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Jerry - Week 8


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I guess he sees that Memphis is not talking game with him and Memphis and Dan are buddies.

He just left Keesha and Renny and said I love you guys! (I threw up in my mouth a little)

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I think jerry realized memphis was not on his team,when he used the POV to take Dan off...

No matter what excuse memphis used for that move ,jerry knew that was pretty much over...

If that is the case wondering why Jerry hasn't outed memphis on his F2 deal with jerry...

I think memphis F2 deal with everyone but renny, is going to bite him in the butt... they have to talk, or accidentally let some of this back stabbing out....

Don't they?????

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Hm. If it were Keisha vs. Jerry... (feel free to correct/counter me; I'm not sold on my conclusions here)

Keisha would get votes from Dan, Memphis, Renny.

Jerry would get votes from April, Ollie, and... Michelle? !

So it's up to Libra, who has been in the jury house in non-competition mode with April, Ollie, and Michelle. Would she give Jerry a sympathy vote and overlook the really ugly screamfest fight they had?

If it were Keisha vs. Dan...

Dan would get Memphis' vote.

Keisha would get: Michelle, Jerry, Renny, Libra. I'm guessing she'd get April and Ollie's votes as they seem the vindictive types and... it was trusting Dan that got each of them expelled from the house.

Curious to know whether you guys think A/O (does anyone out there think that Ollie would vote differently than April?!) would reward Dan for outsmarting gameplay vs. vindicating his betrayal that cost each of their game? (For most people, I think the former. For these two, I suspect the latter.)

If it were a typical jury that rewarded based on how well the game was played? Dan would win. But I don't see this as a typical Jury House. What am I missing, guys: I'm pretty sure she'd get 4-6 votes over Dan. Why go with Jerry and have everything depend on Libra's vote?!

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I think the reason so many people are bothered by Jerry's constant reminder of his USMC service is that he wears that mantle as what defines him. I'm sure that he served proudly and with distinction. His service in the military ended almost 55 years ago. It was not his career, it was 4 years out of his 75.

Me: I don't think it matter how long ago and how much time was served by anyone in the military.

I guess you didn't read my post, I said what does it matter how long ago or for how long someone served...they still served. My point was the put down by many that it was only four years. So you proved my point once again.

How did Jerry honor the USMC with the vile utterings spewing from his dirty mouth?

Now, if you are going to tell me Marines never curse and say vile things, then I will lmao.

Why is his military service how he chooses to primarily define himself?

Why does anyone choose how to define themselves? It's no different than Dan the "Catholic School Teacher" or Memphis the "mixologist" or Renny "the Socialite."

I personally think that Jerry entered Big Brother with all of his USMC merchandise and stories as part of his gameplay.

Kinds of like wigs, boas, confession and fake boobs. Not to mention sex and cooking. Yes, every one has something they use as game play.

I picked up Jerry's comment during his discussion with Keesha about their "fans". He started off the conversation with being surprised that BB production hadn't mentioned all the veteran's organizations during any of his diary room sessions.

Renny mentioned she thinks she's going to be popular and get the $25,000. AC vote and Memphis and Skreesha were talking about how they were going to get hounded once they were out of the house. Yeah, they're all delusional about their BB fame.

I also don't think that questioning Jerry, his military service, or any aspect of him as a human being means that anyone else on this board doesn't care about veteran's day.

Why take my comment so personal..it was a general statement?

Yeah, yeah I know we were discussing Jerry, but your "great" post can apply to anyone in the BB house.

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Geez Ginger. Read my quote that you included. I indicated that I felt he DID probably serve with honor and distinction. And please do not imply that because I disagree with your original post that I dishonor veterans. Your point, in context is fine. Do not assume that I in any way shape or form validate your stance, or, anyone else's. My point was very succinct.

I was expressing my feelings about Jerry ONLY! You never hesitate to express your opinion, nor shall I.

My post was and is in Jerry's thread. My feelings about Dan, Keesha, Renny, Memphis are best posted in discussions pertaining to those hg's in their threads.

I also had no comment in my post as to what any other marine says, or has ever said. I stand by my statement that Jerry's crude remarks, on a public forum, did not honor the USMC.

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Sono - I agree with you completely. Speaking (myself) as the wife and widow of a Viet Nam vet and Police Officer, I no way dishonor any man or woman who has served this country (city, or state). But, I do find it strange to wear one's service (Jerry) whatever it was, to impress or intimidate others. Big shots, and big mouths don't impress me.

Now I suppose someone on this thread will quote me out of context too.

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Darn ~ Jerry was talking a serious talk with Dan how now Memphis has betrayed him too so every F'ing person in the house has betrayed him. He was going to have this serious talk with Dan then all 4 feeds go on the others out on the couch. pooh

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