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Libra - Week 4


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I have read posts talking really mean about her weight, she had twins!! A mothers body takes a year to go back to normal, and that is being pregnant with one child. I think she looks good. She may have had a c-section because of the twins and muscles are cut during that. she looks good everywhere else ,her legs and hips are not fat, it is just her tummy.

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I'm fairly certain I heard Libra say she lost around 12 pounds or so while in the house too...good for her...

and...for me personally, I try not to criticize people for physical things like being overweight, etc...but, if they eat a lot of chips and chocolate while in the house...and then complain they've gained 6 pounds...I'll throw a jab at 'em... <cough> keesha <cough>;)

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Did anyone else hear Libra say this today when Keesha asked who is the first person you want to see when you leave the house? Her answer was my husband. Well I love my husband but I would have said, my babies. She also said, then her family and alone time to watch all of BB.

Man, I don't really care for Libra but this girl can not do anything right in some eyes! Cut the girl a break already!

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I could care less if Libra weighed 110 lbs or 510 lbs or if she wants to see her husband first or her babies first when she leaves the BB house....still doesn't change the fact her personality sucks...

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Cut the girl a break already!

Not sure I want to give any HG special treatment. I have no respect for anyone that puts her infants and toddler "on hold" so she can be on a reality show. I guess I think there is nothing more important in life then raising your children. Some people might not agree. I do have a right to say Libra is a crappy mother just as some what to call Jessie a pinhead or April a slu+.

I like Brian, Angie, Steven, Dan and Renny the most because I think they have put their priorities in life in the best perspective. They didn't come on the show to be movie stars or have sex or flex their muscles to be adored.

These are just my opinions.

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I'm glad you're not able to see into my house............I was thinking of making chips and chocolate my new diet

I'm eating chips right now...:) ..thing is though...I'm not complaining about gaining weight like Keesha has been...that's where the diff lays. So, If you start complaining after you eat your snacks...you're fair game! ;)

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It is libra's mouth in the house that constantly gets her in trouble. Ollie, is there only to get into April's pants. Dan keeps his personal life out of the whole game. April...well just look at the April thread as well as Keesha's.

Libra just makes herself look worse daily. She last night said she was not here for her kids. So...that would imply that she is here for herself. So if she would be less vocal about that which we find selfish, then we probably would not be on her so hard.

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kind of like the criticizing/opinionating/judging that some of the women do to each other on the show?

Or here.

I'm eating chips right now...

Couldn't stop thinking about the chips from last night...bought some but haven't had them yet. :)

I won't complain about them after I eat them.

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Libra just makes herself look worse daily. She last night said she was not here for her kids. So...that would imply that she is here for herself. So if she would be less vocal about that which we find selfish, then we probably would not be on her so hard.

Just want to put what Libra said into context. Libra said she is not there to put food in her kids mouths or put shelter over their heads. They already have that. She said that being chosen for BB was an opportunity of a lifetime and something that doesn't come every day.

As far as her spending 50% of her kids lives away from them, that in my opinion is ridiculous. She will be missing three months of their lives, not 50%. That's like saying that they will be dead (God forbid) by the time she gets home. After BB, she has the rest of her life and their lives to devote to her children.

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Couldn't stop thinking about the chips from last night...bought some but haven't had them yet.


damn that Keesha...she got to you too!?! chomp chomp chomp...

I was craving them all day...chomp chomp chomp...finally caved and ran to the corner store...chomp chomp chomp...


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When she gets home they will be twice as old...simple math. She missed half their lives.

As for the chance in a lifetime. Why not apply next year or how come she didn't apply before she was pregnant. I'm not so sure living in a house for three months with total strangers for $50,000. (less taxes) is a chance of a lifetime. Especially when you have someone like Libra crying every day how hard the game is and how hard it is to be there.

Libra said she spends 10,000. a month on expenses, so after taxes she has approx 3 months to live expense free. Yeah, "chance of a lifetime?"

As for devoting her life to them...I'm sure that won't start until after the big Hawaiian trip.

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I seem to pick on food watching BB so much more than I normally do. I gain weight each season and lose it just in time for BB to start again.LOL

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for ImIn

that's funny Marty!...and a bit eerie how much it actually looks like me too...eerie i say... :wacko:


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Why not apply next year

Because the twins would be a year and a few months and people would still complain that she as leaving her children to fend for themselves in the wilds of Texas. Because before she even appeared on camera people would be shocked and appalled at her leaving her children. Because people will see that she supported/voted for Obama and HATE her for it. Because people who disliked her before the show started would have disliked her next season.

Besides...who said there's going to be a show next year?

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I only know personally for me when I see a situation that a mother leaves her babies I know the babies can't stick up for themselves. It's grownups who have to speak up for them. An adult mother can always defend her position but babies are helpless. The first five years are critical; a steady, predictable relationship with their mother is important.

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Mothers usually think that no one can care for their babies like they can and for the most part this is true.

Wouldn't she want to be there in case they get ill? Isn't she thinking things like are they being fed right, changed enough, stimulated enough. They may well be, but these are things that moms think about when babies are left in others care.

You can't compare it to 8 hour days in day care. Working to feed, clothe and house a family is a necessity, but at the end of the day you get to feed them, bathe them and put them to sleep and knowing they are safe in your care.

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