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Come on Big Brother. First your asking each person in the diary room if they would join the game if they have a chance. You must have gotten a mix response. All 4 coaches should of had to hit yes. Not one. Shane last week, was useless. Ugh. Poor choice BB.

Completely agreed. Just one? Of course one would have hit it.

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britney / ian favorites for this :animated_bouncy:

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wow no evictions

i didnt see that one coming

going to be a lot of drama now with frank staying

shane must be pissing bricks

now i must put away the fat lady :animated_bouncy:

Wow, all the drama this is gonna cause. Frank thought he was truly a pawn but wait until the others start telling him that he was the one that was going home. LOL! Brit or Shane better win this HOH or Shane will have to have that POV for real.

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ok, I'm offically back in, I have my feeds cancelled and everything, but still have the feeds till the 26th , so of sourse watching the hoh, the coach thing was booorrring, so I am thinking it will pick up now,lol @ UPV and your fat lady, no fat lady tonight

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How can Boogie remain in game ...he's only Coach left, will get $100,000 automatically. He said on feeds he would leave and not return to finale party. I think his hemorhoids must be acting up...

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I say Joe down first

then jen :animated_bouncy:

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I say Joe down first

my only dissapointment is that Joe did not leave tonight, I so wanted him to go

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ok, I'm offically back in, I have my feeds cancelled and everything, but still have the feeds till the 26th , so of sourse watching the hoh, the coach thing was booorrring, so I am thinking it will pick up now,lol @ UPV and your fat lady, no fat lady tonight

yeah that is a bummer

grodner pulling one over on me

i had the fat lady ready to go :animated_bouncy:

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What a rig vote...? One person press reset and it resets??? SMH...

the desperation to have the veterans in the game was on display :animated_bouncy:

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