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Renny - Week 9


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well I will miss her, and I have found this week after last thurs pretty boring. Dan does not do a thing for me, well I gues none of them do really,lol

If it ends up being Dan and Memphis, or Dan and Jerry or any of the guy combos, it will sure be a bore, just sayin.

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They are afraid that by some quirk, Renny might end up in F2 and they know whoever is next to her will lose. They figure that the jury, right now all women (Ollie being April's sock puppet he will say what she wants him to say) are going to vote for vengence. Renny didn't make enemies. They just don't want to take the chance with her in F2. Just my opinion.

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Marty I do not think at all that Memphis would win over any one in final 2, he will come in second, I do not think Dan has made the enemies everyone thinks , at the end I think they will vote for him, F Memphis , I hate that cow,lol

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oh, ok,lolol Memphis gets my dander up,lol

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I think Memphis is OK. He has played a pretty low key game. I think his head if full of strategy. He was a gonner early in the game until Keesha saved him. (thanks to Jessie and his tirades)

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Marty you and I have just agreed to dissagee for this whole season, but I will not sit here and reason out that he is an ok guy, when he is a selfish scum bucket , who's head is just full of strategy, nope his head is full of ways to grub up anyhthing he can at anyones expense. I cannot stand him, I have the right not to stand hime, you talk about how Renny has no game, well neither does Memphis, he has been quite a floater and it has only been the relationship he has with Dan that has saved him, oh yeah, if Dan had not been a F2 with him ,he would have gone by by a long time ago. he makes me ill

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I also do not agree that his head has always been in the game, I think far from it, he has been a quiet person, watching, but he never even made any moves till the very end, he has been on one of the biggest float trips ever, justt seein where it would drop him off at, and Dan keepin him around has been his saviour, he has had his head anywhere but game, mostly in luxery comps and what he can grub up. Oh and that silly Keesha has been his friend to her demise, because he is gonna drop her like a hot potato, so so much for all she has done for him as well.

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I think Memphis lying low was part of his gameplay. When guys come in the house too strong winning alot of comps, they are seen as strong competitors and booted earlier. I'm no fan of Memphis, I can take him or leave him, but I do think his lack of play, was his gameplay. I'm sick of hearing about luxury comps from him too.

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oh yeah me too, most definately, I would like to see him win a big ol booby prize. he needs to win a bra for the boobies he is growin,lololol

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Right now, he has that awesome car. (And by now, April has the value of the car at 80,000 or more :P) He gets the stipend for being there the full three months. Other than the winner and maybe Dan with his AP money if he is not the winner, he has made out the best.

Sorrry. I know this is the Renny thread.

Love you, Renny. Wish you were staying.

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It will be sad to see Renny go this week if all goes as expected. At times I ejoyed her very much this season and will miss her funny mood swings.

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Maybe I am on the wrong track, but I think the boys should split their votes, leaving Jerry to choose. They should tell the girls they are doing this "because we love you both". Let the girls start wooing Jerry and he can be the bad guy. Might be kinda fun to see if the girls will kiss up to Jerry!

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I think

I would agree Marty! It's hard to tell when you're watching Memphis who the heck he's BS'ing. He's pretty good at appearing earnest with all 3 :rolleyes:

But I also think it's safe to say that ANYONE still left in the game should not be wanting to sit next to Renny in F2 . . . . not with THIS jury. That is why she will be going!

I'll miss Renny as well. She exhibits the weakest gameplay of any of the current hg's, as well as many that have gone before her. I say that with my perception that she has the least understanding of Big Brother as a game. The concept of forward thinking strategy is lost on her.

Great lady however, and one of the wackiest, most entertaining HG's I've seen. I can only imagine sitting next to her at a party! :animated_rotfl:

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Sonerin, you are the only one so far who has been able to say exactly what Renny is all about and get it right, i can apericate that, as I have enjpyed her as well, she really does not get the way to play this game, she was just kinda there and very entertaining to say the least, however in defense of some of the more ukind things said about her, I think she is faaarrr above some of the others.

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