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Kristen - Week 4 (Nominee)


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Kristen is a tough lady, telling Rachel she doesn't accept her apology... Yikes

As we learned with all the previous hg it doesn't make a difference what they say it's not going to change the votes.

It appears the only chance of staying in this house is winning POV and Brendon has proved this. I think Kristen is well aware of this. She has two chances of staying her chance at POV and if Hayden plays and wins.

They look for excuses to blame evictions on but I think even if situations didn't arise to evict they still would.

Andrew was going either way...bad speeches or not.

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I don't understand why Kristen nominated Kathy to play in the HOH comp. And afterwards, Kathy acts like it didnt' happen?

That surprised me too. Why did Kristen put Kathy up for elimination against Rachel? Why not put up Ragan? I'm not liking her.

It's one thing for Kristen to tell Rachel, the new HOH, "I am sorry." It is another thing for Rachel, the new HOH, to tell a potential nominee, "I am sorry," and then Kristen say "apology not accepted." I know you don't like Rachel, but you have to play the game in this house and put on your big girl pants. Even if you don't like the new HOH, be nice to her if she's being nice to you and you have a chance of avoiding the block instead of relying on POV to stay safe.

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Huh? Why does she want to put Enzo up? Strange pick.

She promised someone this about a week and a half ago but she could have changed her mind. She better change her mind! :animated_bouncy:


Good points about kristen cajun!

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She promised someone this about a week and a half ago but she could have changed her mind. She better change her mind! :animated_bouncy:

I think she has bigger fish to fry after the Kristen Hayden incident. But, loop de loop can switch on a dime.

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At this point I'd be surprised if Hayden would save her with a POV. I see him dialing back on Kristen.

Same here.. when her and Rachel were fighting his head went down with this look like.. i'm not involved in this

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