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Keesha - Week 4


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by far hands down

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I liked Keesha at first, but as time goes on she goes further down on my list. She was a big mess on the feeds last night. She is an attention ho' and wants everything to go her way. Now that she sees Memphis is in trouble....she wants Jessie gone. Well.....as much as I dislike Jessie, it'd serve her right to see Memphis walk out the door. She was 100% jealous of Angie. Well....Deal with it now Keesha!

jmho :pixiedust:

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I was kind of rooting for her at first but now, I'm getting really getting turned off.

First when she's HOH, she's is gung ho about everyone following the HOH's rule, then April gets HOH and she's gonna follow her own rule.

Then, she demands they don't vote Jessie out and within a couple of days, "he's got to go" (DUH)

Also, I do notice more and more that she is constantly looking in a mirror when she talks..........very annoying.

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Skreesha is in search of the Emerald City. She is so delusional. I just heard her tell Libra that they were going to be friends for a long time. Now, I heard her tell Renny in the BR that she couldn't stand her, so which is it going to be, cause you ain't in Kansas anymore. Ditzy!!!!!

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Skreesha is in search of the Emerald City. She is so delusional. I just heard her tell Libra that they were going to be friends for a long time. Now, I heard her tell Renny in the BR that she couldn't stand her, so which is it going to be, cause you ain't in Kansas anymore. Ditzy!!!!!

If you notice, Keesha is telling people what she thinks they want to hear. She said the same thing about April.. If Renny doesnt watchout, she is going to get in the crossfire of all of Keesha's lies and it may cost her the game. When Keesha gets caught, Renny is going to get target because of association. It is sad but true. She needs to start slowly distancing herself away from Keesha. Memphis doesnt care about Keesha and he is probably going to turn on her.

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Its sad to say but I think I have to go along with the general concensus and say Keesha was one of my favorites and is rapidly falling down the list. While Jesse has the ultimate honor of being the biggest douchebag in the house Keesha is vying for a close second.

If I hear her talk about being "under-ested" one more time Im gonna loop her laugh on full blast over and over til my brain melts out of my ears. She's very quickly taking the target off of Libra's back and putting it on hers. Yeah Libra has her ways but at least she's learned to calm down or walk away while keesha attempts to kill the other HGs via :animated_rotfl: Vocal Shock Treatment :animated_shocking: .

The alliance they have is too big after this week to not get split up and the smartest people are the ones that are goin to grab as many others as they can and flip before sequester. If she is as smart as she says she is and wants to prove a threat (as well as win my support back) she has to make a bold move and split.

idk just me rambling for now we'll see how things go. :animated_scratchchin:

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Does this girl ever wash dishes. She is always just sitting at the counter being cooked for and cleaned up after as far as I can see on the feeds.

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Does this girl ever wash dishes. She is always just sitting at the counter being cooked for and cleaned up after as far as I can see on the feeds.

never that i have seen

but i blame hg for allowing it

her and libra annoys me to all helll when i see both each night waiting to be serve

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She is playing the game hard. Trying to relate to everyone. Here's a perfect example: She & Memphis are talking about April's OCD and how they don't understand people being like that and then Keesha turns around and talks to April about her OCD and that Keesha has an obsession with washing her hands.

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obsession with washing her hands

Doubt it...her fingers are in her mouth all the time, biting her nails.

But I see your point about relating to others.

She can't save herself...she better win HOH and Renny better watch out for her.

I do think she will sell out Renny in a heartbeat.

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If washing her hands is it, it must be OCD, cause it's not because she gets them dirty. She's proving that by not helping out in the house.

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Keesha is about as lazy as they come...I'd say she's like a spoiled little 13 year old girl...but that would be an insult to spoiled little 13 year old girls...;) I really feel sorry for the guy that winds up with her...has to take care of her, wipe her nose and listen to her screechings. I also blame the others in the house for allowing her to not contribute.

I've seen Libra help out in the kitchen...no where near as much as many of the others...but she does....speaking of which...there she is now helping to clean up the kitchen. :)

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Keesha is happy now. Here they are right now.


He asked Keesha what she thought the vote would be. Keesha said a lot of people promised they would do what April wants.

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