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Big Brother 10

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hate kitchen too way over the top

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and hope they do Big Brother After Dark again

It has already showed up on the guide on my TiVo...

hate kitchen too way over the top

Everything about BB is over the top! I wouldn't expect anything else.

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I really hope BB doesn't "force" any partnerships like last season. They're all adults - let them pick thier friends/enemies on thier own. I can just imagine partnering the opposites just to cause stress/controversy.

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I really like the house this yr, it looks comfy. Sounds like they're trying to erase the fiasco of S9, w/ the 'homey' house & HG's that appear to actually have some substance. Good start, this is the 1st cast I've had hope for in a couple seasons. I noticed the ice trays, too. There will no doubt be wars over who leaves the trays empty & who's a cube hog. Are there any links for videos of the HG's? Seems like there was one for S8 or 9.


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We are so pumped up and ready to go! :animated_bouncy:

Seems like an interesting cast, can't wait to watch each one of them in action. Getting to know each personality is the best part and Showtime sure helps in that department.

Bring in On Big Brother :hurray:

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I have alot of catching up to do. I guess I should read their bios, but I get so caught up on their pics. lol

This is my absolute favorite part of the BB opening season...the pics!!!!!!!!!

Did you see Julie's face when she was sitting on the water bed?? She loved it!!

It must have been a vibrating water bed...does it take small change?

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Darn it if I keep getting the guys confused - do some of them look similar??? I was going down the list of names and got to Dan and thought "there's a Dan in the house"?

The last few years I had a hard time keeping the girls straight in the beginning, now it seems to be the boys - Except Ollie and Jerry, they're pretty distinguishable!

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Thanks Joy!

The house is cool. Still think the Alice in Wonderland theme was the best.

Since it is election year, it makes sense to push the politics thing.

Of course, they also could have done an Olympics theme, as well, for the summer. Different countries and sports.

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I'm still reviewing the videos for each of the guests. I do like the look of the house except for the bathroom. It looks like they took season 9 decor and dumped all of it in there! lmao I'm surprised they didn't do the "outhouse" thingy in season 9 with all the log decorations.

The wallpaper in the shower is the same wallpaper they had in the diary room last season, isn't it? :animated_scratchchin::D

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I love how people already have strong opinions about the houseguests! While I have a couple of initial reactions, I never really get a good feel for them til I've seen them in the house a bit.

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Sugarb wrote:

I love how people already have strong opinions about the houseguests! While I have a couple of initial reactions, I never really get a good feel for them til I've seen them in the house a bit.

I like to wait until I until the show starts turning into porn and HGs take their tops off in the hot tub and brag that they had sex with 5 different guys in one night. I heard a rumor that Alison is hoping that this season we shall have our first BB orgy since it unfortunately didn't happen in BB9 as she was expecting. :animated_bouncy:

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Overall I think Grodner may have finally given us what we've been asking for!!!

Diverse ages, races, sexuality and shapes. Noone knows each other before hand and most all of them seem to be bring something to the table.

This is the 1st cast reveal in a looooong time that's made me excited for the start of BB.

Hope they don't go and f*** it up with over producing and manipulating the outcome.

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Overall I think Grodner may have finally given us what we've been asking for!!!

Diverse ages, races, sexuality and shapes. Noone knows each other before hand and most all of them seem to be bring something to the table.

This is the 1st cast reveal in a looooong time that's made me excited for the start of BB.

Hope they don't go and f*** it up with over producing and manipulating the outcome.

I have to agree with you CeCiMom...I'm cautiously optimistic with the group...with a few exceptions in there (probably.) For the most part...they seem relatively well educated and well spoken and def all have a point of view...whether you agree with them or not. I'm not concerned about the political talk...I don't think it will be a major topic of conversation...at least for long...even they'll get tired of that and focus on strategy and gameplay. I'm looking forward to a lively season...as long as "they don't go and f*** it up"!

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CeCiMom wrote:

Diverse ages, races, sexuality and shapes. Noone knows each other before hand and most all of them seem to be bring something to the table.

I think they did that back in BB3, which was the season I watched for the first time and really liked the show. It just won't be the same without all softcore porn. :animated_bouncy:

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What do you think the house dynamics will be like this season? Do you think we could have a divided house like BB6/BB9 or multiple alliances like BB5/BB7?

Do you think there will be any hook ups? A grandfather/granddaughter relationship like Jack and Erika's? A holier-than-thou "Friendship" alliance?

What are your predictions now that the houseguests have been revealed?

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