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Elissa - Week 8 Nominee/PoV Winner


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probably most worthless hg's in the game right now :animated_bouncy:

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Her life outside this house is a dream, I don't think she gives a crap anymore or probably didn't to begin with..It's like she isn't even trying to win anything.. Elissa is the person who really doesn't need the cash and she is playing exactly like it.. Her stipend is pocket change. This is most likely advertisement for her yoga services and her nutritionist services... She is a walking billboard for her fitness business. I mean play the damn game or ask to leave. I like Elissa but she is useless in the house. Completely useless.

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She is either trying to play the "everyone hates me so, take me to the end because I can't win game." Or she is done with all the house bs and she's ready for jury where she can still; vote for the winner and be a part of the game, gets pictures of her son/husband, telephone calls, etc. Either way I think she sees at as a win-win situation.

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I like Elissa and was hoping real bad she would pull out a win tonight. I really hope this is all an act and she starts kicking butts and taking names!! BTW, I love her dark hair. My husband, who never watches this show, watched it with me tonight, took one look at Elissa and said "wow she looks like plastic". I showed a pic of what she looked like before, she is a beautiful girl.

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Finally! Elissa being exposed for the holier-than-thou skank that she truly is. And all coming from Helen's fake breakdown. This is one of the best moments in BB history! :)

And sure enough CBS cuts the feeds. :nono:

EDIT: Maybe it was just me, I hit refresh and it came right back....IDK.

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You can't train a competitive drive. She doesn't seem to have it.

I really think she is throwing these comps! This one was oblivious! She waiting until I think spencer to hit first and then she hit it! I think she thought she was in a safe position! I believe she will turn it up for veto! But she needs to stop throwing them! Last 3 HOHS she is the first out! Come on now. I think she is playing in not a threat like my sister game! But aryan threw a monkey wrench in her plan by winning hoh! She knows what she is doing! I hope!
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Her life outside this house is a dream, I don't think she gives a crap anymore or probably didn't to begin with..It's like she isn't even trying to win anything.. Elissa is the person who really doesn't need the cash and she is playing exactly like it.. Her stipend is pocket change. This is most likely advertisement for her yoga services and her nutritionist services... She is a walking billboard for her fitness business. I mean play the damn game or ask to leave. I like Elissa but she is useless in the house. Completely useless.

totally agree

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She is either trying to play the "everyone hates me so, take me to the end because I can't win game." Or she is done with all the house bs and she's ready for jury where she can still; vote for the winner and be a part of the game, gets pictures of her son/husband, telephone calls, etc. Either way I think she sees at as a win-win situation.

:laugh4::notworthy::hurray: you are correct!!!!!!!!!! :party_smilie:

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Elissa told Helen she would not get her vote in jury because she will go home. :hypocrite:

I don't dislike Elissa, but if she doesn't want to be there I wish she'd self-evict NOW - before the nominations. Then all these gutless wonders wouldn't know what to do.

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I may get smashed for this but if they do a remake of all in the family Elissa would make a great Edith and be able to do it naturally. She has been carried and protected simply being Rachel's sister.Her performaces in competitions I think easily earns her the dingbat nickname.

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Guest 6Borders

This is the most ridiculous waste of an HG in the history of the game. Elissa came to "have the experience" and now she's tired of it so she wants to just walk out. She's nothing but a spoiled rich kid who begs mommy for ice skating lessons so she can have the fancy outfits and then quits a few weeks later!

Whether this was Elissa's idea (I just want to play BB like my big sis did) or Rachel and Grodner cooked up this idiotic scheme just for ratings (because Grodner is terrified to really put all new people in) really doesn't matter. There are thousands of people who love this game, embrace it and want to play and just because Elissa says "gee, I'd like to do that", bang she's on the show, and a few people who really were fans were sent home or to jury because she is there, being towed along by the Brenchel fans and Mom of the House Helen.

I am not, never was, never will be a Rachel fan, but Rachel loved the game of Big Brother and she came to play every time. Elissa is just a joke!! She's not good enough to be Rachels BB Shadow!

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I still stand by my statement that she never had a chance in this game. I got hit with she got in the house so she did have a chance. You do not win big brother by being alone without anyone. That is a fact. Fact is Jeremy and his mean girls told eveyone not to talk to her or they would be targeted. Whether you like her or you don't that is BS no matter who you are. When she kept getting the MVP Amanda and Helen were smart enough at the time to keep her around to use her for this power and they did get alot of strong guys out of the game early. I say they meaning Elissa also. I also stand by my statement that she is not stupid. She has always had an issue with Aaryn because of the racist remarks she has made and also Gina Marie. She talked to them because she needed to that's it plain and simple. Gina Marie I don't talk about people oh let's see you have been Elissa bashing for the whole BBAD. Aaryn is still trying to blame her statements and comments on Candice and blaming Candice for how she is perceived outside the house. Well all I can say is good luck with that once you step your a@@ out the front door. I am going to be done with this debacle of a season after next week and I see who wins to come back in. If its Judd and he plays stupid about who wanted him out I am done. If Amanda wins this game I will never watch big brother again. I have never seen a bunch of disgusting human beings in one place on tv before. I like Elissa and unfortunately for her she will be stuck in this house until at least next week because even with all the Elissa bashing going on the target is Helen. Unless fake cry baby wins POV and then she is gone.

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This is the most ridiculous waste of an HG in the history of the game. Elissa came to "have the experience" and now she's tired of it so she wants to just walk out. She's nothing but a spoiled rich kid who begs mommy for ice skating lessons so she can have the fancy outfits and then quits a few weeks later!

Whether this was Elissa's idea (I just want to play BB like my big sis did) or Rachel and Grodner cooked up this idiotic scheme just for ratings (because Grodner is terrified to really put all new people in) really doesn't matter. There are thousands of people who love this game, embrace it and want to play and just because Elissa says "gee, I'd like to do that", bang she's on the show, and a few people who really were fans were sent home or to jury because she is there, being towed along by the Brenchel fans and Mom of the House Helen.

I am not, never was, never will be a Rachel fan, but Rachel loved the game of Big Brother and she came to play every time. Elissa is just a joke!! She's not good enough to be Rachels BB Shadow!

I would normally agree but we do not know how Elissa was asked knowing Rachel she probably pushed her into doing it just so we wouldn't forget her. I do not agree that there are thousands of people that are fans and want to play this game becasue in this season alone they all claim they are big fans and they did not come to play big brother they came to play follow the leader. Most of them do. Elissa was put in the house probably for the drama who knows and I don't really care. People have treated her like crap and that is a fact. Is she cut out for this game no she is not. Do I care if she leaves no I do not but I would much rather watch fake a@@ Helen walk out the door then her. They can get her out anytime. I think she is cracking and probably should go and if she does I hope its before the nomination ceremony. I am going to watch and see who comes back if its Judd or Candice I will watch for another week but I am so over this season of big brother and like I said if Amanda wins I will never watch this show again.
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