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Fight! (Eric and Michael)


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Im not justifying anything, just making predictions on the producers actions...and saying what I would do if I were Maggie. So...if I were Maggie (lol) and Eric got booted, I would go up to a camera and say "say goodbye to summer of secrets" and just start shouting "APRIL and JENNY know eachother!" "MICHEAL and KAYSAR know eachother!" etc.

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Yes Kalla I did , and yes it looked like he might really hit him , but from a legal standpoint , he did not get near him and it can be argued . That was what I meant.  

I was not giving my oppinion just how it could be viewed and if BB puts him out for that , he may have a legal case since he did not touch him. Think about it last night Micheal said he can get Cappy kicked off by egging him into a physical confrontation.

So with all that in mind and the fact that besides us BB had to hear that and that Eric did not actuall come near him , at least no closer than a foot or two , I think they will just calm the two down and warn them.

Again this is a thought not what I thinks should or should not happen.

But if Eric can go after Mike like that what's to say he won't go after someone else when they piss him off? That is why I think he at least will be thrown out

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Guest sunshine

ahhh that would be sooo great if eric got kicked out, and runner up in the HOH got to be the new one... meaning Janelle... hahah ohhh that poor little ivette would go CRAZY!!!!

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Looking at live feeds and have seen no people cross the back of the tank.

I got a feeling that they found another secret room, the meeting room with producers, and they are getting a large lecture about how things are going to be. Like I said earlier, I expect that they will tell the houseguests to sleep on it and not talk about it AT ALL tomorrow. Feeds won't return till morning. just my opinion.

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can you imagine if for some reason BOTH stay. Jan gets evicted. Kaysar or Mike get HOH and oh I don't know put Crappy up? Eric would be so pissed and I don't think he would take it lying down either

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Wolf you are forgetting about Scott in season 4... He didn't touch anyone either... He never run toward anyone either... He ONLY threw some chairs... He was kicked out... Eric moved toward Michael in an aggressive manner... He had all intentions of hitting Michael and was stopped... If you can't see that from the screen caps something is wrong... He wasn't trying to get Michael to hit him... He was going after Michael to hit him... IMO Eric is gone...

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I just got on and was reading what was happening and thought maybe it was taking so long because all the cappy followers are threaten to walk if they kick cappy out.

Wouldn't be unheard of, Nakomis Will Karen and Adria were going to walk if Jase wasnt kept in check.

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Guest DraftKing
do you have a link for that or were you rewatching on your feed?

My feed eventually ran out (I only had Feed 3, which didn't show everything); I obtained the video from this site:


It now lists four different video sources...

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Guest Kalla
Yes Kalla I did , and yes it looked like he might really hit him , but from a legal standpoint , he did not get near him and it can be argued . That was what I meant.  

I was not giving my oppinion just how it could be viewed and if BB puts him out for that , he may have a legal case since he did not touch him. Think about it last night Micheal said he can get Cappy kicked off by egging him into a physical confrontation.

So with all that in mind and the fact that besides us BB had to hear that and that Eric did not actuall come near him , at least no closer than a foot or two , I think they will just calm the two down and warn them.

Again this is a thought not what I thinks should or should not happen.

wolfrider, the only requirment for ejections is a clear threat...much the same as season 4...scott threw a chair and no one was near it, but he was removed from the house....eric made a much more agressive move..this isn't legal standings, but game rules.... and part of the rules allows for michaels actions (antaginize, piss off etc...), it is actually encouraged....but, what eric did, was over the line based on game rules.

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Guest Tareq's No1 Fan
I just got on and was reading what was happening and thought maybe it was taking so long because all the cappy followers are threaten to walk if they kick cappy out.

no even the cappylets would be silly enough to pass up 500K for their leader.

I think that everyone in the house (even Maggie to a point) would be happy to see one less player vying for the prize.

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Guest DraftKing

Also, as was discussed in the huge Fight thread, it's not clear that Michael was doing a stare-down, since we only saw him from behind. He might've been looking over at Kaysar getting the business from Ivette.

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Guest Kalla
Im not justifying anything, just making predictions on the producers actions...and saying what I would do if I were Maggie. So...if I were Maggie (lol) and Eric got booted, I would go up to a camera and say "say goodbye to summer of secrets" and just start shouting "APRIL and JENNY know eachother!" "MICHEAL and KAYSAR know eachother!" etc.

they have been saying things like this for a week! all speculation!

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Yes Kalla I did , and yes it looked like he might really hit him , but from a legal standpoint , he did not get near him and it can be argued . That was what I meant.  

I was not giving my oppinion just how it could be viewed and if BB puts him out for that , he may have a legal case since he did not touch him. Think about it last night Micheal said he can get Cappy kicked off by egging him into a physical confrontation.

So with all that in mind and the fact that besides us BB had to hear that and that Eric did not actuall come near him , at least no closer than a foot or two , I think they will just calm the two down and warn them.

Again this is a thought not what I thinks should or should not happen.

wolfrider, the only requirment for ejections is a clear threat...much the same as season 4...scott threw a chair and no one was near it, but he was removed from the house....eric made a much more agressive move..this isn't legal standings, but game rules.... and part of the rules allows for michaels actions (antaginize, piss off etc...), it is actually encouraged....but, what eric did, was over the line based on game rules.

Again, it is still up to the producers...if they feel Eric has cooled down enough as well as Micheal, and neither will pick a PHYSICAL fight they dont have to evict anyone.

Im not justifying anything, just making predictions on the producers actions...and saying what I would do if I were Maggie. So...if I were Maggie (lol) and Eric got booted, I would go up to a camera and say "say goodbye to summer of secrets" and just start shouting "APRIL and JENNY know eachother!" "MICHEAL and KAYSAR know eachother!" etc.

they have been saying things like this for a week! all speculation!

If Maggie did this, it would all be out in the open though. Kaysar, Sarah, and Jennifer are too crappy of liars to convince anyone it wasnt right...

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Guest Tareq's No1 Fan

Do you think they'll try to blame it on the Iraqi guy.

Maybe Eric will say that Kaysar had a WMD to divert from the issue at hand

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I personaly am glad big brother gives them alchol....it livens it up a few notches....BB needs that....weve never witnesed a pysical fight yet in our many years of bb, and its about time :lol:

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Michael didn't really burp... He faked it... Ivette was the one that brought family into it and then she run out telling everyone no man will ever talk to her like that and get by with it...

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Guest sunshine

ahhh why do we pay for these live feeds when all the good stuff gets "fished" out!!!! :roll: feeeeeds come back on!!!!

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Michael didn't really burp... He faked it... Ivette was the one that brought family into it and then she run out telling everyone no man will ever talk to her like that and get by with it...

Sorry, but u cant twist that around on Ivette. MICHEAL started that one no matter how you spin it. And I really wouldn't care if it was real or fake...its a BURP IN YOUR FACE, total and utter disrespect, esp. from someone you feel has already disrespected you many times (which Ivette feels). And Ivette could have just started saying "**** you **** mother*******" but she just said "i hope your mother enjoys that"...and he had to go and be a smart ass and say "hope yours does too"

so rude.

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Wolf you are forgetting about Scott in season 4... He didn't touch anyone either... He never run toward anyone either... He ONLY threw some chairs... He was kicked out... Eric moved toward Michael in an aggressive manner... He had all intentions of hitting Michael and was stopped... If you can't see that from the screen caps something is wrong... He wasn't trying to get Michael to hit him... He was going after Michael to hit him... IMO Eric is gone...

Since there was no actuall fight , that is all speculation . No one here knows if he was gonna hit him or get in his face and provoke him .

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