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Sunday's Show 9/9


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Scar has wished death on both D&D and keeps bring up the incest comment. Now while I understand they are just words I do find it funny that such harsh thoughts are coming from someone who thinks they are better than others and I like to point that out to show how dumb they look. I get the feeling with the way Scar is talking that they are a former houseguest and took what Dick said so personal.

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sorry Xal I usually agree with you but not this time. I have read people really hating HG's and wishing harm comes to them. How many times have you read that people wish Dick is beaten as soon as he leaves the house? Or I'd kill Dick if he did that to me.

I don't disagree that Dick was way out of line, I've commented on it alot but the the point I was trying to make is that it's a TV show and we don't know what these people are really like outside of it.

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Well Bearpawz, I disagree with you because I have always believed, and always will believe, that unless you have it in you somewhere, you could never act like Dick has. Nice, sweet people who wouldn't hurt a fly don't suddenly come into BB and turn into a foul-mouthed, rude, obnoxious, hateful person. That's not the way the human mind works.

So I DO think a part of Dick's hateful attitude in the house is part of him. Maybe not all, but there is some there.

To this day I don't appreciate some of the things he said to Jen and yes, had I been there I would have stood up for her and gotten in his face. He'd either back down and stop his trailer park talk or I'd continue to get in his face. He'd stop eventually. Trust me on that one.

You don't want to know what I'd do to a man who told my daughter he wanted to rape her ass until she bleeds to death, game or not. I'll give you a hint though, something would get broken. I'm not a violent person AT ALL but NO ONE talks to my daughter like that and gets away with it. Nothing this season, not the racism, nothing has been more vile than those words, not just because of the death part, but because using the word "rape" is a despicable action.

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sooooo the show last night.. (thats what this thread is about right?) was probably one of the worse shows of the season. just full of highlights of thursdays show and then the HOH comp that zach won.. and then nominations. nothing special..

certainly nothing worth 11 pages of... sSig_recycle.gif

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Xal, no agrument here about the rape comment. It was way way over the line. I'm a dad of a daughter too but I don't feel the need to express what action (especially in a TV forum) I would take if Dick had said that to my daughter. I don't want to stoop to his level.

I don't mind commenting on his game play or his behaviour or my feelings about his character in the house. And personally I felt BB should have kicked his ass out of the house long ago.

But that's where I draw the line.

so it seems to me that we're at a agree to disagree stage. good debating with you, I appreciated your comments.

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Xal I laughed at your couldn't even hurt a fly comment. Truth is I have seen Eric supports, Jen supports all defend there favorite players and bash the Dick supporters. I guess it all depends on your view. Eric has lied and said things as bad or even worse than Dick yet that's ok. Jen can destroy someone's property, stop eating slop even though she agreed to it as part of the Veto comp which she won and which kept her in the house and that's ok. But God forbid Dick does something and he's the devil and so are the ones who support him.

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Here's what I'm worried about since people keep mentioning sequester. If Jen DID leave, they said in the case of something like that happening America would be the seventh vote...however, America already is the seventh vote.

So I'm confused. Does America get two votes?

I'm sure even the D/D supporters would admit that wouldn't be fair at all. If America gets Jen's vote were she to leave, Eric should be able to vote himself. You only need two votes to win the game so having half those votes already just reeks of blah.

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I agree Xal if Jen did leave and we get her vote then Eric should be able to vote on his own, but he also shouldn't get credit for that task. I am not sure how they can have the AP vote and have us vote for Jen unless it is one poll that counts as 2 votes. I think they aren't showing the jury so we don't know what the jury is thinking thus when we vote for the winner it won't be baised on information we know. At least that is why I think they aren't showing the jury house like they used to. We might get information on how they will be voting if they showed what was going on in the house.

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I agree erin last nights show was pitiful. Half of it was a rerun of Thursdays show :disgust:

So I wonder what we will see of the last HOH on the feeds. I know we will get to see the end of the endurance comp on the feeds Tuesday but does anybody know about part 2 of the comp? Will we get to see it on the feeds or will they black us out or will it be live on Thurs show? I remember part 3 of the HOH being shown live on Thurs but I can't remember what happens with part 2.

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I wondered about that, Xal. If Jen left sequester, wouldn't we be able to find that out? If she left, she'd be out and about.

Well they do sign waivers, so perhaps one stipulation is if you DO leave the BB house or sequester before the show is over, you probably have a legal gag order as mandated by the contract.

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Seems like I read somewhere that their contract stipulates they are still bound for one, two, possibly three years after the show is over. Exactly what they're bound to, I don't know. Maybe they can't reveal certain things. Which would be very unfortunate since I want all the behind-the-scenes lowdown from this season once they all get out and about. For example, I'm especially curious to know Jen's story. Did a producer actually call her the C--- word and so on.

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