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Friday, August 10th


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I just read that Jameka called Dick's mother a bitch.

Did God tell her to say that?

Oh WAIT - I almost forgot!! - I learned on the boards last night that calling a woman a bitch is a compliment, a term of endearment. Back in the day, say last week, I thought it was an insult.

I also just read that Eric said Dick and Daniele were probably f#cking. As usual, Eric shows his class and character. He's America's Player??!!! I don't want that pond scum representing ME!

Count me out.

the first time i quoted this and went to respond.. the power flickered and the computer turned off.. sCo_chinscratch.gif i think it was GOD trying to tell me something.

all i wanted to say was:


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Yada, honest question. Why do you keep throwing up the strawman argument?

No one here is saying that Jameka's insults are worse than Dick's or that she has no right, yet you keep arguing that point. Stop attributing that argument to us.

What we ARE saying is jameka, unlike Dick, constantly talks about being a christian and even INTEGRATED IT into her argument with Dick. THIS is what takes it over the top. Dick KNOWS he's a jerk. He has admitted it. He freely admits to being a shit talker and that he's trying to get people going. The LNC, on the other hand, claim they are GOOD people...SOOO many times, Eric and Amber especially. They constantly say how good they are and how they don't treat people like Dick does. They constantly claim how horrible he acts and how they are above that.

...but of course then they do the same things Dick does, and usually behind his back.

THAT is what ticks some people off.

If you're going to be a jerk, admit to it. Don't be a damn hypocrite and proclaim how good you are while out of the other side of your mouth your calling people's mother's bitches, saying they should commit suicide, and claim that Dick is having an incestual relationship with his daughter.

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Next week is another week. It will Be Zach, Jen, Danielle or Dick for HOH. On the other side it will be Dustin, Eric, Amber for HOH(sorry Jameka you can't play). Thats a 50/50 chance to win it. I like ZJD+D chances of a little retribution GOD style!

more like 2 vs 3 zach throwing comp its going out of style

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Xal as I said in a previous thread nobody has clean hands in this game but Dicks hands are much dirtier than every other HG hands put together. Saying you are a jerk doesnt not give you carte blance to act like a jerk over and over again. He was sexually degrading Jameka repeatedly before Jameka snapped and finally started lowering herself to his level.

The difference is Dick has done this garbage with almost the whole house. Jameka hasnt.

As for the religious stuff goes I dont believe in religion so I do not like Amber nor Jameka thinking they are above others based on religion. Thats one issue while Dick being a sexually degrading abusive bully is another issue. I find both issues repulsive but the fact that Dick has done this with almost every HG makes him a lot more repulsive in my eyes.

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My God people what do you expect these people to say to Dick? Do you know how you would react to a creep like Dick in your face screaming at you that you are this and that?

Do you honestly believe that you are above Jameka simply because she is a Christian and lost her temper???

Please stop blaming all the victims of Dick's rants. Dick is the problem not the others.

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Last night it was obvious that Jameka went looking for a confrontation with Dick. She went to the BY and sat with D/D/Z and after they all got up and went into the house, she followed Dick in and sat at the table itching to start something, with Amber eagerly joining her. Then after all is said and done, A/J start whining about Dick's abuse. What did they expect?

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Once Dick walks out of that house this week you will visibly see the entire house relax. I can't even imagine the stress level in there with Dick.

With him you can never relax or be at ease. He is watching you and waiting to pounce on any word you say. Horrible person.

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No one here is saying that Jameka's insults are worse than Dick's or that she has no right, yet you keep arguing that point. Stop attributing that argument to us.

What we ARE saying is jameka, unlike Dick, constantly talks about being a christian and even INTEGRATED IT into her argument with Dick. THIS is what takes it over the top. Dick KNOWS he's a jerk. He has admitted it. He freely admits to being a shit talker and that he's trying to get people going. The LNC, on the other hand, claim they are GOOD people...SOOO many times, Eric and Amber especially. They constantly say how good they are and how they don't treat people like Dick does. They constantly claim how horrible he acts and how they are above that.

...but of course then they do the same things Dick does, and usually behind his back.

THAT is what ticks some people off.

If you're going to be a jerk, admit to it. Don't be a damn hypocrite and proclaim how good you are while out of the other side of your mouth your calling people's mother's bitches, saying they should commit suicide, and claim that Dick is having an incestual relationship with his daughter.

Whew! Thank you! You so eloquently stated what I have been trying to so clumsily and unsuccessfully!!! No one is condoning Dick's language and behavior. But it is so much more irritating to have people speaking with forked tongues!! snake2.gif


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Why does hearing the Dustin 5 refer to themselves as the "Good People" make me have such horrible flashbacks to Season 6? ~ Shudder ~

There are no "good" people this season, but the hypocrites who hide behind the Bible are much worse imo. Aside from the fact I don't believe God gives a crap about BB, it irks me to no end that people want to claim God is on their side, even when they spew just as much bile as anyone else. Amber made a lot of anti-semitic comments, and Jameka's only concern was that it was on the internet. Can't help it if I have a problem with that.

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Once Dick walks out of that house this week you will visibly see the entire house relax. I can't even imagine the stress level in there with Dick.

With him you can never relax or be at ease. He is watching you and waiting to pounce on any word you say. Horrible person.

its the house fault for keeping him there so long. its was cool when dick was not attacking them but when dick comes at them they are annoyed. dick is fair he spread the attacks around hey amber you wants some, jameka you want some, no eric here is some atttacks for you. dick in the ideal bb world where hg had common sense should have been gone week 2 daughter and father how the hell you make them stay in the game so long not smart when numbers are your worst enemy until final vote

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