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Dan - Week 4


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IDK. Maybe if he forfeits the money, but I don't think bb would let him do that without a fight since he's already agreed and it's been written into the 'script.' I don't think Dan realizes that his vote is in our hands. I believe he thought since Jesse was America's choice to be nom'd then Jesse is also the choice to be evicted. I don't think he realizes it could change. (I don't see that happening, but it could.)

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Dan probably thinks that Jessie will be the AP choice since Jessie's name was on each task card so far...get Jessie nom'd...give Jessie a hug...but he's told each side they have his vote.

I saw him yesterday talk with Jerry and said he was on board...that got passed back to April and Jessie so they believe they have the numbers for Jessie to stay....but, I do think he wants to be sided with Memphis' side more and is banking that AP vote will go to evict Jessie. One side is going to be ticked at him on Thursday...I'm hopeful it's April's side that gets the shock.

I don't think he has a choice at this point to forfeit the money for the vote.

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Also you'll notice when you see famous/accomplished people being interviewed they frequently mention their Catholic school roots.

LOL, that made me laugh because from what i know, it's true. When I was doing stand-up, there was a period of about a year that every headliner I met either "did 12 years" in Catholic school or was Jewish. My friends told me that growing up with that amount of pressure and guilt leads one of two ways...success or comedy. LOL


Didn't Dan say during a DR moment early on that he would do anything and if it was bad, he always could go to confession? I remember being a little turned off by it...

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I hope for Dan's sake that Am. wants Jessie out............otherwise, I don't know how he could withstand the wrath of Renny. That girl was serious about getting his word. Confession would be easy compared to facing Renny.

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Dan seems to have laid low on committing to a side until after the Noms were set after the POV.

Maybe he has seen that America has picked Jesse each time so far and suspects between Memphis and Jesse that America would pick Jesse again.

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dan after this week vote will be a big target

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nope dan is up there after the vote

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I don't think Dan will be a target...(assuming Jessie is evicted)

If April side wins hoh...could be any of Keesha, Libra, Memphis... maybe Dan...but he probably wouldn't be primary target if he even went up...he's not a big fish.

If Keesha/Libra side win hoh...Dan is safe.

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Ollie told April last night that if he gets HOH he would put up Renny & Libra. right after he ate about 10 chicken nuggets Renny made.........loser!

But, J/O/A/M all think they have Dan's vote........if he goes against them, any one of them might put him up.

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^I don't think (from what i've read on the feed updates) that Dan has given them his vote, he's been continuing to make the case for Jessie getting evicted and trying to skirt the issue of giving his word to April.

I think Dan is one of the more entertaining HG in here, the swim club rules were a good laugh for me. I'm hoping that he can really establish himself as a strong player and quit throwing so many comp's. Although he's sitting decently right now I doubt he's as safe as he likes to be (maybe not as safe as he thinks he is...)

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I will be really disappointed if the people vote to keep Jessie and Dan's game is screwed. I really like the guy. I would love to see the look on Jessie, April,Ollie and Jerry's face if they evict Jessie. I would love to see a new alliance. I don't like Keesha and Libra but I would hate to see Dan get all the hate put on him.

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I just read that Dan made a plea to the audience...Pure genius if he did. Looking back, I'm kind of surprised Eric didn't do it. but I guess it would have been hard with Dick ALWAYS awake and Jessica connected to his hip.

I hope for Dan's game, the producers...er America votes to keep Memphis. But after the whole fake letter thing, I'm not so sure.

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Eric used to make pleas in the diary room all the time to America but most people thought Eric was a weasel and worked to screw him.

Jessie's letter from home he won in the POV thing bothered Jessie because he thought it was fake. He said he parents would not address him that way and they do not write like that.

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That was the best part of this AP, we got to pick him, and so hopefully people voting will be as kind to him as they were twisted to Eric. (which was totally the fault of the TIIC. if they had let america choose AP in season 8 it may have been a much more enjoyable season. I think most people who voted to mess with Eric's game were actually shooting the bird to the producers)

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I was thinking the other night that the best way to "shoot the bird to the producers" (thanks, bbaholic) would be to make the AP tasks as easy as possible. That way we make Allison GrEEdner pay out as much $$$ as possible.

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I don't remember Dan doing it but A/O/Jerry keep saying "they have his word. Are they just making things up? Last night April said she will "go off" and make sure he can never go back to teaching again, if he votes against them. Jessie said if Dan votes him out, he's going to squeeze his hand so hard, he squeels like a 12 y/o............I want Jessie out but I would hate to see anything bad happen to Dan.

Maybe it's just all talk & pre-vote jitters (I hope)

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I don't remember Dan promising either. But, I think he did tell them about voting with the alliance of 7, something like that.

Not that she was going to target him anyways but, I guess she could have put him against Memphis. Dan, was doing his AP job and trying to get Jessie nominated so, I can't blame him for saying something he knew he might have to go back on... we put him in that position as AP.

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