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Shane Meaney, Pre-Season


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Name: Shane Meaney

Age: 26

Hometown: Bennington, Vt.

Occupation: House Flipper

Three adjectives that describe you: Passionate, funny and honest.

Favorite Activities: Working out, renovating houses, hitting golf balls off my deck into the woods and spending time with my friends and family.

Most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: Eating the slop because I'm used to my roommate’s cooking.

Strategy for winning “Big Brother:” Make friends with people in the house while maintaining my competitive nature...oh, and have fun!

Who is your hero and why: My dad. He is an accomplished musician, loving husband, great father and would do anything for me or my sister.

What are you afraid of: Failure, mice and drowning.

What is the accomplishment you are most proud of: Graduating Pre-Med with a 3.8 grade point average.

Finish this sentence: My life’s motto is… work hard and play harder.

What would you take into the house and why: My iPod since I can’t live without music, my dog Dozer and a pull up bar because I gotta keep those muscles alive.

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maybe he can flip the big brother house :animated_bouncy:

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Guest 6Borders

I'm sure BB saw the correlation between what Shane does (if that REALLY is what he does or he's smarter than the application) and the BB House!!!

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flipping a house is when you buy it cheap, throw a little cash into fixing it up then reselling for a "hopefully" substantial profit.

Oh I get it... I just wouldn't have called it that lol.

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Guest 6Borders

I don't get it...graduated pre-med with a 3.8 and he's a "house flipper"!

Methinks this is your closet gay guy this season!!!

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I really enjoyed his interview. He's very personable, polite and easy going. He was found on the internet by the producers. He was named Mr. Vermont by Cosmopolitan Magazine in 2010 which is how they found him. He's a newbie and doesn't know much about the game which could possibly hurt him. I think a lot of the HG will be drawn to him, both male and females.

He grew up in a small town in Vermont. I think he has a very nice personality and will be fun to watch on the feeds. I get a real positive energy from him which is very good. ;)

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I really like the work hard and play harder motto... just hope he's not an ass.

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strengths: physical comps, claims to have ability to switch game plans if needed, can withstand slop for awhile

weakness: candidate to try to start an alliance too early, mental comps?(3.8 premed), may be messy to live with, possible showmance candidate,will be seen as a comp threat and put on block because of it, maybe more into the girls then game :animated_bouncy:

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Seems like a jock who thinks he defies type. We'll see if he does or not. Seems like the candidate most likely to get a big head when they win HOH.

Don't like him even though I am sure he will get a lot of women's vote as the "hot" guy in the house.

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i have a hunch this guy maybe one to fall for a girl in bb house and throw his game away for her based on interviews :animated_bouncy:

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I dunno.. he seems too into himself to be into a girl UVP. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't use a girl who fell in his lap if he thought he could use it. For years I have been dying for a male himbo to rival Alison for years. Closest we ever got was .. Jesse.

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