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Monday, August 11th


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Keesha, Libra and Dan talking (while Renny is sleeping.)

Michelle and Memphis talking in HoH.

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I'm sorry, but I do get angry when I see a genuinely nice person who has a few personality quirks (I like that Dan is so weird) is having his character assassinated left and right. No one in that place would have turned the money down. I WANT to see a nice person win this game just once... and so yes... I guess I am upset that this is ruining his game. I don't care about the money thing. Dan wasn't faking his tears to Jerry or Michelle. He really does care about them and they just dismiss it. This is why I wish Libra would have been picked for the AP task.

I like Dan too...but right now I'm not too worried about his game. (and remember...it is just a game...try not to get angry...;))

I'm almost certain that Michelle has asked Jerry not to use the pov on Keesha. It seems Memphis has paved the way for Dan to be ok for the time being with Michelle...he's basically in ok with Keesha and Renny too...except Renny is stirring the pot right now because she's afraid that Keesha might be evicted. She's trying to get Dan put up for pov replacement to save Keesha...that isn't going to happen though and neither is Keesha going to be evicted.

Dan's plan is to just lay low for a few days...which he's doing....get the attention off of him. He won't be doing anymore AP tasks...so his actions won't be suspect any longer...he'll just be his usual quirky self. I think they'll soon realize they were being paranoid...(I hope anyway.) Next week...if Jerry/April/Ollie get hoh...then Dan may have some worries...but it's getting to the point where almost everyone is a target/threat...but still, Dan is probably not the biggest target/threat.

As far as Dan's reputation...outside of the house he's fine...all the viewers know he's a decent guy. Those people trashing him inside the house are just making themselves look like bigger fools than they already are. And, I think Dan will be happy with his decision...with the AP money plus his stipend...he's more than matched his annual salary already...not too bad for a few months work.

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Sounds good ImIn. They all sounded so wacky last night. They were scrutinizing every move that Dan has made in the game from even before he took the AP task. I think they will continue to do so. Every quirky thing he does makes him suspect. I am just glad that they are not running with the idea of taking Keesha off and putting Dan up.

I think it is just crazy the devotion Renny has for Keesha and how she was running around last night throwing Dan under the bus and twisting reality. I think Dan has been so nice to Renny and she completely turned those conversations they had as proof that he is AP.

Right now Dan is the only one I like and am rooting for but I doubt he will be around much longer.

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Umm, can you say paranoid?!?!?!? Listening to those fools speculate last night about Dan was beyond weird. They are losing it in the Big Brother House!!! BB really needs to come up with some kind of activity for these people to get their minds off the game, even if it's just for a little while. The mob mentality has gone from united to angry to freakin' paranoid. This can't be good. scared0016.gif

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yeah.. I haven't gotten to fully watch BBAD yet, but they were acting crazy with the stuff about Libra and Dan... I think its a good time for a luxury competition that allows them outside of house for a minute or something.. the women are definitely losing it.

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Thank you for your insights ImIn. I know he will be alright outside the house. He really is doing his best to try to be as decent inside the house as he can be. I just can't wait until he is exonerated. But Jerry can still go to hell as far as I'm concerned.

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They are all picking on Dan because they think it takes the target off themselves.Even Renny, who seems to be pretty safe, is pecking at him. Sort of like the chicken with a little blood on them the rest of the flock will peck at him remorselessly.

I agree. They don't know when to mind their own business about things...wasn't Jessie a good enough lesson for them?

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For a brief moment they showed Libra in the diary room with a big sh*t eating smile on her face. LMAO Sure she is depressed. She is loving every minute of this week.

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I couldn't get over the fighting the other night. I sped thru it. I hate fighting in real life so there was no way I was going to watch it.

At least last night they were more civil to each other.

All except Libra, of course. She was nowhere to be found. It's always interesting how so many nominated HG just go into the tank and you never see them. I know Libra feels vilified (but she deserved it, IMHO), but she should at least attempt to stay visible.

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dr leak now

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michelle dr is leaking right now

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This is the biggest DR leak I've seen on here

by the way uvp, nice of you to remember one of the funniest comedians who will be missed!!! I've been gone all weekend and just found out today.

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thanks he was very funny

caught me by shock also

isaac hayes passed too

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it's just her reaction to Jerry's veto ceremony speech...blah blah blah...

too bad she's not revealing anything she hasn't already blathered on and on about earlier today...

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DR Leak, beem going on during all of Michelles session (still going on) she is rehashing Jerry's speech. She said that a lot of the stuff that Jerry said he had said to her and others. The are showing all of her session right now. They just asked her about HoH... she said she wants more than a week, they said sorry. She said that Jerry said that he was going to go home next week so he opened up a door. She states that her noms were great, great for her, POV went good, Veto ceremony was a bit off, she says that she thinks that things are going to go the way that she thought that they were going to go on Thursday. Have 4 cams going and Jerrys mouth babbling in the back ground, trying to switch to just Michelles DR feeds.

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She is saying that Libra deserves what is going to happen, and because of what happened to Jesse and she won't be excited until she hears the words come out of Julies mouth and then the will be excited at the out come. They ask her about being responsible about the 1st jury member... whoever that may be. Michelle rehashes that when Julie says blah da blah you are gone, then you will see the smile on my face. I am not one of those people who swear on bo-bo and boo-and boo and Uncle Joe. She says Hi to Roger, her boss, and says "Roger if you hear this, when I get home, I still want me job" BB person "Sorry bouth that" (Michelle is talking in a weird baby voice. BB - I have a few bubble questions M - Yay! I love bubble questions... still in baby voice... BB - what do you miss about the outside world... M - my cell phone, family and friends and pictures... baby face & voice "I miss my phone, I would love to have a phone call from my mommy"... BB - asks about the presidential election M- I just care about America... the world is going downhill... gas prices, I drive a V-8 Durango I get 10 MPG, I also do real estate and no one is buying... America needs a change, needs one seriously, ppl shouln't think about their tax rate and what they are getting back, they need to think about America, they need to think about others and not just themselves, especially if they are in the higher brackets... if there were no middle class there would not be any upper class... more talk about taxes, and gas... electricity bills, food on table.... not to focus on one class, but on everyone BB - OK so how does it feel to have a weekly spot on Craig Ferguson? M- (In baby voice) I really look forward to it, it is the first time a BB cast has been on a weekly show... my family and friends get to see more of me... we are on a late show, I savor the experience and not many ppl can say they are a weekly guest on Craig Ferguson... except Julie Chen, I love it I hope it continues. BB - Why are you so upset with Dan... M- I am upset with Dan because he is one to walk around and speak of his religion, I am Catholic... and we have a special relationship... and he walks around reading scripture, and he won't be a teacher if he doesn't portray himself as honest... he doesn't want to lie... more Dan talk.... she doesn't think he should dictate to ppl about lying and swearing on the cross and the Bible and you know you are not..., with the incident with Jesse...

Feeds change to kitchen... Renny cooking, Ollie talking, Keesha eating...

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