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Jodi, Week 1 - Evicted 7/12


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It was pretty sad, but Evel Dick made a decent point during Dick At Nite. The cruelest thing BB did was during All-Stars when they brought the few rejects outside and packed, and they basically just had to leave after. Didn't even get to come in. I feel like a few of those people deserved to be an All-Star over a few people who were in there.

Except those people actually got to play the game before and knew before that there was a chance they wouldnt make it into the house.

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She actually did spend a week in the house, right, so she only technically got evicted "the first night of the show". I'm not sure when the coaches came in or when the comp actually was played.

She said in an interview that she left the same day she went in, so that tells me the comp was taped, and not live at all.

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She had a good attitude and brought some real difference into the house. She is older, cheerful, good sport, African American, and showed pluck in the competition. Wish she would still be there to add those qualities to the house. :(

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I heard some of the hg's say that she had an attitude, saying BB wouldn't allow her to be evicted the first night because she was the token black chick.

I would have liked to see her stay over Danielle. I think Jodi would have stirred up things given the opportunity.

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