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Jerry - Week 8


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LenRay he didn't wear anything of MARINE nature that day...Which made it TOTALLY allright in jerryworld!!!! :animated_rotfl:

You only have to act, and have the MARINE code of honour, when you put MARINE stuff on, or are wearing MARINE stuff!

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Thanks, guys...I did mean Brian...MGM hasn't even given me my "bedtime" vitamins yet!

Jerry was in four years! I initially thought he was retired military career. Then when Renny started calling him "The Kernel" I though she meant Col Sanders (KFC)(I thought at the time, "My GOD, there IS a resemblance!")

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I don't think it matter how long ago and how much time was served by anyone in the military.

With the comments made throughout the game pertaining to Jerry's military service, it's no wonder that Veterans Day is now more importantly known as a sale day and a day off from work/school to most people.

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I don't think it matter how long ago and how much time was served by anyone in the military.

With the comments made throughout the game pertaining to Jerry's military service, it's no wonder that Veterans Day is now more importantly known as a sale day and a day off from work/school to most people.

I'm going to try and keep this on-topic and about Jerry . . . mostly!

I think the reason so many people are bothered by Jerry's constant reminder of his USMC service is that he wears that mantle as what defines him. I'm sure that he served proudly and with distinction. His service in the military ended almost 55 years ago. It was not his career, it was 4 years out of his 75.

Jerry chose to remove his Marine Corps clothing when he "back doored" Brian so as to not dishonor the Marine Corps! How did Jerry honor the USMC with the vile utterings spewing from his dirty mouth? To show the disrespect for so many of the other hg's is certainly not honorable.

Why is his military service how he chooses to primarily define himself? If he had stayed in High School and become the Captain of the football team, would he be wearing a football helmet all day? I really don't mean to be disrespectful when I say that. I question his thinking is all. Being a Marine Corps veteran does not automatically make you a good person anymore than having gone to Parochial School automatically makes me a Christian! It's how you live your life everyday that qualifies you for those distinctions.

I personally think that Jerry entered Big Brother with all of his USMC merchandise and stories as part of his gameplay. I think he made an error in assuming that this would give him an "edge" in Big Brother! He's engaged in a game with a generation of competitors who could care less what he did 50+ years ago. He has been unable to establish any commonality or personal relationship with anyone of the other 12 hg's in BB10.

I picked up Jerry's comment during his discussion with Keesha about their "fans". He started off the conversation with being surprised that BB production hadn't mentioned all the veteran's organizations during any of his diary room sessions. He said something along the lines of "I'm sure all the veterans are aware of me in here."!!!!!!! That really made me think that Jerry had again targeted the wrong audience with his gameplay!

I also don't think that questioning Jerry, his military service, or any aspect of him as a human being means that anyone else on this board doesn't care about veteran's day. Many of us here are painfully aware of it's significance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Personally I thank anyone who has served in the military and I think they deserve our respect and appreciation. I just don't think we should constantly be reminded of his service. Heck, my grandfather served in the military and was in WW2, I think he only ever talked about it once with us grandkids. You serve your country because you feel it is your duty, you don't serve to be praised for it. Oh and Veterans Day has a special meaning in our home.

As a side note, I wanted to say, I really feel badly for his family. They really didn't seem thrilled with him. I don't know if it is because he is embarrassing them, or because is wife might be a little more ill than he thinks. I think the reason I dislike Jerry so much is because he can't think outside of himself. He came into this game as the marine, and grampa, but the things he says and does, are awful. Doesn't he realize his family and friends are watching him? I mean would you want your daughter to know about the $20 hooker? Your grandkids? And the vile things he said about Keesha? I don't know. It really rubs me the wrong way. The same way April/Ollie did. Would they have sex in front of family and friends? So why would you in front of millions? I just don't get it.

Okay, off my soapbox.

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Jerry could have a lot more interesting things to tell if he would only get off that military theme, I know my grand dad lived to almost 100 and he had gone from horse and buggy days to a man on the moon, and he had some great stories. Jerry seems also to have a mean streak in him, and he is just putting the rest of them to sleep constantly yakking his head off, there is nothing , I mean nothing that Jerry is not an expert on, come on new, having lived as long as he has he knows a lot, but younger people get tired of someone his age acting like the expert all the damn time, Jerry has not played this right at all.

by the way, loved your post sonerin

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i'm especially embarrassed for his family of the $20 hooker story. that he tells it on tv, not as an example of youthful bad judgement, or how being at war changes you[because i've heard that this happened a lot, maybe still does?]. what got me was his bragging, his justification "she was a hooker!" not she was a woman, person, someone's daughter. by the way, i found jerry's dismissal of vietnam veterans as bitter insulting on a personal level. on behalf of those i know-not all of them, not by a long shot .

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I wanted Jerry to put up Memphis and Dan, but if Dan woulda come down then he coulda put Keesha up, then Renny would not be in jeopardy. but then she prolly woulda gotten kicked out next so it would do no good for Dan and Renny to be gone. I just cannot stand the thought of Memphis sittin up there in F2 and gloating.

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Jerry is coaching Keesha up in HOH and saying he is going to make her a winner. He is going over all the sayings that BB has said over the loudspeakers. He wants them to go to the end together.

Jerry F2 with Memphis and Keesha

Keesha F2 with Memhis and Jerry

Memphis F2 with Keesha, Dan and Jerry

Dan F2 with Memphis

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I'm trying to catch up.....

Does Jerry think that the Memphis alliance is no longer, by Memphis's attitude towards him? Memphis said he can't stand Jerry, as soon as Jerry leaves his presence. So that's why Jerry has shifted to helping Keesaha get coached up & telling her they have no choice but to align together.

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