seem dan wanted to take keesha to the end

as he felt she was more easy to beat from the convo he had with michelle

If Dan wanted to take Keesha to the end, then why did he give the final Veto comp to Memphis? If he had taken that one, he could have left the noms the same and Keesha would have voted Jerry out.

Anyway, I am glad that Dan won and that Keesha got the fav jury prize! First time that who I wanted to win actually won!!

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