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Renny - Week 9


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Renny mired herself down in the Everything Keesha Society and forgot to look out for herself. She voiced her opinion over and over and they ignored her over and over. She should have followed her instincts - they were sometimes on target - and above all, paid close attention that all the conversations began and ended about Keesha.

P.S. The whole jury likes renny because she never really threatened anyone. I think she sometimes thought she was there to entertain.

I do hope that Renny's family, friends and possessions will survive Gustave.

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Keesha is only slightly better than Renny in comps, and they figure that Jerry would be more likely to get rid of Keesha than Renny if he wins veto, and Keesha would be more likely to get rid of Jerry if she won veto, which is all worth risking a slightly tougher final HOH.

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When 9/11 occurred, Monica was in the BB house-she was from the New York area and had family in New York at the time. If I remember correctly,

BB allowed her to phone someone from her family to find out if everything was okay.

I was thinking about Renny today also. Possibly, the members in the jury house may be allowed to use the phone to contact their family. Libra kept

mentioning that she would be able to speak with her children when she gets to the jury house.

I don't know for sure. I just wanted to give you some kind of an answer, you sounded really upset for Renny. Hope this info helps!

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Renny mired herself down in the Everything Keesha Society and forgot to look out for herself. She voiced her opinion over and over and they ignored her over and over.

Yup, she should have done the deed during her HOH reign and taken out either of the useless weasels Dan or Memphis. She could have easily cut a deal with Michelle (who was looking for a new partner since Jesse was evicted) along with April and Ollie for final four, instead she listened to that cackling moron and handed the game to Judas and the "mixologist". She should have cut her losses and gone with her original plan, Keesha would have had no choice but to go along with it once Memphis was evicted.

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Maybe its important to remember that Dan and Memphis did keep Keesha AND Renny safe for all these weeks. Dan broke his deal with Ollie to protect Keesha and Renny. He could have easily sold Renny up then and gone with the "new alliance", but chose to remain loyal to the 4. They knew that when the numbers dwindled, they would eventually turn on one another. Well, the numbers dwindled. At that point, Keesha or Renny NEEDED to win the comp. The morph comp was one that anybody could have won. But Keesha and Renny decided to continue drinking after they heard the announcement that the POV comp was coming. They were not in any state of mind to do that comp. While Dan, Jerry and Memphis took time to study the memory wall... the girls were laughing and whooping it up. I'm sorry, but I can't feel sorry about this, because while Jerry/Michelle/Ollie were studying days, the rest were goofing off. So Jerry knew which numbers to aim for in that comp and Renny and Memphis didn't. Dan didn't do too bad, but they can't keep relying on Dan to save their butts. Dan had an alliance with Memphis like Renny had one with Keesha. You can only do as well as you can do and as well as those who have your back. In the end, you do have to win comps to get to the end.

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I totally agree with you, Misha. Anything I've said about Renny or anyone was said/is said with the fact in mind that they had/have some control over their own destiny in the house through winning comps. Sometimes, an alliance of 2 will get you to the F2. In Renny's case, I think her alliance with Keesha was one-sided; past a point and might not get her past where she is right now UNLESS they vote Keesha out and by some miracle, Renny wins HOH or POV - which could happen; if she would work at it. I believe in miracles.

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she is already a bad sport knowing she may go up

after today she may be an even worst sport then chelsia


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noone wants to go, you cannpt blame her for being out of sorts and not acting all nicey nice, I do not think it is poor sportsmanship, not at all

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I still like Renny. I don't think she had a choice but to hang on to Keesha. First few weeks, everyone but Keesha dismissed and semi-ignored her. She wasn't welcome in the

Jesse, Michelle, Memphis team. She stayed with Keesha during the split from April/Ollie because she would have been on the fringe with that group, too. And once Ollie lost

his ho, it was Michelle who he hooked onto. Renny helped to evict April and Ollie woould never forget that. Better to stay with Keesha and take her chance, even tho she

knew that she would probably be the first of the four to get the boot.

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Hey.. thats just good game play by keesha..

but i truely think her and Keesha are friends.. i rememeber when Keesha and Renny were on the same team during the food comp. and April was complaing about having both old people... and keesha stood up for Renny... now thats a friend..

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Well I am sure her family is fine and out of harms way. If they loose any property then that can be replaced. I really don't see any reason to tell her until she gets to the jury house.

You can bet with the storm that Renny will get America's Choice.

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