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wow no evictions

i didnt see that one coming

going to be a lot of drama now with frank staying

shane must be pissing bricks

now i must put away the fat lady :animated_bouncy:

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Hmmmm....I didn't see some of that coming.

I'd be pretty pissed if I was Shane. Wonder if he'll pull a Chima.

haha :animated_bouncy:

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Wow the no eviction thing caught me by surprise. They've not gone from having too few players to too many? We're gonna have to have like 2 double eviction weeks. Boogie looked pissed and almost like he was thinking of walking off the show.

I think he knew he had a better shot at 100 K than 500 K. Especially if Frank would re-enter the game.

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clever way to help the struggling ratings

forced drama by the coaches coming into the game and keeping frank around :animated_bouncy:

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Come on Big Brother. First your asking each person in the diary room if they would join the game if they have a chance. You must have gotten a mix response. All 4 coaches should of had to hit yes. Not one. Shane last week, was useless. Ugh. Poor choice BB.

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Wow the no eviction thing caught me by surprise. They've now gone from having too few players to too many? We're gonna have to have like 2 double eviction weeks. Boogie looked pissed and almost like he was thinking of walking off the show.

He was not happy.

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