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Donny Thompson (Week 8) - nominated by Derrick, BotB winner (saved) + Team America


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Hi! I'm new to the forum but a hug fan of BB and since I don't have live feeds, I read Morty's page to catch up.

Maybe I'm wrong but I think the reason Caleb is assuming that Donny had help is because they are already trying to figure out how he could possibly know about them using skittles to decide who went on the block. Donny had asked Cody how they decided and he told him... Donny later made a comment about it that Zach heard and repeated. For a group that's working together, their communication is sorely lacking. Poor Caleb has thought Donny was some special agent most of the time as it is so why not give him an ear piece now too?

I'm a very out spoken person at times myself but normally, I had much rather sit back and observe the bullS and laugh as it happens and tell my few trusted friends to pay attention. I hate that the coldness of most of the other house guest have caused them to basically shun Donnie as a human. Whether you want to play the game of life with someone or not doesn't mean you can't be a persons friend.

If you are wondering about special treatment...I'd look more at Frankie's game. Things seem to bounce in his favor quite often and honestly, I don't know his sister or care but he's made me laugh and gag at the same time. :)

Derrick...he's a Dad and a cop. What do you expect from him?

Christine, well...I'm going to guess this is the most male attention she's ever gotten and especially from someone that looks like Cody. He's there and she's pretty much the one with her hands on him from what I'm seeing and reading. Yes girl, we understand. Hope your husband does when you get home but maybe you've learned enough to twist it around and confuse him too. HAHAA! I've seen his tweets... Sad!!

Caleb...not much to say about him. He talks about himself enough. WOW!!!!


Welcome MccayGirl - hope to see more comments. I gave up trying to figure out production.... it is what it is. One person will win then we go on to next year. Good take on the houseguests.

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If he didn't have the beard he would look younger. The beard is a ploy to make him appear like he is over the hill and should be having Ensure with his slop.  He's deceiving them by the beard. After seeing his girlfriend I would think she wouldn't live with that beard. Maybe she is a beard too!


One thing to ponder:  You can't grow a beard if you shave! 


Very mysterious.

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Thanks Marty. Now to figure this out on my phone...HAHAA!! Seriously though, isn't the biggest part of this game really about the social interaction and what people would do faced with obstacles to survive to the end? Sometimes overlooking what seems the weaker in some ways hurts you because you've over looked them for their wisdom. Some of you have already mentioned the fact that we don't have the brightest bunch this year. I think Hayden and Donny have more common sense than the rest of the house put together.

I'll catch up with you all later. Have a good evening.

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There is no doubt in my mind that Donny was given information thru his earpiece during the comp. This is not the first time, nor will it be the last time that BB have designed comps to favor someone. Heck, giving certain HG's extra help is just par for the course. I noticed though, throughout the years, production seemed to have only stepped in when a huge group of people were fighting against a single HG.


I figured something was up when Victoria asked Caleb if he heard production clearly talking to him thru his earpiece yesterday, before the comp. She was mentioning that to him as though having earpieces were something new. I was really suspicious when Christine said she was yelled at by production while trying to throw the comp. Was she chastised thru her earpiece or did others, specifically Donny, hear it?  Christine said later that she thought Donny knew that she had tried to throw it.


I guess BB got tired of the Detonators plotting to throw comps and have designed comps so that one person can win it on their own.  I say, good for BB!  And Thank God there is only one more BOtB comp! 

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Sticks and stone can break my bone, but names can really hurt me.....so throw all you want....I feel in Donny's position in this house he is playing a good game.  He's like a cook in a kitchen with very few staples to work with, yet he still comes out making a 3 course meal !!!  :)

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When other HGs win a Comp there's always a lot of High 5ing, chest bumps, laughing etc.

I've never seen anyone crowd around Donny to celebrate his win.


All I've seen is a lot of Sour Grapes, speculation on him being a closet genius ... and frustration

because the Comp didn't go as 'they' planned.


The tears are probably because he knows he has no one celebrate 'the moment' with.


(for me... the Jury's still out on the mic in the ear help)

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Guest 6Borders

Nahh...  A cook would have to work hard to achieve that.  Donny just cries and feels sorry for himself.

I must be watching a different show and feeds because I am not seeing that any more or less than I see the other HG's cry, whine, feel sorry for themselves, blame it on someone else....they all do it!  I actually think Donny does it less than some (probably because he gets less feed time).


Donny is finally having people to talk to now that the numbers are dwindling and they are all interacting.

When Donny was talking about his brother's disability I didn't get that he was fishing for any kind of sympathy, or that he was angry at God or someone about his brother...it was just 'this is part of my life'.  Maybe if the other HG's would listen once in a while they would find out Donny is a pretty cool person.  Personally I would rather listen to him than Caleb's endless bragging and Frankie's endless everything else!

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Sticks and stone can break my bone, but names can really hurt me.....so throw all you want....I feel in Donny's position in this house he is playing a good game.  He's like a cook in a kitchen with very few staples to work with, yet he still comes out making a 3 course meal !!!   :)


Agree. I think that if Donny had played more aggressively he'd already by out.


I also think (contrary to some others here) that when Donny cries it's not because he's feeling sorry for himself. I think he's just really, really missing his family and girlfriend. He's a "feeler".  People who aren't "feelers" can't always relate to what it's like to be one.

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I must be watching a different show and feeds because I am not seeing that any more or less than I see the other HG's cry, whine, feel sorry for themselves, blame it on someone else....they all do it!  I actually think Donny does it less than some (probably because he gets less feed time).


Donny is finally having people to talk to now that the numbers are dwindling and they are all interacting.

When Donny was talking about his brother's disability I didn't get that he was fishing for any kind of sympathy, or that he was angry at God or someone about his brother...it was just 'this is part of my life'.  Maybe if the other HG's would listen once in a while they would find out Donny is a pretty cool person.  Personally I would rather listen to him than Caleb's endless bragging and Frankie's endless everything else!


I completely agree, although I sense that Caleb is probably acting out of insecurity more than anything else. People who have real self confidence generally don't have a need to constantly be tooting their own horn.

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Sticks and stone can break my bone, but names can really hurt me.....so throw all you want....I feel in Donny's position in this house he is playing a good game.  He's like a cook in a kitchen with very few staples to work with, yet he still comes out making a 3 course meal !!!   :)


I agree.  Game stats prove his game.  Moreso, he has been under pressure to stay and has done that.  I'm thinking that donny probably won't win but that's okay, the public likes him for the right reason and that is what life is all about.

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Looks like  "he don't need no stinkin' alliance" . :laugh4:


And I watched the BOB on the show... and I couldn't see any signs of him having a mic in his ear.

Even if he did,  it was pitch black in there - and on top of it Christine handed the other guys 2 or 3 of those bones.


Seemed like Caleb and Cody couldn't have found them even if the lights were on.

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Looks like  "he don't need no stinkin' alliance" . :laugh4:


And I watched the BOB on the show... and I couldn't see any signs of him having a mic in his ear.

Even if he did,  it was pitch black in there - and on top of it Christine handed the other guys 2 or 3 of those bones.


Seemed like Caleb and Cody couldn't have found them even if the lights were on.

I agree. I didn't see anything suspicious either.


I suppose for those prone to conspiracy theories, production could have directed Donny to 'good' bones and directed Christine to 'bad' bones and then directed Christine over to Caleb/Cody and then directed her to give those 'bad' bones to Caleb/Cody just to screw with their game... a bit more than far-fetched but I sure in this crazy world we live in there must be some fool that would buy into all of that intrigue.


I did get a good chuckle out of Christine's relief as she had realized her failed attempt to throw it and her monumental failure that came in the form of giving Caleb/Cody the 'bad' bones. 

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Looks like  "he don't need no stinkin' alliance" . :laugh4:


And I watched the BOB on the show... and I couldn't see any signs of him having a mic in his ear.

Even if he did,  it was pitch black in there - and on top of it Christine handed the other guys 2 or 3 of those bones.


Seemed like Caleb and Cody couldn't have found them even if the lights were on.

He certainly doesn't need no stinkin Christine, that's for sure.


It takes a village to get rid of Donny!!!

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Aside from many people thinking that donny is a dumbass it seems crystal clear that the house is terrified of him.  WIth good reason.  No production assistance noted.  If they cheered, they cheered because they like him which is probably easy to do in person.  Donny would be great on AR.  I hope that happens.  I really like him.

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They fear the unknown. Nobody knows if they are his target and he has not bonded with any of them.


He really has been coming out of his shell for about the last 3 days. It is like production told him to step up his social game. It was like bamm he went from a loner to interacting with everyone.


It is nice to see him in the game.

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Guest 6Borders

At least Donny knows what is going on (knows who is working with whom, Derrick is lying to him, Christine was trying to throw BoftheB), unlike that fool Caleb who still believes The Bomb Squad actually exists!


Donny is playing more of a game than Cody, Christine or Victoria.   Derrick and Frankie are obviously scared of Donny (Derrick wants 500K for his family; Frankie wants 500K AND more importantly the title of "BB16 Winner" for his ego).  Honestly don't understand Christine's hatred of Donny...that just makes no sense.


I hope Donny wins the sole HOH next week or a special power.

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I must be watching a different show and feeds because I am not seeing that any more or less than I see the other HG's cry, whine, feel sorry for themselves, blame it on someone else....they all do it!  I actually think Donny does it less than some (probably because he gets less feed time).


Donny is finally having people to talk to now that the numbers are dwindling and they are all interacting.

When Donny was talking about his brother's disability I didn't get that he was fishing for any kind of sympathy, or that he was angry at God or someone about his brother...it was just 'this is part of my life'.  Maybe if the other HG's would listen once in a while they would find out Donny is a pretty cool person.  Personally I would rather listen to him than Caleb's endless bragging and Frankie's endless everything else!

Everyone that dislikes Donny like to say he crys and whines blah blah blah whatever.  I will take a Donny over a Derrick any day.  These people have no reason to HATE him and I am quoting Christine miss I hope my pastor does'nt think bad about me about Cody??????????  Really I don't think you are supposed to HATE someone's guts for no reason and even if you have a reason I think that is not in your Bible either.  So I guess it ok to HATE someones guts and hang onto a guy while you are in the big brother house and all is forgiven????  What a piece of work she is.  Cody is as bad as Victoria and Derrick is on my last nerve.  Frankie is an idiot that thinks his sisters success will rub off on him I hope it does not.  I actually like Zach and I never thought that would come out of my mouth.  Once he gets voted out and has a chance to return I think his eyes will be wide open.  I do hope Nicole or Hayden get back in though.

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Trending on the Internet there is a huge following for Zach now for America's Favorite Player. They say Donny has enough money as AP. (they forgot that Zach got a 10 grand trip LOL)


The Sheeple usually pick who they feel sorry for at the moment. A few weeks ago they were saying Brittany should get it because of her suffering during the soccer kick penalty.


Then there was a Nicole following when she was evicted because of the male bullies in the house that evicted her.


I am sure the trend will go back to Donny again next week. No fear...... :daisy:

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