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Jodi, Week 1 - Evicted 7/12


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well this explains why she looked so awkward in the cast photo, from the looks of things it was probably taken after she was already evicted.

I feel really bad for her. Who knows how many times she tried to get on BB in the past and failed. To go through all the casting process... get on the show.. and then be sent home the first night. Really sucks for her. It always sucks for everyone who goes home the first week, but usually they at least get the 1.5-2 weeks in the house to get a chance to campaign to save herself.

That being said, I kind of wonder if she is -really- going home. There are only 12 real "house-guests" ... since Britney, Dan, Jani and Boogie can't be evicted by normal means. Which brings us to 11. If one goes home this week that leaves only 10 house-guests for this season. Which tells me that one of 'em may be coming back this season to give the "vets" an extra challenge.

Note: This is pure speculation on my part.

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almost forgot this 2wlxyfb.jpg:animated_bouncy:

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She was my pick for the. If brother pool we have at work. Oh well some had to go first.

you got short end of the stick

she would have probably made jury if not for this twist of sorts :animated_bouncy:

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I felt really bad for her also - but I'd feel the same no matter who got evicted the first night. I always feel disappointed when someone is evicted after the first WEEK, so this is the worst. I hate not ever getting a chance to get to know them or their personality.

I don't really see the point of Big Brother doing this. Why go to the trouble and expensive of casting that extra person, flying them out, putting them in sequester, prepping them for the show, having them sign all the legal paperwork that must be involved, and kick them out in an hour? It doesn't add anything to the show because the fans never had time to get attached or form any opinions to care much beyond, "Oh, that's a shame."

The more I think about it, the more I believe something else is going on here. I have a feeling we'll see her again.

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She lost fair and square! Danielle is in much better physcial condition however Jodi might have done real well with the quizzes! IDK! But it looks like the next competition they are wrestling! He might should have kept Jodi! I also think Jodi came on strong with her opinion on who Dan should vote out! I was like :huh:

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She lost fair and square! Danielle is in much better physcial condition however Jodi might have done real well with the quizzes! IDK! But it looks like the next competition they are wrestling! He might should have kept Jodi! I also think Jodi came on strong with her opinion on who Dan should vote out! I was like :huh:

she was asked. if you had a chance to save your butt from evcition, wouldn't you try to lay it on thick and sell the other chick out? I would.

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she was asked. if you had a chance to save your butt from evcition, wouldn't you try to lay it on thick and sell the other chick out? I would.

That could have been a trick question! if I remember correctly, Dan's game play was the quiet snake! You never see him coming but he was there with America's help. IDK! Physical I would have voted Jodi out! But then again, Danielle didnt do too well either..hum... This was a hard pick, they needed more time! Couldnt tell who was the weak player yet!
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Guest 6Borders

The teams pick was totally unfair. Jodi is very athletic, just THIS comp didn't favor her. Dan picked her and voted her out (my opinion) based on her age/weight not her potential. Danielle was just as bad in that comp. Dan was not thinking about other types of comps or other strengths Jodi might have brought to the team.

She actually did spend a week in the house, right, so she only technically got evicted "the first night of the show". I'm not sure when the coaches came in or when the comp actually was played.

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One of the lamest "twists" to date really. If you are indifferent towards someone because you didn't get to know much about them, it doesn't really matter if they are gone.

The more houseguest still playing the more interesting the game is though, especially new houseguests, so eliminating one right off the bat before the feeds even went live is just disappointing.

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It was pretty sad, but Evel Dick made a decent point during Dick At Nite. The cruelest thing BB did was during All-Stars when they brought the few rejects outside and packed, and they basically just had to leave after. Didn't even get to come in. I feel like a few of those people deserved to be an All-Star over a few people who were in there.

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She lost fair and square! Danielle is in much better physcial condition however Jodi might have done real well with the quizzes! IDK! But it looks like the next competition they are wrestling! He might should have kept Jodi! I also think Jodi came on strong with her opinion on who Dan should vote out! I was like :huh:

Regardless she proved herself to be a fighter because she kept getting up on that cushion and would not give up. She was a fighter, and Dan should have eliminated the weakest link in his team. I don't think that was her. There's something to be said for fighters.

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