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The truth is, Diane was coming after Janie, that's a fact. If Diane won HOH, she would put Janelle up for sure. They are due for an endurance competition and we all know how Diane kicked ass in her season with the endurance comp. Janelle didn't fair that well in the BB6 endurance comp. It's probably good timing to get Diane out now, because I'm sure an endurance comp is coming right around the corner.

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Oh thank gawd.You meant SOMEONE ELSE was repeat posting.I thought you meant MY posts whereupon I shamelessly admit I want Will to do evil things to me and...well...uh..nevermind.

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...well some of us still love her. I think sov and janie fans have stopped coming on here because the outlook is so bleak. I forgive her for her faults. I just hope Marcellas gets his, he's more evil than Janie could ever be. She has no idea how played she is, she's probably the most played person in the house. I don't feel sorry for Diane, she would have come after Janie anyway even if Janie voted CT out! I feel sorry for Janie more than anyone there. She wont last long but I would love to see her go out swinging. GO JANIE GO...but not out of the house :( . SOV never had a chance anyway, why were they a threat to the house? There are only 4 people in sov and the rest of the house outnumbers them anyway!

Backdooring is commonplace and it may be the only way to get her out of the house, considering she's always had 'lady luck' on her side in regards to pov and hoh and prizes.

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Let's send her good vibes to get that pov!

What happened to the new topic i made titled, 'we still love you janie'? It's gone and put in this general 'janelle' topic. That's not fair. Seems to me that there is major bias going on..or am I missing something? Maybe sov fans aren't welcome at Morty's?

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Yes, Diane was coming after Janelle, but so was almost everyone else. Since she insisted on backdooring a "floater" and going against her alliance, it would have made much more sense to get rid of Danielle. She left her in the game and now she's going to bite her in the ass. I love it! Janelle caused a lot of disension (sp?) in the house with her nomination of Diane. If she was going to cause that much friction, she should have made it count more. I've always known that Dani is a much better competitor than Diane. If Janelle had done her homework, she would have known it as well.

If Diane had stayed and won HOH, Janelle would probably still be the target, but make no mistake about it, Danielle is hands down the better player of the two. Last year I was a SOV fan, this year I just want the best player to win, if it happens to be a member of the SOV, all the better but I'm not as emotionally invested in them as I was last year.

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I don't care if Janelle goes or stays, I'm somewhat over her. If she happens to dodge this bullet, I sure hope she starts playing a smarter game. If she goes, "c'est la vie". You have to play smart enough to STAY IN THE HOUSE.

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A man walks into a club and sees Janelle behind the bar. Hanging on the wall behind her is a sign which reads, "Cheese Sandwich - 1.00$, Hand Jobs - 20.00$. The man looks at Janelle and asks, "Are you the one giving the hand jobs?", to which Janelles replies, "Yes I am". The man then responds, "Well wash your hands, and make me a cheese sandwich."

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Carvin...bad, bad...but funny! hahha Poor Jani....

I was trying to remember what I thought of her last season and ruthless came to mind. She was tough. She looks the same, but her play is off. You can't say it isn't. She's not making the best decisions. Will does influence her. I know, I know - she says different, but she's listening to him...then her alliance. Yes, James whines (and whines and whines and...well you know as well as I do), but Kay and Howie I thought (never assume...it breaks up into a nasty saying)....that they would have her "ear." That she would for the sake of the alliance be more incline to do what they felt was best. Kay's face doesn't say "I'm happy, Jani...." It says something entirely different....

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gingersnaps, me too. i do like janie but i dislike dani even more, ever since her season. janie's only hope is pov, which pretty much would have to be a miracle. otherwise, dani's gonna have the power and bigger target on her, along with james. they'll probably go next after janie. that'll be nice, IF it happened.

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