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she bashing her best bud dustin. she said she doesnt want him to make final four


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I liked Amber up until this weeks veto comp. Ever since then she has turned on Dustin, become completely dillusional with Jameka (God shouldnt be put into this game), and bashed Dick, Daniele, and Nick. She is a total hypocrite.

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Dani told Amber that she (dani) was going to tell Nick that she (Dani) didn't know that he was going up on the block tmrw. Amber said she was going to do the same and Dani asked how that would work.

Amber got pissed and said (behind Dani's back) that Dani was trying to take "credit." (Credit?! Wtf is Ms. Paranoia talking about now? The last thing Dani wants is "credit.")

So Dani told Dustin that it doesn't make sense for Amber to say she didn't know that Nick was going on the block. Dani asked why Nick would believe that when Dustin (Amber's BFF) is the one putting Nick up. Dustin tells Amber everything and Nick would never believe it.

Amber is just showing her true colors. Personally, I would hate to see how she behaves on drugs if this is how she behaves without them.

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Ugh. At the start of this week, Dustin was my favorite house guest, but between him acting like an arrogant queen and her being so paranoid about everything, I'm through with the both of them. From now on, my CBS poll votes will go to someone else!!!

...Now I just have to figure out which house guest gets them. Because I don't really like any of the other people inside the house anymore either.

I miss Janelle. :(

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Amber is just out of control with that crying and flip flopping and her super embellishing of conversations. I hope Dick gets HOH and puts her and Dustin up...sounds like he just might.

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He probably wouldn't. Dani would talk him out of it. Especially since Kail and Jen are still in the house. Although he would probably also put up Jameka now, just because no one can trust her decisions (and by her decisions, of course I mean God's decision to make her make odd game moves).

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I loved when Dick said tonight " The only thing gayer than 2 gay guys together is watching Amber and Dustin together"

He said they both make him sick and they have to go. Amber drives me nuts with her constant talking about how she is such a good and honest person. 2 minutes later she is always talking bad about somebody who has nothing ill to say about her at the time. And you can guarentee by the end of her bashing she will be crying that she is such a good and wonderful person again.

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Although he would probably also put up Jameka now, just because no one can trust her decisions (and by her decisions, of course I mean God's decision to make her make odd game moves)

Its not that her game moves are odd, I think Dick might put her up because he can't control her what with the higher power and all. Dick is all about controlling everyone elses moves and votes.

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Amber wants everyone to always be begging her for forgiveness.

Can you imagine what a messed up daughter she is creating. She probalby shunns her daughter all the time and makes her daughter always wanting her mother's approval. Poor little girl.

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her daughter shouldn't be messed up........i mean, her mother is SOOOOOOOOOO well adjusted. and to top it off.......she is loved JUST AS MUCH as the freakin' dog is. no more, no less. WTF? :shocking:

:sing: craaaaaaaazy, crazy for feeling this way :sing:

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I love my dogs a LOT but for Amber to say she would die for her dog was a little much. She said she loves her dog and her daughter equaly. I heard the original conversation Dick and Amber has about that. Bazarr

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ya, what's with that comment--that she loves the dog every bit as much as her daughter???

Hey, I'm a pet lover, I've been truly devastated when I've had to put them down, and took a really long time to get over it.

But c'mon....they were my pets. Beloved pets, adored pets, sure--but they weren't my kids.

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I could not believe the dog conversation. Loved the dog as much as her daughter? That's swell. I'm sure her daughter will be happy to have that repeated back to her some day. Also, what sort of irresponsible parent would give their life for a dog when they have a child? Is the dog going to raise the child? Amber has officially plummetted to about where Kale is for being my most disliked.

Amber's a freaking idiot. Full stop.

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I hate to say it, but I think both Waaamber & Danile are drama queens. They both like the attention of someone being mad at them. I'm sick of both and would like to see them both up and going at eachother.

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Dani is a whiner but Amber takes the cake. Danielle did at least try to talk to her and straighten out the situation but Amber didn't want to. She'll probably be crying in DR on the next show about how mean Danielle is to her. She's too flaky for me.

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The crying can be annoying, and so can be the flip-flopping about people in the house, but, as someone said earlier, the dog conversation just was way out there. To say that her dog and her child is equal is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard, and, trust me, I know many over-the-top dog lovers. She needs to enter some counseling.

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Seeming as how the Mike Vick dogfighting case is constantly in the headlines and the woman with three infant bodies found in her yard is barely a blip on Google news, it appears that more people are "pet" people than "child" people. Not flaming, just observing.

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