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I agree with a lot of people about Jani showing her cards too early.

She is charging the mound.

I don't agree with the Jase factor. Sorry. He can confess to Priest for all I care... get pardoned by the Pope. He was mean and nasty and was a total bully and remains unforgiven in my book to the end. He and Ali would have been great together....

He just gets under my skin.

Don't let him fool you Oh No.

It is very Lord of the Rings... like that reference.... so who is the Hobbit? Who just wears the ring around its neck? And who wants to actually have it on?

Good question.

Kayser being HOH. He's peaking too soon and honestly can't wait to see him go. He is passive aggressive. He is a down face fun hater and has he ever told a joke while in the house? He spent most of last season trying to play chess with Jani. He did have a crush....

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I love her and all and thinks she's a tough competitor but she has been acting really stupid lately. she is flip flopping her ideas and totally falling for some peoples bs(Jase). What I came to realize is that she can't play this game mentally. She's all about the competition challenges. She always manages to have some loyal person protect her. She would not have known about Jase if Erika hadn't said anything. She even received a phone call from Dianes old roomate and she is like "whaaa?" I mean really. I'm beginning to see her in a not so good light. Its like wake up girl. What is her problem? Now she is falling into the trap of James's paranoia.

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Guest jordansmom

IMO last years game did not require any thinking at all. She knew who and not who to trust, it was easy for them. Last year it was win a comp or go home. She is a lil green when it comes to the thinking part of this game.

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Another typical night of Janelle flip flopping on descions and totally excluding herself from the whole house. 80 percent of the house is outside playing charades and she is walking around the house alone. Other than she is hot I just dont see peoples fascination with her.

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I don't think she acts like a bitch but I do think she needs to be out with people more and talking etc. It is one of her weakness's. But I disagree that she can't strategize. This is the only week she has screwed up so badly and it's totally because Kaysar is in control and calling the shots not her. She does better when it's her decision after discussing with her group.

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Okay, I love Janelle...she is my girl, but I think she's not playing too smart. Last year there was nothing wrong with her staying away from the "other side" because the house was completely divided...this year it's stupid for her to always be hiding in the HOH room or some other bedroom while everyone else is outside... the point is to make friends with these people so they are less likely to vote you out... What happened to the fun Janelle from last year?? She seems really boring this year...

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Okay, I love Janelle...she is my girl, but I think she's not playing too smart. Last year there was nothing wrong with her staying away from the "other side" because the house was completely divided...this year it's stupid for her to always be hiding in the HOH room or some other bedroom while everyone else is outside... the point is to make friends with these people so they are less likely to vote you out... What happened to the fun Janelle from last year?? She seems really boring this year...

Janelle is doin' fine. She has enough people under her thumb and is smart enough to avoid the people out to get her.

She's not going to sway Danielle.

Mike and Will have their own agenda and refuse to budge.

Jase is just going to sit pretty in the middle like James of last year.

She really doesnt have that far to go with people. How far is she going to go with Nakomis and Diane?

She seems rather driven to win HOH this week. For what we know of her, when she's driven enough she'll do it. I think James is long past due to pull one out. Should he or Janelle pull one off, kiss Mike or Will goodbye.

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No, she said that Jennifer and Howie had sex while in sequester. Jennifer didn't have sex with Janelle (well, I should say Janelle didn't say she and Jennifer had sex because who am I to know if they did or not).

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man howie the ladies man :)

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so was rachel mad

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as much as i love howie.. i have never deluded myself regarding him and sex. lol he WOULD do anyone that came alonge..

as far as the players in the game...he has said that all that was game and that he would talk to the FS outside of the house if the they wanted to talk to him. i think he has talked to everyone but maggie and eric. (maggie and eric snubbed everyone i think)

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Jennifer is the one who told Kaysar it was alright to take his hand off and that he would not be nominated.right? Why is all the talk about her and sex anyway that I have seen on here now and then> Was she like Alison, hooking up with the guys on the show?

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Last year, April told the other HG that Jennifer was the "blow job queen" in college, or something like that. I'm sure someone remembers more specifics than I do, but that's basically the jist of it.

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