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About TwinCity

  • Birthday 07/31/1954

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  1. Brit is pregnant and heard it is a girl.
  2. Evel Dick Twitted that he will post a video explaining everything after the west coast show ends to night at www.rtvzone.com. But, if you go there now... you get an error page and up in the URL .. it Says the account has been suspended. Coincidence... i think not. CBS flexing their muscle probably. Wonder what they are trying to hide. URL looks like this: http://www.rtvzone.c...spendedpage.cgi
  3. Evel Dick Donato But to squash the rumors, I am not in jail, don't have cancer, my mother son and girlfriend are not in the hospital & I was not kicked out. He goes on to say that a public statement from him will be posted later on explaining everything.
  4. Dan would have kept Keesha I think and I actually think if Dan had to pic... Memphis or Keesha.. think Keesha would have gone with DAN
  5. Actually, I found his body repulsive.... so freekin over the top and I do NOT believe that is not a roid body...
  6. Dan had said that his uncle is a financial advisor and had helped him for a long time. He will listen to his uncle before blowing a wad on Memphis's crazy scheme.... thank goodness.
  7. i dont see you in idol threads this season

    how you been?

  8. Hi, Twincity! It's great to see you in the feeds--Thanks for doing a great job!


  9. Hi twin...always nice to have a new friend! See you around and have a great 4th!


  10. Newbies are always welcome... especially active newbies !!
  11. I remember being a newbie !!! ... and felt very welcomed by everyone.... WELCOME NEWBIES !!!
  12. Thanks for the friend invite, sorry for the late response.

  13. no way fizzle... if you get pushed out the site will fold...
  14. you said it DreamAngel... and as we all stated early on ... ton's of newbie's



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