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Libra - Week 4


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It is about the mother that has no normal mothering instincts. If Libra has no mothering love for her children now at such a crucial stage of their lives what is the rest of their lives going to be like? I say if she is so selfish right now and her children are less important then a reality show then she will always be this way.

If you really feel this way and you have proof of her lack of mothering instincts, and as a concerned citizen, you have a duty to contact the Department of Child Protective Services in Houston, Texas and report her.

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I just wanted to say since I haven't seen it mentioned yet in any Libra threads that I think Libra is a bad mother.

Now go ahead and sue me Libra's family.

P.S. - there is no such thing as libel when you are discussing someone who is in the public eye. This is why I can say "Richard Gere likes to have sex with gerbils" and there's absolutely, positively NOTHING he can do about it.

P.P.S. - Lilbra smells like rotten tuna, is especially ugly when she gets angry, and enjoys watching goat pornography in her spare time.

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and I thought it couldn't get any worse than when people hated on ED.........boy, was I wrong.

this is tame compared to ed mess here

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Whoo! Yall are funny! I am sorry, but I had to laugh at Michelle.. I couldnt help it... That was pure tee comedy... First she was laughing at Libra when she thought Libra had to wear the unitard....Libra "I'll take the vacation and a $1000 please. Then Michelle's face change and it was wag, wag, wag, wag, every since Big cry baby...It was understood in the rules that the gifts could be taken away. That is why Memphis didnt get excited when he got the POV. Jen and the girl from last year ( I didnt watch because I was protesting against BB9) didnt complain when it happen to them. It boosted Jen's ego. That trip was the grand prize. Libra wasnt going to take the money away from April. April already gave her money, and Jerry won the veto. Next best thing was the vacation... Sorry Michelle but that is how the bb cookie crumbles...Wag, wag, wag, Oh PS, in the DR Libra was hillarious.

:lol: :lol: :lol: I know, I know...I had to watch it twice. It was sweet. I love the fact that not only did Libra make April and her self-inflated ego look like a complete fool for doubting her, but she got Jesse and Michelle in one fell swoop of the hockey stick. :lol:

I loved Michelle's reaction. Talk about a psycho. I wouldn't let her near my dog, let alone my kids. And, Libra's reaction holding up the little card with the Hawaii vacation was priceless. That was a good show last night. One of the best.

Did you hear April tell Uncle Ollie last night that Libra won the POV by default and that the competition wasn't that hard. It was nothing compared to what she won. :lol: Okay, first how did she win by default? If anyone won the POV by default, it was Jerry because Libra let him have it. She won the whole competition and with a perfect shot in the Veto slot. I don't know how you can call it by default. Also, if it was so easy, why didn't the mighty April win that too?

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...because, Denise, much like miniature golf that comp took very little skill. A lot of it was based on luck. This is why little kids love miniature golf so much.

So while yes, Libra won the comp, it didn't exactly take any smarts OR physical skill to win it.

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Is this ever going to end????

As long as there are double standards, this will never end.


Has Libra said anything about America's Player to or in front of Dan? I think by his reaction, she would know for sure. Even if he didn't admit it, because she figured it out/ called him on it, would that prevent Dan from getting the money?


I'm glad Libra got the trip. Michelle is probably the only one that could pull off the unitard. Although, I think it would have been funny to see Jerry do it.

Meh...standing on a ledge, hitting a ball into a slot, sitting in a pot, guessing answers to ridiculous questions -- true Big Brother comps are not rocket science, but a win is a win.

Why didn't April win? As Jessie explained it so well...you can't be good at golf if your back (or in April's case her front) is too big.

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I agree about the win...........Libra was the ONLY one who got a perfect shot in the veto slot. I would have gone after the biggest prize available,too. If April hadn't agreed to split the $$, I would have taken that..........what's the point of playing a game if you aren't playing to win?

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if she would have took money she can best believe she would have been on the block

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lvgal... did you see how the money split ended up happening last ngiht??? Libra told us what really went down that was edited out of the CBS production. If not, let me know and I'll detail it here.

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BEFORE the final 3 (April, Jerry, Libra) in the POV comp shot the puck they made a deal. They agreed whoever went out 3rd would take the PoV. 2nd would take the money and split it. The winner would take what they wanted from the rest of the prizes.

April messed it up when she kept the money instead of getting the PoV. So, when Jerry got the letter from home they made a new deal that he would trade the letter for the PoV and then April gets 5,000, Jerry gets 3,000 and Libra gets 2,000. When Libra won she took the Trip and she didn't want to be greedy so she gave 1,000 back to Jerry.

Final results:

Libra = 1,000 + Hawaiian Holiday

April = 5,000

Jerry = 4,000 + PoV

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BEFORE the final 3 (April, Jerry, Libra) in the POV comp shot the puck they made a deal. They agreed whoever went out 3rd would take the PoV. 2nd would take the money and split it. The winner would take what they wanted from the rest of the prizes.

That doesnt make sense...if it was before they shot the puck, how could they make that deal if they didnt know what the prizes were yet...specifically if money was involved and that they were allowed to split it?

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Thanks CeCi....that explains everything. I was looking at george's spread sheet earlier and was wondering how the money was split that way.

It was nice that Libra gave $1000 back to Jerry. Ewww....did I say nice and Libra in the same sentence? I'm beginning to hate the ho bags April and Ollie more than all the other HGs put together.

jmho :pixiedust:

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Why is it that people have a right to hate Libra and say hateful things, but we don't have a right to like her and defend her? As long as we are not directly responding to posters and making personal attacks on the haters, why can't we just say things to defend her? It sounds like the haters want to have their say, but they don't want anyone to contradict them. That's a double standard. This is after all Libra's thread and if we Libra Lovers want to defend her without baiting or attacking other members, we should be able to without being censored by people who disagree. Just because other HG's don't have defenders, doesn't mean that Libra cannot have defenders. Right??

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I agree about the win...........Libra was the ONLY one who got a perfect shot in the veto slot. I would have gone after the biggest prize available,too. If April hadn't agreed to split the $$, I would have taken that..........what's the point of playing a game if you aren't playing to win?

First post here. Not really a Libra fan.

But am I the only one that realizes that Libra by winning the competion had last choice of any of the prizes?

She could have taken the ENTIRE $10,000.00 if she wanted to,rather than the Hawaii trip.

The deal that was made to split the ten grand really couldn't be made until the comptetion was over,because anybody that either went out, or won could take any of the prizes any one already had. She wouldn't have had to honor the 3 way split of the money as the the $10,000.00 was still an intact prize until the competion was finished! The money could be used any way, or spilt ,but only after it was really theirs,after the competion was over!

Probably wouldn't have made her any friends ,but she cold have done it.

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Libra didnt take the unitard out of jealousy and being spikeful.. That was the next logical choice...She was already getting the money, Jerry had the veto, and the next best gift was the vacation. When you go on game shows, the money is always taxable. I dont know about the trips. She would have been a FOOL! to not pick the trip...So stop Crying ya Big Baby....

Yeah, she won the competition fair and square, why would she choose to wear the unitard? :lol: That's stupid. She had a choice between any of the best prizes because she came in first place. She chose the trip. Michelle knew when the comp started, or at least it was explained to her not to get too comfortable with the prizes because they could be taken away.

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Libra said she didn't want the money because it would be taxed. I don't think anyone can blame her for taking the trip. I didn't see it as a slam to Michelle. She simply wanted the trip. Why not letters from home? Who knows? I guess she figures she will be HOH someday and get the letter. It was a nice prize and I would have wanted it too.

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How do you know that the letter would have even told her anything about the kids... they aren't supposed to know outside info... so it would have a generic kick ass and take names... we are rooting for you, blah blah type letter....

and frankly I would have taken the trip to piss Michelle off too.....

Will be fun when she realizes she will most definitely have to pay taxes on that trip though

Some people are just bitter that she won and hate the fact that she got something nice in return.

P.S. - there is no such thing as libel when you are discussing someone who is in the public eye. This is why I can say "Richard Gere likes to have sex with gerbils" and there's absolutely, positively NOTHING he can do about it.

Uhmm, legally that's not a correct statement.

...because, Denise, much like miniature golf that comp took very little skill. A lot of it was based on luck. This is why little kids love miniature golf so much.

So while yes, Libra won the comp, it didn't exactly take any smarts OR physical skill to win it.

Okay Xal. I don't think anyone is arguing the fact that it didn't take any smarts or impressive physical skills to win. But, it's not Libra's fault the way the contest was designed. How it was designed or how easy or hard it was is beside the fact that she won it fair and square. Why would you (generally, not in particular) discredit someone for winning fair and square. It sounds like sour grapes. My point is, April would be bragging that she won something else and would be pissed if someone said it was easy, blah, blah, blah when she won fair and square.

Also, just want to clarify that it takes skill to play miniature golf well. Kids like to play it because it's fun, not because it's so easy to win. It takes eye/hand coordination just like real golf and darts and any other sport like that. Trust me, I belong to a dart league and yeah there is some luck involved in all sports, but you also have to have technique. Evidently, everything was clicking on all cylinders for Libra that night, luck and skill. :lol:

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As far as Michelle being upset that she got the unitard,that just shows how these people think.

Just like Shelia last year,they both finished next to LAST in the competion,yet wonder why they got the worst prize,too funny.Thinking someone took something away from them,if they had won or finished higher they would have had a better chance of getting something worthwhile.

I just don't get it! :animated_rotfl:

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