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Bb And The Bible


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OK here is my little rant

For a few years now HG's have been bringing the Bible into the house with them and then referring to it though-out the game...esp this season with amber and Kail saying today how god wants this and god will help them with that. OK I'm all for believing in the bible and referring to it, and I'm catholic but LEAVE God and the Bible out of BB!!! Its not going to help your game play or even get into heaven any quicker. The whole purpose of the game is to lie and deceive your way to last player standing its not Sunday school...What are other watchers thoughts on this or am I the only one sick of hearing it??

OK rant done pushes soapbox back into the corner.... :lipsrsealed2:

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If you are bothered by Kail and Amber's bible use, you're really gonna blow a gasket when you hear about Jameka. She's got God on her side and knows that the outcome of the game has already been determined by God.

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As a Christian I think it's laughable how the houseguests think that it's all "God's Plan" and that God wants certain things to happen in this game. I prefer to believe that God has better things to do and I would bet the S/He would rather Amber, Kail and Jameka leave Him/Her out of it.

That's not to say that the hg shouldn't share their faith/beliefs if they feel so inclined, but what they are saying is rather immature.

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bible was one of things i hope they ban in future season6h4logp.gif6h4logp.gif6h4logp.gif

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even the seediest of motel rooms have a Bible.....why do they need to ban the Bible just because some weirdo houseguests use in it a way that many people see as MISusing it?

i see their use of the Bible as a defense mechanism, deflecting......'it is not ME that wants you out, its what GOD told me to do' or 'i read the Bible and the first verse that jumped out at me said that im gonna win veto' or 'hey, the Bible said jen is a whore thus it is so'

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even the seediest of motel rooms have a Bible.....why do they need to ban the Bible just because some weirdo houseguests use in it a way that many people see as MISusing it?

because bb and bible dont go together. it have nothing to do with how hg use it. bible and bb doesnt go together jmho btwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww6h4logp.gif6h4logp.gif6h4logp.gif

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They should ban the bible for a simple reason.. You are playing a game, a game sponsored by a private company, to which you enter a contractual agreement. There is absolutely no reason for the Bible to HAVE to be allowed..

Frankly I'm not anti-religion but I don't watch Big Brother for my sermons either...


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UPV and World exactly my point I don't think it belongs in the game. It has no place being based on a game in actuality I think the church would look upon it as being sacrilegious using the bible.

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who is thee poster they called upv?6h4logp.gif6h4logp.gif6h4logp.gif

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Quote: "They should ban the bible for a simple reason.. You are playing a game, a game sponsored by a private company."

Organized religion is like a private company, and she said she is donating her winnings to her private company of choice - lol. JMHO I am non-religious, but respect and admire those who are. If someone finds solace in the bible that's great. I don't think it should be banned because some religious fanatic goes off one day on a tv reality show. They chose her and they have to deal with her. I'm sure she told them of her beliefs on interview.

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I believe most religions teach us that God controls everything- from the minute to the really, really big stuff.

There is not better 'objective' or 'time' for God.

He does it all...equally.

That includes Big Brother, AIDS, and people who talk during the movies....

He does not have 'better things to do'....etc etc.

Or so I assume...right?

In other news, BB should not Ban the Bible.

Its a good book. xD

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because bb and bible dont go together
I agree with you UVP

bible thumpers would thump regardless if the bible was in the house or not.
and with you Fizzle.

You may find the bible in a seedy motel, but the phone book is there too!! I think some HG maybe using the bible as a sourse of reading material and nothing more.

Religion IMO should be respected in the BB house if a HG choses to worship in their own way. And if some choose to go a little nuts with their opinion and feelings about their faith, well so be it, as long as those in the house are not bothered by it.

The only thing that gets me is as a Catholic I just can't figure God saying "F*ck u Evil" or being referred to as "Gangsta". Guess I will have to ask my priest about that one?

With all that said... :food-smiley-005:

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I don't think the bible should be allowed in the house. The rules say no books and the bible is really just a book like any other other.

If I was a house guest I could say that Harry Potter or Dune was my religious tome! I ask myself all the time...

"What would Harry Potter do?" Or "What would Paul Atreides do?" instead of "What would the JC do?"

I just don't see why one book should be allowed just because it is a book followed by a certain religious group.

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Straykat, thanks for that post. I knew but forgot that books aren't allowed, so you're right the bible shouldn't be allowed even though it might be an entertaining read for some and a book of rules for others. No books means no books of any kind.

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Like many of you, I'm not anti-religion either, but my spirituality/faith is personal. I don't watch Sunday morning bible thumpers on tv and I don't need nice,

well-meaning people knocking on my door to tell me

how to live my life. Likewise, I don't need to see and hear hg's asking for divine intervention in the next comp, or saying that everything that happens in the house is pre-ordained by God. If that's the case, why play the game? Just lay around and let God do his thing. As for bibles in the house, that's a tough call.

It would be tough for the proucers to ban them, but if the rules say No Books, then the rule should apply to all books. jmo.

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