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if she plays like Dani when she was on BB3.. i will LOVE her.. still think she had the best idea.. one person alliance that no one knew about or suspected...

i would like to see that happen again.. and actually wouldnt matter to me which of them tried it... LOL

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I really do think that everyone is going to be quiet the first few days. If they have been watching they also know that evictions have been unanimous, so my guess is that everyone will lay low.

I'm thinking I will get the feeds this time, because I do think this season might be a whole different game play.

His gf pays me to be his friend and tote him around everywhere

I hope you get hazard pay!

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I hope you get hazard pay!
Not much there to tote snicker smirk grin

They seem to be grooming Libra. First her Obama political crap then Diane giving her immediate props on her looks. hmmmmmm Do I see manipulation for Libra by GODner's hand already?

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grodner usually manipulate game for hg fans likes

already libra is hated or dislike not fond of by alot

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I really do think that everyone is going to be quiet the first few days. If they have been watching they also know that evictions have been unanimous, so my guess is that everyone will lay low.

I spoke too soon. The touchy, touchy feely, feely, bounce up and down with joy because my melons are getting groped has already started.

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OMG, I can't believe the debate going on here before we have even seen the HG in the house together. I have three kids, I nursed them until they were two and stayed at home with them until the youngest was 4. Now I earn the money and my dh stays at home. When I travel for business, sometimes for up to 2 weeks, I leave the kids with their father. Guess what? He is perfectly capable of taking care of them. Someone said something to the effect of "when I got home from work, I couldn't wait to see my baby,". I say...you worked? OMG, you left your 3 month old baby with a stranger at a daycare while you AND their father worked? You didn't nurse??? OMG, do you know that even the formula companies say that breastmilk is best for ALL babies. Am I flaming? No, I am being sarcastic. If this woman and her husband have a family situation that works for them, how is that affecting you? It isn't. Lets watch Big Brother and enjoy the show, talking and debating about the game, not people's personal life choices.

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"i am a mother"

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If this woman and her husband have a family situation that works for them, how is that affecting you? It isn't. Lets watch Big Brother and enjoy the show, talking and debating about the game, not people's personal life choices.

Sorry, but that last sentence sounds like a command. This is a discussion board and people will speak their minds about the hgs they are discussing.

Once, they go public with information, it's up for discussion.

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If this woman and her husband have a family situation that works for them, how is that affecting you? It isn't. Lets watch Big Brother and enjoy the show, talking and debating about the game, not people's personal life choices.

LMAO. A command. Oh, boy...here we go....

Couldn't find anything real in my post to comment about negatively?


Yes, that is exactly what I thought "here we go again."

I could ask you the same thing...how is our posts about Libra affecting Libra or you?

Your post was negative and directed at comments that you didn't agree with by other posters. I could enjoy the show or not, but it doesn't mean I can't post my opinions as other here.

Have a nice day!

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It isn't. Lets watch Big Brother and enjoy the show, talking and debating about the game, not people's personal life choices.

Just choosing to be on BB and being watched 24/7 IS a personal life choice and open to discussion. They have bios and devulge not only alot about themselves prior to the show, but during and after knowing full well people WILL judge. If I put something out there I know it will be discussed by someone. Common sense. If you feel differently then don't discuss them. Just don't expect others to parallel your decision and we can all enjoy BB how we personally choose to.

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I do not think the discussion was in fact questioning anyone elses choice to breast feed or not, to use day care or not, or to be the breadwinner or not, or that it is not a good thing to leave your babies with your DH, the statement from most of us was just a curiosity as how does a women who just had twins 4 mos ago leave them to go to a REALITY SHOW?? . I do not think that is a valid reason to take off from baby duty, that is just me, I wouldn't and to each his own. I do understand that some women really do not have that mommy gene, and that is ok too. I do not think anything in this thread should be considered a "here we go moment", we are just here discussing our views as usual, and Libra is definately getting some play here,lololol :cookie:

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righteo, it will be fun to see if Libra actually gets on our nerves after tomorrow nites show,lololol

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I find it interesting that so many people are astonished that this woman had the NERVE to leave her two little twins to come to BB. Now, I wonder if this would be as astonishing and horrible if this were a man leaving his wife and two small four month olds. People leave their children ALL the time to come to BB and people don't make a big deal about it. All stages of a child's life is important in MY opinion so if you're gonna dog her...get on the rest of 'em.

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A mother has left 4 month old twins and a 4 year old before to go on Big Brother? You could not pay me ANY money to leave my babies for a REALITY SHOW.

It is MY opinion and my right to my opinion that she is an uncaring mother for leaving them.

I am not asking you or anyone else to agree. If you think she is a good parent then that is your right and I respect it.

I just don't like people jumping on me for MY OPINION.

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