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Jeff. this single advertising salesman, hopes one day to find his perfect mate, and is looking for someone who is fun, beautiful and looks great just hanging around the house. He wouldn't mind a "showmance" with one of his fellow Houseguests if she fits his criteria.

Jeff is a guy's guy who loves to be outdoors and play sports. He especially likes competitive football, which he played in college. To date, the accomplishment he is most proud of is playing running back for Benedictine University.

He describes himself as curious, adventurous, spontaneous, witty and outgoing. If he ran for office, he would like to be Mayor so he can be his own boss and, to some degree, get his own way. He lives by the motto "treat others as you'd like to be treated," and hopes others in the house will live by that too.

Jeff is ecstatic to be selected for BIG BROTHER, but hopes not to do anything on television to embarrass himself or his family. He has a big heart and he wants that to be the thing the audience notices most about him.


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1st Impression... me likey!!!

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Anyone else think of Jeff Propst when they first saw him?

Obviously he'll be a force to be reckoned with in challenges.

I added him as one of my favorites just because you know the women will adore him.

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Jeff is ecstatic to be selected for BIG BROTHER, but hopes not to do anything on television to embarrass himself or his family. He has a big heart and he wants that to be the thing the audience notices most about him.

Not only is he good looking but he also seems like a very caring guy. Unlike those other macho men who think they are good looking, he doesn't seem to notice that quality about himself. Mmmmmm, I like him!!!!

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In his favour:

-salesman and politician which means he can charm the socks off them and sell sand in the desert (if he's good at either)

-played college football (and I happen to like football (pants))


-if he's too schmoozy of a fellow he'll grate on the nerves of his fellow HG's and be booted right quick

-he wants a showmance which means he probably is schmaltzy. Or a hopeless romantic. Either one'll doom you in this game.

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good luck with that bb showmance

this shows where his "head" is at

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