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Renny - Week 9


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i see a big fight soon

renny is desperate


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You're right uvp. I hope Memphis realizes that Keesha and Renny will say anything right now.

Memphis is a cool cat though. He doesn't play on the emotions if he is safe and he does not respect the emotional tirades that Renny is bound to do.

If Renny keeps it up, I'm going to be losing some of the Renny love too.

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ITA Elysium. The only thing thats really getting under my skin right now is the fact that Renny and Keesha are sitting there badmouthing Dan, were totally willing to throw him under the bus... but they loved him when he was protecting them, and yet they blame HIM for badmouthing THEM when they are the ones who are doing the badmouthing. Grrrr.

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Jerry said everything he possibly could to make Renny and Keesha go against Dan. Jerry lied about what Dan said to him. Dan never threw anyone under the bus. Jerry is doing what he always does, stir the pot.

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Oh wait, we are back to, yeah but Jerry lies, you can't believe anything he says. Renny says unless they have something to the end, Keesha says no I don't think so, but I could be wrong. You are wrong Keesha.

What did I miss yesterday between Dan and Renny, she keeps saying something about Dan saying something about kids???

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Renny was in a very bad mood yesterday. She was taking eveything anyone said to her, in the wrong way.

She was even mad at Keesha. Renny was mean to everyone.

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Its like last week. They felt bad to see the desperation on Michelle's face. Now, we are seeing Renny desperation. I truly hope that she can calm down after the ceremony and say.. It is what it is. Cause if Dan makes it to F2, she is my choice for AC after that. But if she keeps flipping out, I might have to change my mind, you know?

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renny has a habit of asking question over and over when she doesnt believe hg

she keep asking keesha you sure memphis hasnt told you anything


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That is where her stupidity comes in. Either she's senile and forgot she asked the question (doubt it) or she thinks Skreesha is lieing to her and going to cave in and spill her guts.

Either way if Skreesha knows and hiding something for strategy purpose or hiding something so a huge scene is not made by Renny, Skreesha is not going to tell her and Renny should have the sense she won't.

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well if there is 500 grand on the tbl, I think I would be a little on edge myself. I do not blame Renny one bit, I am sure she feels she has done her part for them, and she prolly can feel the shift and knows deep down she is going, does not make her a bad person. I'll tell ya what, I would have beats Dans ass by now in there, he would have driven me bats with the BS he plays, I really have no tolerance for those kinds of shennanigans, so I think Renny has done well not to have gone off on him more than she has, everyone has their way of acting or reacting to whatever is goin on in there, I say cut the gal some slack.

Like I said, the woman has her ways of things just like everone else she is not stupid, to me she isn't

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I would have beats Dans ass by now in there


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lolololol thank you UPV, no doubt

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This is the thing with Renny when things are going well she can take a joke and when they are not she gets defensive. Dan has been a major pain in the ass with his childish annoyances yet sometimes she tolerates it and sometimes not.

She knows her game is in jeopardy and it's a matter of time she flies off the handle.

As for her cooking and doing hair...you either do it or not but you can't rely on it to get you to the end. They were all a bunch of ingrates and if I was Renny I would have done crap for them from the beginning, but I guess it might have been part of her strategy. When she blows and starts talking, we'll soon know.

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renny is what you call a poor sport


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Renny and Keesha are sitting there badmouthing Dan, were totally willing to throw him under the bus... but they loved him when he was protecting them, and yet they blame HIM for badmouthing THEM when they are the ones who are doing the badmouthing. Grrrr.

I guess now they feel they should have listened to Ollie and had been a little more careful!

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I agree, she shoulda just sat around like ol Memphis,lol, and not done anything and being a social butt head, I am not sure she was relying that, maybe in her mind she thought she was giving a trade off because she cannot compete like the others, but you really can't look at it like that in BB. I just feel for her.But I am happy if it is her that she is not going to F3 like it will be for Keesha and get the boot then, that is the rough one to take, a real bitter pill,lol

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Ollie would have thrown them (K/R) under the bus too. Matter of fact, Ollie DID throw them under the bus in his effort to keep Michelle and Jerry.

And Renny was perfectly happy to have Dan leave when she threw him under the bus with Jerry.

This is why I am saying that its much more fun when the people can approach the game as "A GAME".

I didn't see Dan pestering anybody or throwing anybody under the bus when Jerry won HOH. He simply said, "All I can offer you is that if you keep me off the block, I won't put you on the block next week." He didn't spout off or even try to "sell his soul" like Jerry claims he did. Last night, we were all fretting because we had no clue who had won POV. But this morning, he even said to Memphis, "I don't want to take for granted what you are going to do". No hystrionics (probably spelled that word wrong, but I want to use it). No tantrums. Dan made an alliance and has let Memphis into his plans. He told Memphis that he was trying to do things to stop people from putting those two together and Dan succeeded.

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the hg that think they have the game won is ones you see that get most upset when they are on verge of getting evicted

case and point ollie, michelle , renny

and keesha when or if she gets evicted


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I thought this was the Renny thread??

Telling me all the God like qualities of Dan does not change my mind that Renny is not stupid and that she really does not deserve the stuff that is just mean, ya know?? So what if Keesha has been emotional and made her pleas, same with Renny, they are doing what they are supposed to do, and for once Dan has reined his silly ass in and zipped it, because believe me he has not played a perfect game, but has been really lucky

UPV, that is a good observation, and I think both Keesha and Renny have made some big mistakes putting all their hopes and such in Dan and Memphis, and in Keeshsa's case most of the guys.

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it seem all thread are about dan

kinda like all early threads were about libra


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