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Renny - Week 9


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I stand by my earlier statements. I do love Renny... I just am hoping she can calm down because Memphis is not going to change his mind. I hope she enjoys her last few days in the house because I don't like to see her falling apart. I love Dan more, this is true, but I still love Renny. I wanted the "four" to make it to F4, but Jerry threw that out of the picture. Now, its only 3 of them left of the four. I truly hope they get Jerry out next week.

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She's the only one I even want to win right now and now there's no chance of it. I may be wrong here but I think whoever is the one to take out Renny will have quite a few people in the jury house mad at them. It may sound crazy but no one wanted to be her executioner because no matter what, you can't help but like/love her.

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They're all idiots if they don't get Jerry out next week. At this point the man has competed (and by that I mean ... actually tried to win) every HoH and PoV comp, he's won more than anyone and they weren't all by default either.

The only way he stays next week is if he wins PoV. (He can't play HoH) If he does he'll make it F3 and I have no doubt he'll win the Final round of the Final HoH comp. (If they let him get there.)

By then... all the jury members no matter their personal distaste for Jerry will have to respect the game/comps he's won to get there. No one will vote against him, imo.

(However, if he's carried to the F2. Then that's a different story.... just don't think that's a realistic scenario.)

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Well Renny thanx for the ride, youve definetly made this crap season somewhat enjoyable, just wish you would have made your big move during your HOH reign by putting up the 2 dirtbags Memphis and Judas, but instead you had to appease your toothless sidekick and took the easy way out, so your demise is your own fault. Hope you go out with a bang and make Dan's life miserable, and here's hoping he follows you out the door before final 2. With your days numbered I need a new fav.....JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!

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Libra, April, Jerry and Memphis have never liked Renny. Or her them. (And, I don't think Michelle cared for her that much either... because Jessie didn't like Renny.)

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Well Renny thanx for the ride, youve definetly made this crap season somewhat enjoyable, just wish you would have made your big move during your HOH reign by putting up the 2 dirtbags Memphis and Judas, but instead you had to appease your toothless sidekick and took the easy way out, so your demise is your own fault. Hope you go out with a bang and make Dan's life miserable, and here's hoping he follows you out the door before final 2. With your days numbered I need a new fav.....JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!


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I'm a bit sad that Renny will most likely be going this week. I knew it was over when they kept drinking even after BB announced there would be a POV comp later. I'd rather see Keesha go, but that's the game.

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Once Renny leaves it will be boring...............I will miss the entertainment she provided to an otherwise dull season....................nothing to watch but the comps (ho,hum)..............I just hope they let her know what's going on with the hurricane and let her get in touch with her family............maybe they'll even let her join her family, depending on how bad it gets there. I hope the destruction is not too bad but from what they're reporting, it may be even worse than last time.

Thanks, Renny...................and God Bless you and your family.

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wow another cat 4+

stay safe anyone in danger


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I thought of this earlier and posted about it in the Renny thread. They should inform Renny if anything severe happens. It's a cat 4 now, and it still has the Gulf to go through, and is expected to make it to a cat 5. It's headed straight for New Orleans and will affect many areas around it. It's been a three years and a day since Katrina. I'm living in Houston now, and was visiting Houston when Katrina hit New Orleans. It might turn more towards Texas here, or go towards FL and AL. Who knows, I just hope everyone is safe a prepared.

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New Orleans evacuation ordered

by Leslie Williams, The Times-Picayune

Saturday August 30, 2008, 8:21 PM

Mayor Ray Nagin late Saturday warned that Gustav is the "mother of all storms" and ordered a mandatory evacuation for the West Bank of New Orleans for 8 a.m. Sunday and noon for the East Bank.


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