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Janelle is trying to use the dumblonde to her advantage...and throwing herself at Will was just strategic tactics...so she doesnt appear to be a threat...Remeber she is trying to change her image so she wouldnt appear to be threatening

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and when has that changed, she came into the game with the stigma of the dumb blond last year, because PEOPLE labeled her without getting to know her. Strange how crap sticks on your shoe even when you try to shake it off! Guess people forget how far she did get last year and it wasn't because of men. Give Janie some credit, everybody plays a different game.

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Janie is alright w/ me and if that's the worst she's done while drunk, I have to congratulate her. Thank God no one films me.. that I know of.

And fizzle, do you love me too? I read that book and it inspired me to lock a pair of siblings in my attic... I think they're still there too, but they have been quiet lately. Note to self: check attic after work.

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Ah, yes, I see all of the Janelle haters out in full force trying desperately to find something to criticize her for and hang their hat on. It's funny beyond belief that Janie is criticized for getting drunk and flirting with Will, and Erika was every bit as drunk and every bit as flirty and her name has barely even come up in this thread. These people will lie about Janelle, exagerrate, try to minimize her accomplishments, spin things in the most negative way they can, and they have zero impact.

Doesn't matter. Janelle has been demonized to such an extent , even comparing her with Alison in a pathetic attempt to demonize her, that she's probably be the first Sov. gone the first time Chilltown wins an HOH, if they ever do. And ya know what? All of the haters will still be railing and ranting about her for the remainder of the season whether she's in the house or not.

Pretty funny, when you think about it-----

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And fizzle, do you love me too? I read that book and it inspired me to lock a pair of siblings in my attic... I think they're still there too, but they have been quiet lately. Note to self: check attic after work. ~CarckersMartini~

Priceless! Needed a good chuckle this afternoon :)


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jase would have been a great ally for him. but jannelle thinking for herself only con james into break a mans agreement. thats was very cowardly of james. you dont break a man's agreement. i think jase would owned james in any physical comp. janelle i give her credit she use good strategy james just pulled a howie

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What the heck are you talking about? Jase was not James friend and never would have been an ally to James. I think because Janie is a woman she gets crap for being a strong personality.

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i can see you a janelle fanboy so i wont even go into detail with you my thoughts.

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lol Marty.. dont worry, he never knows what he is talking about. :lol:

james will screw himself just like he did last year. and wasnt it james/howie/kaysar trying to convince janelle that jase was not with them.. so then she finally gets it and tells james that is who should go up and thats bad? he didnt want to go back on his word???? for jase? :blink:

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only sov you folks care about is janelle i see. but great move of her to get jase out. james diane the only hg beside cg and soov that will go balls out for the next hoh . if she wins james fate is seal . i hope diane wins hoh so bad because james and kaysar will be on the block :lol:

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"a mans agreement"?

Why do people forget this game is about lying to the other hg....btw - Jase is a big threat and a turd at times so no one should care about an agreement with him. If James is smart he'll campaign hard to get Jase out now, because Jase will go back after James with a venegence after this.

Janelle is the only one with a strategic brain out of the 6'ers.

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What the heck are you talking about? Jase was not James friend and never would have been an ally to James. I think because Janie is a woman she gets crap for being a strong personality.

I don't think it has to do with people giving Janie crap for being a strong woman. James made it CLEAR that he did not want to nominate Jase. He's HOH. In the end, he's the one that has to make the decision, and whether or not he's in an alliance, he's ultimately playing for himself. If his first instinct was to nominate Boogie, that's what he should have done. Instead, he allowed himself to succum to peer pressure. That's just weak.

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cvasqu03 you one of the few that see the light. i can lead the rest but they too blind to see the light. i will try my best thou. :)

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