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Pov - Week 6


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i hate late pov's

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I'd almost bet that Ollie will win the POV....

He hasn't won a thing but, now that April

is on the block, he'll win it...Just to save her

and we'll be stuck watching the april & ollie love fest.....

BB probably wants to keep them 2 together.....

I thought the plan was to nominate them both,

in case 1 would win the pov......Wonder if BB

is behind the change....hmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!

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They'll never show anything on BBAD. They don't want all the extra crap that goes on during competitions being seen by viewers. Like producers re-explaining or clarifying rules.

If they ever had any actual games other than endurance comps on BBAD, I'd be surprised. I figure they worry about "spoiling" things even though any idiot can guess what happened by conversations later in the night.

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Oh CRAP! Why is Memphis sidelined? The broken knee-cap thing would be great for Ollie...Dan won't win because that's his M.O. Unless something comes over him and he grows a set of ....

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Oh CRAP! Why is Memphis sidelined? The broken knee-cap thing would be great for Ollie...Dan won't win because that's his M.O. Unless something comes over him and he grows a set of ....

Well dan or keesha better win POV or either dan or Memphis is toast. Doesn't seem like the boys have figured it outcompletely as of BBAD tonight.

If April or Ollie win POV April will be taken off,renny has told keesha she won't put up ollie ,so even if april wins,rather than ollie, reeny will put up either dan or memphis. In that scenario April and ollie will pull michelle in and they will have the votes to evict either of the boys!

Reeeny WTF were you thinking with those nominations girl? You took a house where you controled the vote with your alliance and turned it UPSIDE down!

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It would be hilarious if Dan (aka "Judas") won the POV and actually used it to take Jerry down. I wonder if Jerry would then change his tune about Dan.

Would also help Renny make up for her horrid nominations by allowing her to put Ollie up in Jerry's place so one of those two, (April or Ollie), would have to go.

Ahh well.... wishful thinking. heh

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I can't believe Ollie got his way out of that one without a grain of dirt on him. He literally got caught, flipped sides, had one girl so obsessed with him she didn't even care, and the remnants of the alliance was so pissed at eachother they completely failed to at least return fire and call Ollie out if only to question his loyalty.

Best and lamest move of the game at the same time.

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