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Fight! (Eric and Michael)


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Awwww! LOL, well, I know what you mean. I watched a movie with my family tonight and when I logged on I thought... dang quality time with my family :twisted: LOL But, I've been here over 3 hours now so, I bet you have LOTS of reading to do... tee hee

See ya in chat (and anyone else that wants to join)

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Guest MickeysMom

Actually, this is quite sad.

Eric is supposed to be a Captain in the Las Vegas Fire Department. For crying out loud, a Fireman! And yet, he let's someone like Mike get under his skin?

Can you imagine what his station must feel like now? Can you imagine what the fellow firefighters feel about him now? Sad.

As for Mike. He does act like a jerk. But IMO, many males do the same thing. I personally call it the 'strutting' factor. A bunch of roosters around the hen house strutting....trying to get the majority of hens.

Well, Eric just lost all of his hens. And frankly, I cannot see why any man would want that gaggle.

Eric is a firefighter. They are tested regularly for all types of drugs.

Don't know if steroids is one of the tests tho.

But if this is any indication of his temper, you can be sure I don't want to work for him!

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People, get real. There was serious incident in the house tonight and they need to address it and take appropriate action. I am almost sure that if we all ent back and read the small print whenh we signed up for the live feeds, it has something realting to this type of situation. Go to bed, and when you get upo, hopefully, the feeds will be back. This is not a common occurence and they need to protect themselves as well.

I would love to see Erics ass being walked out the door as much as anyone, but I also understand they have a volatile situation on their hands and they need to protect EVERYONE involved.

Just chill


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Guest MickeysMom
hmmm dont remember if/whah anything they said about Scott chair incident on season 4    Kinda thing they said NOTHING........

They showed a snip of it on the next show. Then he was gone.

Things got back to normal. But since he wasn't HoH, or up for eviction, nothing changed.

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Chill out ! They're just venting because the feeds suck. They sucked even before "the incident"

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Your man Kaysar takes that title, not Ivette.

NoDoubt, are you high? If so, please send me some pof what you are smoking, because a fantasy world like yours would be great to live in. Ivettes voice, her attitude, her having to talk over everyone, her incessant habit of repeating a sentence over and over and over, her "I am Latin, so I can be a bitch" attitude is totally disgusting. I am actually surprised that Beau puts up with it. She is disgusting (at least as she is portraying herself on the show) and annoying. And if anyone should take blame in the fight and the hours of Fish besides Eric, it should be her and April. They have fanned the flames to Eric over and over and helped in his snapping tonight.

Kaysar is nothing but a quiet, intelligent soul who is trying to play a game with some modicum of decency. He has been called Sadaam, he has had to defend Iraqi and Muslim people because of the ignorance inside the house. He has been on the block and handled it with dignity and he has done his best to try to keep things calm when his friend is now nominated and being gang banged without lube on national TV. Even as the fight broke out he was trying to calm things down, while Ivette was continuing to rile things up.

You need to rethink your opinions I think. Sit back and look at all the actions


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Sorry if this has been said before, I tried reading through everything but this thread just keeps getting longer and longer.

Anyway my feeling is that CBS has to determine 1. If there was physical violence which as we have all seen no contact was ever actually made, but 2. is was this premeditated. Just previous to this fight Ivette had said if michael came out into the backyard she would KILL him and shread him to pieces, then Eric chimed in that he would Kill him as well after she was done with him, then Ivette said she would KILL her (I'm assuming Janelle) if she laughed at all.

I think this along with Eric's comment to Kaysar of getting out of there before what was about to happen went down, would be considered premeditations to the actual physical attack.

Yes Michael & Janelle have been cutting up on Eric and Ivette for days now, BUT at the same time Eric, Ivette and the rest of the "Government Cult" have been cutting up on Michael, Janelle, Kaysar and Ashlea for 2 weeks. They have managed to lodge some heavy charges on Michael, but BB told them they were looking into the allegations and to play the Game and use the tools of the Game (i.e. HOH, POV Elimination Etc.).

Obviously BB investigate the allegations and didn't find any inappropriate behavior on Michaels part or else he would have been removed from the house. As it has been said many times in this post, this is what BB is all about, You can't go into this game expecting to play with the utmost of integrity and not lie, cheat, steal, spit, rant, rave, cry, backstab, name call, etc. It just isn't going to happen.

I doubt anyone will be removed from the house by BB, this is good TV for them and they will use it to their advantage, I'm not sure that they can continue with the current nominations and HOH, but honestly I don't really think it's going to matter, no matter who gets HOH unless it's Michael, Janelle and possibly Kaysar I think the nominations are going to be the same and the result will end up being the same as they had planned. Michael or Janelle or Kaysar WILL be gone this week.

I do believe that CBS does have enough with premeditation that they can hold it against Eric and if there are any other slip ups this week he's gone kind of thing, just so they can guarantee the safety of everyone in the house. As it's been said here, Michael can claim he was looking at the table to make sure his partner was okay, with all the raised voices that were coming from that area.

I think Kaysar stepped up tonight and if they would have just shut up for 10 seconds and listened to him I think they would all be calm, drunk and in bed masturbating by now. But I will say this was bound to happen fairly quickly, michaels definite mission was to push Eric's buttons, he did it briefly this morning when he stared at Eric for a little while and Eric said he wasn't going to intimidate him. You also heard from Ivette after everyone told her to let it go, that her Cuban temper wouldn't allow her to let it go.

Anyway I don't feel anyone will be gone but I think they may just tell them no one talks about this, much like they did in previous times, and if they happen to say anything about it we will get fish. They will edit it for TV to suit them and get the most of the controversy and that will be the end of it.

Wow this is getting long, thanks for listening Chow

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Guest DramaQueen

this was written on the Hampsters blog . you get to it through Real players under the BB section .

"Update at 12:50 AM - Inside sources (again not related to me or this blog) say that probably Eric will be getting the boot tonight and Michael will just be warned. Oh I hope that's what happens! Please BB!"

I hope its true :)

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okay , now going to give my own oppinions , and not just a general comment with no voice added so to speak.

First Michael could not give a damn about Kasyar , if he did he would not try so hard to get him to do things like kissing Beau or Howie , when he would know Kaysar , is not down with that kind of playing.

Two they live in the same building , know each other , but they don't hang out . They are friendly but not what I would call friends.

Kaysar not minutes before said if Michael did anything wrong , or did not change what he was doing ( my interpretation as can not remember exact words) that he would vote him out in a minute.

Was obvious tonight that Kaysar was upset with Micheal , spent the few minutes before the fight telling Michael and Janelle that they were wrong for what they were saying and doing in the gold room about the others.

okay with that said , I personaly hate michael and janelle . I think Ivette is to out spoken and female yakky , but her heart is in the right place. And Cappy yes he comes of strong and controlling but he is honest and real . So yes I am one of the few cappy fans here and don't care what any one else thinks , since in my life only my feelings count , well that and my husband I adore.

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Guest bbworld

This is my first post here! I just registerd!!!....ok i really want eric gone. even if he is hoh. he is too much of a wanna-b-leader.

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Guest Kalla

okay with that said , I personaly hate michael and janelle . I think Ivette is to out spoken and female yakky , but her heart is in the right place. And Cappy yes he comes of strong and controlling but he is honest and real . So yes I am one of the few cappy fans here and don't care what any one else thinks , since in my life only my feelings count , well that and my husband I adore.

Crappy is your husband?

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one more reply on the scott in season 4 everyone keeps mentioning.

They say he threw a chair and got booted , but then everyone needs to think throwing a chair is a physical move . That chair could of hit anyone in the way , could of broke the glass in the home sending it flying to cut some one .

Getting up and approaching some one even if yes we all know it probably would of gone farther is not a physical move against a person so to speak as a flying object would be .

we can all talk and speculate till we are blue in the face , it will still be up to BB one way or another. I hope they let it go and let the game run its natural course and that is not just cause I like Cappy . It is because would make for boring show if they evicted one or both of them.

lmao , where did you get Cappy my husband , omg to funny.

no I said if no one agree's with me that okay , don't matter . Cause my own life is most important and well the Husband I adore. lol

Okay I see I got to work on my wording , lol , have fun peeps.

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Guest Kalla
lmao , where did you get Cappy my husband , omg to funny.

no I said if no one agree's with me that okay , don't matter . Cause my own life is most important and well the Husband I adore. lol

Okay I see I got to work on my wording , lol , have fun peeps.

WHEW, I give anyone a hard time, but would have been shocked if that was what you were saying....lol

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Guest Shockalot
Upon further review, my transcript does have some holes (I've since then obtained the four-panel video, where you can hear the audio from Michael and see him intimate that Eric's manhood is small, which sets Eric off even more).  And yes, at the very end you can hear a "come to the diary room right now" right before the fish.

You did a nice job of it!

Your transcript is helpful because its what is said on that side of the yard.

I tried to describe both sides of this at the same time which might be more 'comprehensive' overall but also harder to get through (since they were both trading back and forth and overtop each other)

So between the two of our versions people should get the big picture I hope.


Eric: "You got a fucking problem?"

Mike: "Ya I gotta fucking problem...but what are you gonna do about it?"

Eric: "Not a fucking thing but ..."

Mike: "Thats what I thought.. you fucking talk alot..."

Eric interjecting: "You talk about my family?!"

Mike continuing: "...and you yack-a-yack and you gotta small penis"

Eric: "Talk about my family..talk about my family you fuckin piece of Shit?!"

[Eric gets up and makes move towards Mike but Kaysar grabs Erics arm and pulls Eric backward - Ivette holds Eric from behind while Howie gets in front, Eric tries to break free and rush Michael]

Mike: "You don't threaten me you fuckin midget!"

Eric: "Your a fuckin piece of shit.. you are fucking going down ['hard' or 't'mara'?]

(Ivette shouts at Eric "he is going home!")

Eric: "You are going Home!"

Kaysar (?) offscreen says:"Shut the F*** up!"

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Okay think it is time I checked out for the night , screw the feeds. lol

Since the husband I so adore trying to sleep next to me and knows he restless cause I am sitting instead of laying beside him .

Everyone still hanging on have a good nite and keep this in mind

"The Show will go on "

No matter what they do , be it booting or just slapping there little hands . But personaly if they evict anyone they will hear from me in email and letter , Let it alone , they will survive and pull it togeter. That and I think I will tune the rest of this season out.

speciall with all Michaels hands on and lips on and all of howie's sex talk when they booted some one out in the past for less . On with the show I say and forget the minor details.

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