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Natalie & Matt


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There's something about Natalie I find endearing... Matt, not so much.

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the blind leading the blind

matt think he is smarter than he actually is

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me too

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I just think that Nat is in such dire need for acceptance and attention. She sounds like she has had it rough in life but she still holds her head high. For that I give her credit. I personally don't have an issue with Nat, I just wish that she would gain some self respect and quit trying to get attention from Matt, he is a text book case of what a loser, user and abuser is. I like Nat and I have hopes for her to have a brighter future and to find the worthiness within her, I may be the minority here but alas I like her.

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They should rename the show "Outbreak" because they're all gonna look like one giant open sore soon.
~ quote courtesy of Gingersnaps (closed Matt thread)

Natalie is a vacant space. Matt (Boston Ho) took advantage of it. There is something endearing about her, I agree.

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Whoever said Nat was needy I agree with that, but she certainly left her self-esteem and self respect at home.

As to that piece of scum Matt he makes me sick. I really doubt any of the women in his life think he is that nice and funny right now.

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i dont blame matt for her whorish behavior

he is not forcing her to act like a whore

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