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Big Brother 10

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I think that the current houseguests do not know each other... however... some of them know former houseguests. There is a slight difference. But you know... its not WHAT you know, but WHO you know.

I read the bios at cbs (tried to go through the videos with Diane asking the questions but I fell asleep... booooring). I have to admit that I get a kick out of politically heated discussions and with this being a huge political year, this could provide some stimulating conversations (and God willing... some stimulating fights on screen). Much better than... ohhh say.... beer pong.

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It is getting exciting! Fingers crossed--The feeds might actually be worth watching again!!!! :animated_bouncy: After BB9, I wasn't sure that CBS would ever get a hint and make the show good again. I saw the Entertainment Tonight spot yesterday or the day before (can't remember) and they were talking about "Back to basics" and I started to hope that maybe they were actually listening to us!

I do have to say that this year's house looks like the ugliest one ever. It seems as if they were making up some areas (like the wooded areas) just because they had some left over stuff from last year. I saw a few recycled objects, like the lava lamps. Oooh-- Here's a thought! Wouldn't it be cool to have a black light in that room?? I think that would look interesting on the feeds. I doubt BB would think of it, but it's a neat idea, I think.

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The one thing that really ticks me off about this season is how so many of the hamsters aren't familiar with the show. They've been picked off the street or referred to the producers by someone who's been connected to the show.

When you consider the number of loyal BB fans who'd love to be on the show you'd think they would try to go with them instead of the way they do it now. It doesn't seem very fair to me. Why the heck do they have auditions in all these towns if they aren't going to put real fans in the house? Ya gotta admit that kinda sucks. thumbsdown.gif

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this is why i never bother to apply for bb

because the majority of hg cast dont even applied or give a lick about bb

april got cast due to her being a survivor applicant reject gtfoh

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The first Big Brother was great. It was fresh and raw because none of the HG's knew anything about the game other than what they were told. Since then it's become a science. I prefer someone who's not connected and hasn't watched. Fat chance though.
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and most of those shows are cancel

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OMG!!! I am so excited...only 2 more sleeps! I have just finsihed reading their Bios and I think this season is going to be great and I do like that the show is doing the whole back to basics thing. I don't normally form strong opinions on anybody until the first few shows but I did see a clip of Renny and I have a bad feeling that she is going to massively irritate me! :wacko:

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The guy from San Francisco (might be Brian) appears to have been recruited off the Steets of San Francisco. He had never really watched the show. I too do not like that the people selected are recruited...if they are having trouble getting "quality" people to apply then they should improve their local casting calls.

But, for this season I will cut them a little slack to see if they have picked a more interesting group of hamsters. I actually think they did OK with the Group that originally contained Janelle, Kaysar, Howie, James, Ivette, Beau, Maggie and Cappie. I did not like the pairings, but at least there was a diverse group of characters.

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I love the house too! Oh and I must say, I LOVE the bathroom (even if its recycled and woodsy). I think its fun and very tree-huggerish.

I think its silly too for how many of the hg they had to "recruit" and it makes me wonder about the stereotypical people they are trying to cast. It says they called up the gay rodeo looking for someone (Steven) and that they called up Hooters looking for a blonde waitress (Keesha). How lame is that?? And April was recruited from another reality show audition and some from the street. It just makes me feel like they are tricking all of you that are actually auditioning, and it kinda lessons the "reality" aspect of it all. Ok ok I'll get off my soapbox and start counting down til Sunday. :)

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not tricking me because it is obvious to me you have a bettter shot at powerball lottery then being cast on bb

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ROFL! Earlier, the feeds just had a fireplace. Just now, I tuned in and heard people talking, and nearly knocked over my water to watch, thinking I was going to see a video leak early. Nope--Just BB9! It's weird, though--it's not the very end of BB9. It's a feed from pretty early in the show, with a lot of them there, if not all of them. :huh:

Hopefully, watching them for a while won't make me run screaming from the room...

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Yeah I'm really bummed too that they don't cast people who actually know a lot about the show.

It makes it less of a "reality show" when they are hand selecting the houseguests..... Oh well. I'm really just jealous I guess.... lol.

I'm still hoping for a BB fan season, where only self-proclaimed DIE HARD fans like us can be on the show....

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I used to think that the first show was live. I didn't know that it had happened a week prior. I'd be okay with the show being a mix of fans and people who just want to be on a reality show, as long as they applied and weren't solicited.

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I've always said they should take people right off the streets and ask them if they would be interested. So, there would be a chance that there are those that may have heard about the show and have not. I'm fine with that. Actually, it's a lot better than having contestants know the game and previous players. I hate when they try to imitate previous hg's.

I do think Josh and Chelsia tried the in your face harrassment tactic because they thought it worked well for Dickwad. It got them the boot because they didn't have a family member watching their asses in the house.

Knowing all about the game doesn't get you the win, being good at comps (when you have to save yourself) and not being perceived as a weekly threat is probably the best way to get to finals.

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