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About PoorRichard

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  1. Reasons that Ian was a better player this year than Dan, and deserved the win: 1) Dan was able to borrow from previous experience on how to play the game. Ian had to master the game on his own (even his coach spent his time with Frank instead of him). 2) A little back-stabbing is enough in Big Brother. Back-stabbing every player everyday is bad game-play. Dan became oblivious to jury votes when he knifed almost every jury member. 3) Ian is obviously better at comps than Dan (And when it came down to the comp that ends every season, that everyone should have prepared for, a comp that Dan could not throw, and it was just Ian and Dan, Ian proved he was the superior one at comps). 4) Some of Ian's best moves he did while masterfully flying under the radar. Everyone thought he was the house puppy while he engineered Boogie's eviction. Really the only thing that Dan did better than Ian was playing the manipulation game (a valid strategy though it is). Ian did better in social game, playing for jury votes and comps.
  2. Ian is many things, but he is NOT an idiot. Unlike some people in the past, Ian is not in the final 4 accidentally. It was purely his game-play that got him this far. He understood to play on the fact that people ignored and underestimated him most of the game. And even if Ian is evicted this week, guess what? He's already won $4,000 and will probably win America's Choice for some more money.
  3. But when you're down to final 4, who your'e "tight" with doesn't matter so much. As I said, in F4, you don't try to get as many votes as possible, since only the veto holder will send someone home. At this point, the ONLY time it will matter who you're tight with is in F3, when HOH decides who to take to the F2.
  4. I like Dan, but I think Ian needs to remember how Big Brother goes. In the final 4, the ONLY thing that matters will be who wins the veto....because whoever wins the veto will, by him or herself, decide who is evicted. That means at this point, you should try your best to send someone home that you're afraid could beat you at winning the veto. That's NOT Jenn. Better to send Dan home.
  5. I like Dan, but I think Ian needs to remember how Big Brother goes. In the final 4, the ONLY thing that matters will be who wins the veto....because whoever wins the veto will, by him or herself, decide who is evicted. That means at this point, you should try your best to send someone home that you're afraid could beat you at winning the veto. That's NOT Jenn. Better to send Dan home.
  6. Just a reminder, when Dr. Will won in season 2, they were all newbies as well.
  7. For the longest time I was rooting for Ian to win it. And he's still my second choice, but honestly, my opinion of him has gone down a lot the past week. I've now decided I'm going to root for the one who deserves to win, based on game play.....and that has to be Dan. Ian said some goofy things today First, he told Joe that Britney gave him specific instructions who he is to align with and who he's to target.....as though Britney is STILL in control of his game! Then he said that the only people standing between him and the money are Jenn, Frank and Dan. No Ian.....everyone in the house, believe it or not, wants the money....so eventually you have to get rid of all of them. They are all standing between you and the money. Like I said, I'd still be ok with an Ian win....but hey, he's already won $4,000 and stands a good chance at getting America's Choice. My first pick now is Dan.
  8. I mean is everyone voting out Ian in the second eviction of the night?
  9. Could someone with feeds update me as to what's likely to happen in the first eviction Thursday? Who's voting out Joe and who's voting out Frank? And does Ian have any protection in the second eviction?
  10. Exactly. Evel Dick would never have told Jenn in his season, after pouring water on her, "I expect to be friends with you outside the house, but in this house, you're dead to me." Dick would have said "I hate you, you're a b* and I never want to see your face." He played personal. Dan told Dani he expects that he'll be friends with her outside the house.....and an hour or so later he revealed that he really was not mad at her even in the game. Dan's moves are all game, never personal.
  11. Doubtful GLASS HOUSE will be back after its abysmal ratings.
  12. Ok I just rewatched the clip, and I'm mistaken: In the DR Dan says "I was willing to swear on the Bible to go to the end with Frank, and the crazy thing is I actually mean it."
  13. Right, he shook hands for the F2 deal. But when he said "I swear on my family," etc., etc., he was talking about the info. about Ian. He told Frank about Ian and Frank said "Dan if you're lying to me," and Dan said "I swear on.....this and that."
  14. Just to clarify something: Dan did NOT swear to be loyal to Frank. He swore to the fact that he was telling the truth about the alliance and Ian being the one who backstabbed him and Boogie.
  15. Isn't there usually some place online to watch Big Brother?



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