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Jeff - Week 3

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oh yeah!!!!!!:smitten:

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I sooo know what you are saying, there was a lot of stuff being said about me and another friend in here, I ignored it , it meant nothing to me because I know who the ppl are in here hwho are my friends and who I banter with and have fun exchanging opinions with, I appreciated what you said too lvgal, and we all don't have to agree, funny I haven't seen a lotof those ppl in here this week,lol, I personally love me some Jeff,lolol, last season and this season too

I believe it's just because this season has been quite boring. Don't get me wrong, I dislike most of the noobs so I'm happy the vets are just dominating, but its led to a lot of arguing on this site and sucks. A very weak noob cast with the vets minus Dick leaving just makes people mad/bored. And it's not the kind of arguing like past seasons where I enjoyed sticking around and posting back and forth; just mostly people hating on players over and over again. This is my first post this season I believe...I might have gotten in a team brenchel earlier.

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Nothing wrong with "arguing" about game play & even I have to admit that I used to argue about ppls morals.......until we ALL had to face the reality in BB.......which is NOT "what you see is what you get".

OMG I've gotten serios on Jeff's thread, something I promised myself I would never do.....bring on the PICS.....I NEED a Jeff fix:)

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You made a good point, Ivgal, about us all being with men who have made insensitive comments. Women complain everyday about the rude things their men say, even unkowingly. No one would go out and divorce their husband over this. Not unless they are crazy. Slowpoke is also correct when she says there is not much out there! I guess I'd be the opposite of dani. Instead of leaving a room every time he came in I'd be following him around!

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This Jeff thread is crazy this year...I think everyone has a right to their own opinions.

We all come from different backgrounds and see things totally different.

I am sorry fot those of you who had a bad time in chat. I think Dade, and the other mods do a great job, trying to treat everyone that comes to chat fairly. Please don't feel one bad time in chat, cloud your judgement. Please come back and give it another try.

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I too love me some Jeff, but like all of us here, he is not a "perfect" person. We all do/say things in our daily lives that we may not be proud of, but we also aren't filmed 24/7 and have our imperfections shown on a TV show. Honestly, I think he is a good guy who speaks before he thinks. Don't we all do that sometimes? Ok, let's lighten up the mood,

bring on the Jeff pics!! :animated_bouncy::heart2:

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Jeff was being very co-operative when I brought up the feeds. He got out of the pool and went to relax in the sun!

And of course he isn't perfect. Like any man, he can probably be quite annoying and stubborn at times.


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Jeff was being very co-operative when I brought up the feeds. He got out of the pool and went to relax in the sun!

And of course he isn't perfect. Like any man, he can probably be quite annoying and stubborn at times.



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jeff, you are strarting to move more and more to my crap list.. i loved you in your season too...

be nice to dani.

Yeah Jeff, be nice to Dani as she tries to push you out the door. Whatever!

She is one psycho bitch!

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Jeff hasn't done anything and its almost jury time...why does everyone want him out so badly...when Jeff says "i suck"..he really hit the nail on head on that one....I said before he's the only vet I can stomach winning but I just don't see it happening unless he can start winning or Brenchel will hang him out to dry..

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The only reason Dani wanted him out so bad was because she thought she could get Brenchal to turn on him easily. She placed her bet and stuck with it even after it was obviously not working. Rachel and Brendon are pretty quick to turn on people, but for whatever reason it didn't work this time.

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Jeff your my man..sure you are not perfect and you get a bit bossy, but the majority of the time you treat Jordan like a queen..Continue playing the game the way you are doing by protecting your alliance and your woman...and maybe we will see you, Jordan, and Shelly in the final three!!!

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