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Renny - Week 9


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she knows she is leaving


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Looks like now that Renny is on the block she is packing.

Skresha seems to be in no rush to pack. The cheez doodles may disappear if her hand leaves the bag.

Renny said no "ifs."

"If I would have won, HOH and if I would have won POV."

Well you did win HOH but you were unwilling to take a chance.

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It would be a shock to be part of an intense group and then all of a sudden find yourself out. I'm not sure how I would handle it - in reality. Probably be sad. One thing I know that I would do is be upfront with the people if they tried to "conversate" with me.

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I like unpredictable, almost always entertaining, vibrant, feisty, sharp and at times clueless Renny. You will be missed by many and you have indeed had more fans than you'd imagine.

I am glad she is at least thus far choosing to go out with class. What is the alternative when at this point, there is literally nothing left to do in order to remain in the house?

Bye bye pretty colors and vintagewear...

Almond Joy wrappers and trimming hair...

Renny. Thank you for thinking under the radar and adding bright feathers and zing to the game with both your personality and your strategy.

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cant say i am sad to see renny gone


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"I am sure that Dan is the one Jerry and Keesha want out."

I 'spect it would boil down to whether this is a traditional Jury house that gets over themselves and gives votes according to who actually played the game with the most prowess... or whether it is a vindictive Jury. ... And which Jerry or Keisha guess it will be.
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Maybe its important to remember that Dan and Memphis did keep Keesha AND Renny safe for all these weeks. Dan broke his deal with Ollie to protect Keesha and Renny. He could have easily sold Renny up then and gone with the "new alliance", but chose to remain loyal to the 4

And vice versa. Plenty of times the girls helped out the boys, if it wasnt for Keesha's plan Memphis' useless butt would have been gone and Jessie would still be in the house.

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honestly i dont think a woman will ever win bb again


the bb woman gameplay needs to have a revolution

the cattyness , jealousy needs to stop

dan, memphis were able to float through because of woman going after each other

the survivor woman as i am told have the right mindset rid the guys first then battle among themselves

all it takes in bb for the woman to lose the upper hand is one showmance

a guy can be in a showmance and still win the game eg. drew

the males are more forgiving of each other

once the woman have a falling out it is war till the end or till someone is evicted


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Yuck...her Skreesha coddling is nauseating. I'll take heat for this but what the heck who cares...I think maybe Renny has a thing for Skreesha. The Skreesha worship and kissing the head and coddling. Ewwwww!

Now she wants Skreesha to "pump up the volume...you're not getting no action around here." Huh? Renny wants Skreesha to go off on the guys? That's Renny, always waiting for Skreesh to do her dirty work for her.

Is Renny drunk? WTF is she talking about? "They're not getting any tv here and they're bored. Don't tell me they are bringing someone back right now?"

And you all thought Michelle was the delusional one?

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I don't think Renny will pull a Chelsia. Renny just thinks Keesha is her estranged child. I know I'll vote for Renny to win the $25,000 if they have that this year.

Speaking of Chelsutia, I'll bet Renny would know how to put Cwazy James in his insignificant little place. I could hear Renny saying, "Go back to that tent behind Wal Mart and shut the f#@k up!!!" Then Keesha could do her little Dolphin schreech so blood would come spurting out of James' ears!!!

BB voice: "Keesha, STOP THAT!!!" LOL!

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How Renny could be saved...

If Dan/Memphis decide to have a 'tie' vote and make Jerry the 'bad guy'...then Jerry would possibly save Renny, since he wants R to go next week. But they won't do it...but a nice thought anyway!

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