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About mikede

  • Birthday 05/17/1981

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    Wilmington, Delaware
  • Interests
    TV, Music

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  1. is back for BB

  2. You can stay smoke free! and your doing great. I just quit a couple of weeks ago. It was really hard at first but I did it! you can too!

  3. i love watching them anyway. when this is over, they just need to like meet for coffee everyday and talk and record it and post it on the internet. id be happy. they crack me up so much
  4. itll most likely be on the phone. but i dont think maggie is joining everyone else in sequester, so maybe live in person ??? i judt dont know
  5. its on there now. i usually get home between 3 and 330 Eastern time, and 85% of the time, its up, but lately it has been taking forever
  6. i saw that. i thought it was good. i havent been able to watch yesterdays HC's cause of it wasnt posted
  7. CBS is getting LAZY!!!! i was hoping all night they would post it so i couldriggin watch it Well ill get too see it probably sunday when lazy CBS post it
  8. Finally!!!!! It was pissin me off yesterday, they usuaklly have it two hours after the show, at least
  9. YAYAYAYAAY!!!!! i hate when there is no housecalls. Im glad it will be there, i guess they were delayed in posting it on the archives cause of the outage



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