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will be first sov member out. these folks see she is the brains of the sov

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for the bb6 allaince... they made a great move nominatiing them two! they were the 2 people who want bb6 out of the house! so in Jannies eyes... great move!

The 2 people who wanted her out is now nominated! so good job Jannie!

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bad move for her. she will be first sov evicted

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yeah I dont see this. Will and Mickey B also wanted the Sovs out. They dont go around saying it though so that is the difference!

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Did anyone notice that after the treadmill, she put on a jacket, then took it off 1 minute later to work out with the weights? She wasn't cold because she and James were just talking about how hot they were and they wished the fans were on full speed. Why would she put on a jacket in a hot room, while she is sweaty, just to take it right off to continue her workout?

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Well, only thing I can think of is Jannie is vain, vain, vain.(love her btw) The best indicator of her vainity is the mug shot of her where she looks like crap, is in jail getting a mug shot done, but takes the time to sweep all her hair to one shoulder for the pic, lol.

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Compared to her younger year MUCH MORE NATURAL pictures,the girl's sooooooooo Barbie plastic looking.Her hair's been dyed to the point it's mega STIFF.Diane's black dye's almost as bad.Almost.Okay,Janelle wins the starched head hands down lol. :P

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Janelle is the coolest! I really can't help but think that people are just jealous of her when they talk about her. I think she is gorgeous and I am a straight, happily married woman. My husband stares at the tv when she's on and I just laugh!! LOL

He loves ME but he's not DEAD yet!!! Gosh, what is wrong with society??? I want Janelle to go all the way and show them boys just what "GIRLY GIRLS" with brains can do! Oh, and Janelle and I both love PINK! You go, Janelle!!!

I'm a brunette and I'm pulling for ya!!! I think you're a doll!!!

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Will be interesting to see if she squirms her way out. Eric and Maggie seemed to have a majority opinion on who to target until Kaysar managed some dissenters.

I wonder if that will happen agains this year. They did go after Michael because he was spending to much time with her. I also remember Eric's downfall was the fact that he made too many deals he couldn't keep. Not to mention his big mouth.

I will LMAO if that happens again this year!!!!!

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They went after Michael cause he was a percieved "good gamer" and they used the sexual harrasment thing to get the not quite sheep yet on their side. I don't remember them being after Jannie early. Didn't she kinda sneak by until week 3 or 4?

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i remember them being after her during Eric's HOH week. She would have been gone until the stuff with Michael happened. I dont want her gone early in the game, that would just suck!! Who wants to watch Will walk around the house talking about how great he is all the time?

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