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Keesha - Week 4


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She was the first one to suspect that Memphis/Angie/Jessie & Michelle were up to something.

She was the first to suspect that Ollie had something with Jessie.

She may spend a lot of time trash talking and trying to get attention but she hasn't taken her eye off the prize.

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Who cares if shes creating a Showmance?

Keesha did say that she would like a showmance and would do anything for the money. So what's the problem with this is that she talks about JJ and her getting married and says she wants to get engaged in Italy (she was dropping a hint hoping he was watching) So she has a BF at home who she lives with and says she wants to marry so I think that's a problem and she's eyeing up a guy with a GF total skank who I hope get evicted. I hope JJ sees and is watching and dumps her after the show.

If My Husband or myself were on BB and were acting like Keesha with Memphis we would kick the other to the curb. It's not good to make the one you claim to want to marry have family and friends see you act like that for all to see. Maybe some people wouldn't mind it but I would.

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I really don't see Memphis and Keesha flirting at all. I'm not defending them, just saying what I see.

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I don't think Memphis is flirting but it's obvious with Keesha how she is acting with Memphis. Some of the guys in my house they don't see the show as much as I do but they commented on how Keesha is acting around Memphis and she is with him more then anyone else.

Does anyone remember Keesha and April giving each their word and promising final 2 together. I swear I remember that and am wondering how Keesha can go back on her word if she claims she won't ever do it.

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I don't think Memphis is flirting but it's obvious with Keesha how she is acting with Memphis. Some of the guys in my house they don't see the show as much as I do but they commented on how Keesha is acting around Memphis and she is with him more then anyone else.

Totally agree. Keesha has been wanting the attention of a guy in the house since the beginning. That's why she hated Angie so much. 1st Angie was too close to Brian, then Steven and finally Memphis. Once Brian left Keesha has been flirting in a passive aggressive way, imo. Once Angie left... it's been full on but, in a way that she can tell her ego she's not the one pursuing.

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Does anyone remember Keesha and April giving each their word and promising final 2 together. I swear I remember that and am wondering how Keesha can go back on her word if she claims she won't ever do it.

Yes they did the pinky swear. I remember when Keesha was HOH said 5 million times "If I don't have my word I don't have anything" She went on for days about her word and she had to vote out Angie because she gave everyone her word. It was her word her word her word.

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I really don't see Memphis and Keesha flirting at all. I'm not defending them, just saying what I see.

I was thinking same thing when saw your post....I just feel its two kids, same age, same sorta background, in same line of work, hanging out...

and quick add....my husband is 8 years older than me (me 32 him 40).....I was a barmaid when I met him and he worked for the Railroad (before Jessie) and most my guy friends were my age and my hubby wasn't jealous of that, cause his gal friends were his age!

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I did think Memphis was part of the reason that K wanted Angie out but I also think that it's pretty normal for her and Memphis to hang out. They live in the same area/around the same age..........let's face it, neither one seems to have much in common with anyone else, even Renny who she seems to enjoy. At least she's not talking baby talk (Mich) or climbing into his bed (April).

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Keesha should have to suffer the same fate as the house did when she was HOH. Voting the way the HOH wants. I think it's the stupidest thing, but these houseguests seem to think it's the only way to play the game. Idiots.

I hate Keesha. Her voice goes right through me. I would love Memphis to stay over Jesse but that would make Keesha happy and I don't want her to be happy. I want her to be miserable. Her "Happy Birthday" song was the most uncomfortable and funniest thing I've seen since Brian's sock puppet show.

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No, not really. She came off looking desperate as she kept repeating "F You" over and over again to try and cover her tracks...almost worse than hearing that cow Libra repeat everything Jessie said without giving any counter points.

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yeah that and she got every single person whose voting to keep memphis in by herself. she pulled renny, libra and dan. shes making moves.

and regarding her showmance, she hasnt kissed memphis or even really been affectionate towards him. minor flirting no big deal, if i was her boyfriend i wouldnt care at all, its game play. im sure the two of them will be laughing to the bank if she makes it. its obvious shes doing what she has to do for herself to make it to the end, even if that means bringing memphis in. i dont really think shes jealous of april because if she was i think ollie would be her target not jesse

and i have to apologize about making a comment about her voice, if anything that was being catty. who cares what she sounds like or if she has a tooth missing, its about playing the game and skreechy voice or not shes outplaying everyone right now

ps thanks sueZ just stating my opinions

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I think the "big picture" was to get Memphis into an alliance with her..............that would have never happened with Angie around.

Why not? She never even tried. Maybe the 3 of them would have had an alliance. Her jealousy of Angie was clear from the beginning. Angie was close to Steven and Memphis. Keesha couldn't stand it.

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